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i need a nick skript


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52 minutes ago, S5_FrozTie said:

i need just a normal nick skript but if you want to make or give me a fancy one i would be so happy also merry Christmas!


This Skript Is Untested... Merry Christmas 🙂


# PLEASE NOTE: This Uses A Custom Chat Format. If You Are
# Currently Using A Custom Chat Format VIA Skript, Then
# Change This Skript To Your Needs


	# max-character-length description: the maximum amount of characters you can have in a nickname. (minimum value can be 1)
	max-character-length: 16

	# min-character-length description: the minimum amount of characters you can have in a nickname. (minimum value can be 1)
	min-character-length: 1

	# allow-colors descripton: (true/false) allow colors in nicknames
	allow-colors: true

	# nickname-prefix description: ("~" by default) if a player has a nickname, the set prefix will be behind their nick. Set to "NONE" for no prefix
	nickname-prefix: ~

	# command-base description: ("nick" by default) set the command base to the set value (e.g. /nick <Name> <Nick> could be /setmyname <Name> <Nick>)
	command-base: nick

	# usage-permission description: ("sknick.use" by default) set the permission node for use of the command. Set to "NONE" for no permission needed
	usage-permission: sknick.use

command {@command-base} [<text>] [<text>]:
		if "{@usage-permission}" = "NONE":
			set {_canuse} to true
		else if player has permission "{@usage-permission}":
			set {_canuse} to true
		if {_canuse} is not set:
			send "&cYou cannot use this command!" to player
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send "&6/{@command-base} <Set/Unset>" to player
		if arg-1 is "set":
			if arg-2 is not set:
				send "&6/{@command-base} Set <Nick>%nL%&7Your nick must be between {@min-character-length} and {@max-character-length} characters long" to player
				if length of arg-2 > {@max-character-length}:
					send "&cYour nickname is too long!" to player
				if length of arg-2 < {@min-character-length}:
					send "&cYour nickname is too short!" to player
				if {@allow-colors} is true:
					set {Nick::%player's uuid%} to colored arg-2
					send "&6Your nick has been changed to %colored arg-2%" to player
				if {@allow-colors} is false:
					set {Nick::%player's uuid%} to uncolored arg-2
					send "&6Your nick has been changed to %uncolored arg-2%" to player
		else if arg-1 is "unset":
			clear {Nick::%player's uuid%}
			send "&6Your nick has been removed!" to player
			send "&6/{@command-base} <Set/Unset>" to player

on chat:
	if "{@nickname-prefix}" = "NONE":
		set {_nickfinal} to {Nick::%player's uuid%}
		set {_nickfinal} to "{@nickname-prefix}%{Nick::%player's uuid%}%"
	if {Nick::%player's uuid%} is set:
		set chat format to "<%{_nickfinal}%&f>: %message%"
		set chat format to "<%player%>: %message%"


Edited by AgentGamerPro




Owner of Lifestealed, Labs, Encore, UNOfficially and Observed

OG [VIP] 12/26/20 - 10/27/2021
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[DEFAULT] 3/14/2023 - 5/8/2024

[MOD] 5/8/2024 - Present


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9 minutes ago, AgentGamerPro said:


This Skript Is Untested... Merry Christmas 🙂


# PLEASE NOTE: This Uses A Custom Chat Format. If You Are
# Currently Using A Custom Chat Format VIA Skript, Then
# Change This Skript To Your Needs


	# max-character-length description: the maximum amount of characters you can have in a nickname. (minimum value can be 1)
	max-character-length: 16

	# min-character-length description: the minimum amount of characters you can have in a nickname. (minimum value can be 1)
	min-character-length: 1

	# allow-colors descripton: (true/false) allow colors in nicknames
	allow-colors: true

	# nickname-prefix description: ("~" by default) if a player has a nickname, the set prefix will be behind their nick. Set to "NONE" for no prefix
	nickname-prefix: ~

	# command-base description: ("nick" by default) set the command base to the set value (e.g. /nick <Name> <Nick> could be /setmyname <Name> <Nick>)
	command-base: nick

	# usage-permission description: ("sknick.use" by default) set the permission node for use of the command. Set to "NONE" for no permission needed
	usage-permission: sknick.use

command {@command-base} [<text>] [<text>]:
		if "{@usage-permission}" = "NONE":
			set {_canuse} to true
		else if player has permission "{@usage-permission}":
			set {_canuse} to true
		if {_canuse} is not set:
			send "&cYou cannot use this command!" to player
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send "&6/{@command-base} <Set/Unset>" to player
		if arg-1 is "set":
			if arg-2 is not set:
				send "&6/{@command-base} Set <Nick>%nL%&7Your nick must be between {@min-character-length} and {@max-character-length} characters long" to player
				if length of arg-2 > {@max-character-length}:
					send "&cYour nickname is too long!" to player
				if length of arg-2 < {@min-character-length}:
					send "&cYour nickname is too short!" to player
				if {@allow-colors} is true:
					set {Nick::%player's uuid%} to colored arg-2
					send "&6Your nick has been changed to %colored arg-2%" to player
				if {@allow-colors} is false:
					set {Nick::%player's uuid%} to uncolored arg-2
					send "&6Your nick has been changed to %uncolored arg-2%" to player
		else if arg-1 is "unset":
			clear {Nick::%player's uuid%}
			send "&6Your nick has been removed!" to player
			send "&6/{@command-base} <Set/Unset>" to player

