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Having trouble giving a specific player an item. (Basketball Game)


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My skript keeps messing up because I've tried 2 things. 

The first thing was to assign variables to it:

command /basketball <offlineplayer> <offlineplayer>:
        player1 = "%arg-1%"
        player2 = "%arg-2%"
        send "&d%arg-1% and %arg-2% are playing a basketball match."
        give stick named "&dTackle" to player1
        give stick named "&dTackle" to player2
        give stick named "&dPass" to player1
        give stick named "&dPass" to player2

Then the second thing was to just do the simple thing:

command /basketball <offlineplayer> <offlineplayer>:
        send "&d%arg-1% and %arg-2% are playing a basketball match."
        give stick named "&dTackle" to %arg-1%
        give stick named "&dTackle" to %arg-2%
        give stick named "&dPass" to %arg-1%
        give stick named "&dPass" to %arg-2%

Nothing worked. Please help!


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28 minutes ago, JustSeadragon said:
command /basketball <offlineplayer> <offlineplayer>:
        send "&d%arg-1% and %arg-2% are playing a basketball match."
        give stick named "&dTackle" to %arg-1%
        give stick named "&dTackle" to %arg-2%
        give stick named "&dPass" to %arg-1%
        give stick named "&dPass" to %arg-2%
command /basketball <offlineplayer> <offlineplayer>:
        send "&d%arg-1% and %arg-2% are playing a basketball match." to player
        give stick named "&dTackle" to arg-1
        give stick named "&dTackle" to arg-2
        give stick named "&dPass" to arg-1
        give stick named "&dPass" to arg-2

I dont think that will work, but try it

Edited by Lapzzo



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command /basketball <player> <player>:
        broadcast "&d%arg-1% and %arg-2% are playing a basketball match."
        add stick named "&dTackle" to arg-1's inventory
        add stick named "&dTackle" to arg-2's inventory
        add stick named "&dPass" to arg-1's inventory
        add stick named "&dPass" to arg-2's inventory

This should work. Let me know if it doesn't.

Here is what you did wrong:

  1. In the last 4 lines arg-1 and arg-2 should not be converted into strings and thus do not need the %%.
  2. Offline players cannot play basketball against each other so the command should use the <player> argument.
  3. I am not sure if "send <string>" is valid syntax so I replaced it with what I know should work. ("broadcast <string>)
  4. I am not sure if the "give <item> <player>" syntax works so I replaced it with what I know should work.

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