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I need help with skript


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I made this zapper skript, it works, but i want it so you cant strike players or villagers.

heres what i have now

on rightclick:
	if player's tool is blaze rod named "&6Zapper":
		strike lightning at the targeted entity
		if player's tool is blaze rod named "&6Zapper":
			if entity is a villager:
				cancel event
				send "&cYou cant strike this entity" to player
			if player's tool is blaze rod named "&6Zapper":
				if entity is player:
					cancel event
					send "&cYou cant strike this entity" to 

It doesnt work no errors



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You use an if statement to check if the player has a named blaze rod in his hand. The else condition should trigger when the player DOES NOT hold a blaze rod named zapper currently, yet u again check if the player's tool is a named blaze rod. Therefore, the else statement, will trigger if he isnt holding a named blaze rod and end immediately. This can be confusing, and if you want i can discuss it further in personal messages!

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