on chat:
	if {@nickname-prefix} is "NONE":
		set {_nickfinal} to {Nick::%player's uuid%}
		set {_nickfinal} to "{@nickname-prefix}%{Nick::%player's uuid%}%"
	if {Nick::%player's uuid%} is set:
		set chat format to "<%{_nickfinal}%&f>: %message%"
		set chat format to "<%player%>: %message%"


it doesnt work but heres what it says


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22 minutes ago, S5_FrozTie said:

it doesnt work but heres what it says


i edited the skript, it should work now




Owner of Lifestealed, Labs, Encore, UNOfficially and Observed

OG [VIP] 12/26/20 - 10/27/2021
OG [PRO] 12/27/21 - 11/18/2022
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[DEFAULT] 3/14/2023 - 5/8/2024

[MOD] 5/8/2024 - Present


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35 minutes ago, AgentGamerPro said:


This Skript Is Untested... Merry Christmas 🙂


# PLEASE NOTE: This Uses A Custom Chat Format. If You Are
# Currently Using A Custom Chat Format VIA Skript, Then
# Change This Skript To Your Needs


	# max-character-length description: the maximum amount of characters you can have in a nickname. (minimum value can be 1)
	max-character-length: 16

	# min-character-length description: the minimum amount of characters you can have in a nickname. (minimum value can be 1)
	min-character-length: 1

	# allow-colors descripton: (true/false) allow colors in nicknames
	allow-colors: true

	# nickname-prefix description: ("~" by default) if a player has a nickname, the set prefix will be behind their nick. Set to "NONE" for no prefix
	nickname-prefix: ~

	# command-base description: ("nick" by default) set the command base to the set value (e.g. /nick <Name> <Nick> could be /setmyname <Name> <Nick>)
	command-base: nick

	# usage-permission description: ("sknick.use" by default) set the permission node for use of the command. Set to "NONE" for no permission needed
	usage-permission: sknick.use

command {@command-base} [<text>] [<text>]:
		if "{@usage-permission}" = "NONE":
			set {_canuse} to true
		else if player has permission "{@usage-permission}":
			set {_canuse} to true
		if {_canuse} is not set:
			send "&cYou cannot use this command!" to player
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send "&6/{@command-base} <Set/Unset>" to player
		if arg-1 is "set":
			if arg-2 is not set:
				send "&6/{@command-base} Set <Nick>%nL%&7Your nick must be between {@min-character-length} and {@max-character-length} characters long" to player
				if length of arg-2 > {@max-character-length}:
					send "&cYour nickname is too long!" to player
				if length of arg-2 < {@min-character-length}:
					send "&cYour nickname is too short!" to player
				if {@allow-colors} is true:
					set {Nick::%player's uuid%} to colored arg-2
					send "&6Your nick has been changed to %colored arg-2%" to player
				if {@allow-colors} is false:
					set {Nick::%player's uuid%} to uncolored arg-2
					send "&6Your nick has been changed to %uncolored arg-2%" to player
		else if arg-1 is "unset":
			clear {Nick::%player's uuid%}
			send "&6Your nick has been removed!" to player
			send "&6/{@command-base} <Set/Unset>" to player

on chat:
	if "{@nickname-prefix}" = "NONE":
		set {_nickfinal} to {Nick::%player's uuid%}
		set {_nickfinal} to "{@nickname-prefix}%{Nick::%player's uuid%}%"
	if {Nick::%player's uuid%} is set:
		set chat format to "<%{_nickfinal}%&f>: %message%"
		set chat format to "<%player%>: %message%"



2 minutes ago, AgentGamerPro said:

i edited the skript, it should work now

it still doesnt work it doesnt show up in tab is use the tab plugin or in chat

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8 minutes ago, S5_FrozTie said:


it still doesnt work it doesnt show up in tab is use the tab plugin or in chat

it only works for chat




Owner of Lifestealed, Labs, Encore, UNOfficially and Observed

OG [VIP] 12/26/20 - 10/27/2021
OG [PRO] 12/27/21 - 11/18/2022
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[DEFAULT] 3/14/2023 - 5/8/2024

[MOD] 5/8/2024 - Present


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7 hours ago, S5_FrozTie said:

i need just a normal nick skript but if you want to make or give me a fancy one i would be so happy also merry Christmas!

Hi S5_FrozTie!

I moved your post  to market place so you can get more responses.
Please post under the correct category next time.


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2 hours ago, skPnguin said:

Just do set %player's displayname% to %colored arg-2%. always works for me

didnt know you could change display names lmao. thanks




Owner of Lifestealed, Labs, Encore, UNOfficially and Observed

OG [VIP] 12/26/20 - 10/27/2021
OG [PRO] 12/27/21 - 11/18/2022
OG [LEGEND] 11/18/2022 - 3/14/2023
[DEFAULT] 3/14/2023 - 5/8/2024

[MOD] 5/8/2024 - Present


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