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How To Party Up


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M H D u n g e o n | O f f i c i a l   p o s t
Partying up with other players

If you have ever played MHDungeon.minehut.gg im sure you are aware that there is a feature to party with other players. Wheater it's with people you met in-game or some of your friends. Whatever the case, it's important to bring along people who you can play with. This makes dungeons much more easier to progress in, and just better for the community.
In this post, we will tell you how to properly make a post about asking to party up with people on the forums. This post may change from time to time depending on updates and suggestions from the community. We ask you to follow these guidelines and hope that you can make some friends here. We will leave a template at the bottom of this post so you can copy+paste it into yours
Name - Stating your in game name is important if you want people to know how to party with you. If you don't state your name it can cause alot of confusion if your in game name isn't the same as your forums account name.

Level - Level is important, as you could have op gear while a newcomer has leather armor. We don't like boosting and players will be removed from parties if they are caught boosting. To help with this, we created a level system so players can understand what dungeons they can most likely complete. It's also suggested that you put what dungeons you plan on doing, their level, and their difficulty to give more understanding to players.
Description - There are multiple things to do in dungeons. Farming xp, killing bosses, looting, etc. It's best you make players understand what your goal is. Your description has to be something along those lines. It doesn't have to be long, like you're writing an essay. It can be simple, as long as it explains what you're going to be doing.
Extra - If you have any requirements for your party, like having a lightning sword, you can type them in the extra section. This section is optional and doesn't have to be added, it's only for your benefit as to make sure players are up for the task.
Now that we have listed all the necessary things required for a post in here, it's time to show you a template.
Name: AgentGamerPro
Level: 15+, medium dungeon, Caverns
Description: We're going to be farming mobs for experience, to level up.
Extra: Be cool and have good armor 🙂




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