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I'm Making a LastLife Skript but It doesn't work?


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13 hours ago, Patsteaks123 said:

Skript Plugins: Skript, Skript-Gui, SkBee, skRayFall, MorzakSk

I get 14 errors, Tell me if I am missing plugins or not


LastLife.txt 1.66 kB · 0 downloads

could you send the errors?




Owner of Lifestealed, Labs, Encore, UNOfficially and Observed

OG [VIP] 12/26/20 - 10/27/2021
OG [PRO] 12/27/21 - 11/18/2022
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[DEFAULT] 3/14/2023 - 5/8/2024

[MOD] 5/8/2024 - Present


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14 hours ago, AgentGamerPro said:

could you send the errors?

Well this is the new skript two errors on this new one still fixing them

 prefix: &8&o<< &c&l&oPLF &o&8>>

 # Edit the first two to anything

 {maxlifes.%player%} = 10
 {lifes.%player%} = 3
 {ban.%player%} = 0
 {boogey.%player%} = 0

 # Edit the first 1 if you want everyone with extra lifes

on first join:
 set {lifes.%player%} to 3
 set {ban.%player%} to 0

 # Don't Edit Down Here Unless you know what you are doing!

on death of player:
 if victim is player:
  set {lifes.%player%} to {lifes.%player%}-1
  broadcast "&c%player% has died they now have %{lifes.%player%}% lifes"
  if {lifes.%player%} < 0:
  set {ban.%player%} to 1
  broadcast "&c&l&oRIP &f&c%player% has lost all their lifes..."
  execute console command "/gamemode %player% spectator"

 # Commands

command /boogeyman [<player>]:
 permission: lastlife.admin.boogeyman
  broadcast "{@prefix}"
  broadcast "&cBoogey man has been choosen"
  broadcast "{@prefix}"
  set {boogey.%player%} to {boogeyman.%player%}+1
  send "{@prefix}" to player
  send  "&c&lYou are the BoogeyMan" to {boogey.%player%}
  send "&cYou have 1 minute to kill a player" to {boogey.%player%}
  send "{@prefix}" to {boogey.%player%}
  wait 1 minute
  if {boogey.%player%} = 1:
  set {lifes.%player%} to {lifes.%player%}-1
  set {boogey.%player%} to {boogey.%player%}-1
  send "{@prefix}" to {boogey.%player%}
  send "&cYou failed to kill anyone in time!" to {boogey.%player%}
  send "{@prefix}" to {boogey.%player%}

 # Boogey Man Manager

on death of player:
 if attacker is {boogey.%player%}:
  set {boogey.%player%} to %player%
  broadcast "{@prefix}"
  broadcast "&c%{boogey.%player%}% was the BoogeyMan and killed %victim%..."
  broadcast "{@prefix}"

command /boogeycheck:
 permission: lastlife.admin.boogeyman
  set {boogey.%player%} to %player%
  send "{@prefix}"
  send "&c%{boogey.%player%}% is the boogeyman"
  send "{@prefix}"


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5 hours ago, Patsteaks123 said:

Well this is the new skript two errors on this new one still fixing them

 prefix: &8&o<< &c&l&oPLF &o&8>>

 # Edit the first two to anything

 {maxlifes.%player%} = 10
 {lifes.%player%} = 3
 {ban.%player%} = 0
 {boogey.%player%} = 0

 # Edit the first 1 if you want everyone with extra lifes

on first join:
 set {lifes.%player%} to 3
 set {ban.%player%} to 0

 # Don't Edit Down Here Unless you know what you are doing!

on death of player:
 if victim is player:
  set {lifes.%player%} to {lifes.%player%}-1
  broadcast "&c%player% has died they now have %{lifes.%player%}% lifes"
  if {lifes.%player%} < 0:
  set {ban.%player%} to 1
  broadcast "&c&l&oRIP &f&c%player% has lost all their lifes..."
  execute console command "/gamemode %player% spectator"

 # Commands

command /boogeyman [<player>]:
 permission: lastlife.admin.boogeyman
  broadcast "{@prefix}"
  broadcast "&cBoogey man has been choosen"
  broadcast "{@prefix}"
  set {boogey.%player%} to {boogeyman.%player%}+1
  send "{@prefix}" to player
  send  "&c&lYou are the BoogeyMan" to {boogey.%player%}
  send "&cYou have 1 minute to kill a player" to {boogey.%player%}
  send "{@prefix}" to {boogey.%player%}
  wait 1 minute
  if {boogey.%player%} = 1:
  set {lifes.%player%} to {lifes.%player%}-1
  set {boogey.%player%} to {boogey.%player%}-1
  send "{@prefix}" to {boogey.%player%}
  send "&cYou failed to kill anyone in time!" to {boogey.%player%}
  send "{@prefix}" to {boogey.%player%}

 # Boogey Man Manager

on death of player:
 if attacker is {boogey.%player%}:
  set {boogey.%player%} to %player%
  broadcast "{@prefix}"
  broadcast "&c%{boogey.%player%}% was the BoogeyMan and killed %victim%..."
  broadcast "{@prefix}"

command /boogeycheck:
 permission: lastlife.admin.boogeyman
  set {boogey.%player%} to %player%
  send "{@prefix}"
  send "&c%{boogey.%player%}% is the boogeyman"
  send "{@prefix}"


Send The Errors




Owner of Lifestealed, Labs, Encore, UNOfficially and Observed

OG [VIP] 12/26/20 - 10/27/2021
OG [PRO] 12/27/21 - 11/18/2022
OG [LEGEND] 11/18/2022 - 3/14/2023
[DEFAULT] 3/14/2023 - 5/8/2024

[MOD] 5/8/2024 - Present


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  • 2 weeks later...

You need to check how you set the boogeyman variable. I see you sending messages like it represents a player, but it is set to a number and even to a per-player variable.


Main MC account: Gam3rBoi (VIP in MH)

Alt MC account: *Gam3rBoi2147

Farcade server owner

Skripter with 6+ months experience + time learning coding concepts

Message me through the forums if you need anything!

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