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i need help with my loot rain skript.

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every 1 minute:
    set {_x} to random integer between -30 and 24
    set {_z} to random integer between 11 and -40
    broadcast "&2 &l There is a loot rain at %{_x}% , 68 %{_z}% which will begin in 30 seconds. get ready to catch the loot and not get killed!"
    execute console command "/summon minecraft:item %{_X}% 68 %{_z}% {Item:{id:"wooden_sword",Count:1,tag:{HideFlags:4}}}"


i've been able to make it announce a loot rain and announce random coords but it will not summon a wooden sword. i will change it to every 1 hr and make it drop an item from a data table later

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10 hours ago, bob23456284524 said:

every 1 minute:
    set {_x} to random integer between -30 and 24
    set {_z} to random integer between 11 and -40
    broadcast "&2 &l There is a loot rain at %{_x}% , 68 %{_z}% which will begin in 30 seconds. get ready to catch the loot and not get killed!"
    execute console command "/summon minecraft:item %{_X}% 68 %{_z}% {Item:{id:"wooden_sword",Count:1,tag:{HideFlags:4}}}"


i've been able to make it announce a loot rain and announce random coords but it will not summon a wooden sword. i will change it to every 1 hr and make it drop an item from a data table later

try this

drop wooden sword at location({_x}, 150, {_z})





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