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Appeal Format


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You can appeal with these easy steps that you can find under here. if 1 of these steps is incorrect, the appeal won't be valid.

Step 1: Type the word "Appeal"

Step 2: Nickname

Step 3: Reason for ban/mute

Step 4: Reason appeal 

Incorrect Example:

✅ 1. Appeal

✅ 2. Jake645

✅ 3. Hacking

❌ 4. I don't care, it was fun.

Correct Example:

✅ 1. Appeal

✅ 2. Jake645

✅ 3. Hacking

✅ 4. This was actually not my intention to do, so i will not hack anymore and will behave like a good player as it should.

It is not allowed to abuse this feature

Edited by Zyrar
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