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On right click event with multiple items not working.


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Hey. On my crates skript I have noticed a rise in glitches, mostly being when you try to right click on the block with the key, if the key is in a stack of more than 1 it will not think that the key is a key.

Here is my code:

on right click:
   if "%region at player%" contains "crates":
      if event-block is chest:
         if name of player's held item is "&a&lPlaytime Crate Key":
            cancel event
            remove 1 of event-item from player's inventory

Is there any way to make it so that if the player has over 1 of the item, it will still register as the item and not some other item.

Owner of ikeysurviv.minehut.gg



[LEGEND] on Minehut


In-game name - ikeyIX

Discord name - ikeyIX#2007

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