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	P: &8&l[&3&lMLG&c&lArena&8&l] #prefix
	MLGCOOLDOWN: 1 seconds

command /mlg [<text>]:
		if arg 1 is not set:
			if {MLGARENA} is true:
				set {playermlg::%player%} to true
				teleport player to {mlgspawn}
				clear player's inventory
				give player 2304 water bucket named "&8&l[&3&lMLG&c&lBUCKET&8&l]"
			if {MLGARENA} is false:
				message "{@P} &cMLG ARENA IS DISABLED!"
		if arg 1 is "on" or "enable" or "true":
			player does not have the permission "mlg.admin":
				message "{@P} &cNo Permissions"
			player has permission "mlg.admin":
				set {MLGARENA} to true
				broadcast "{@P} &cMLG ARENA ENABLED"
		if arg 1 is "off" or "disable" or "false":
			player does not have the permission "mlg.admin":
				message "{@P} &cNo Permissions"
			player has permission "mlg.admin":
				set {MLGARENA} to false
				broadcast "{@P} &cMLG ARENA DISABLED"
		if arg 1 is "setspawn" or "spawn":
			player does not have the permission "mlg.admin":
				message "{@P} &cNo Permissions"
			player has permission "mlg.admin":
				set {mlgspawn} to player's location
				message "{@P} &cMLG SPAWN SET"
		if arg 1 is "help":
			player has permission "mlg.admin":
				message "{@P} &cTo set mlg location /mlg setspawn"
				message "{@P} &cTo enable MLG Arena /mlg on"
				message "{@P} &cTo disable MLG Arena /mlg off"
			message "{@P} &cTo Join Arena /mlg"
		if arg 1 is "leave":
			if {playermlg::%player%} is true:
				message "{@P} &cYou have left the MLG ARENA!"
				make console execute command "/spawn %player%"
				make console execute command "/clear %player%"
			if {playermlg::%player%} is false:
				message "{@P} &cYou are not in the MLG ARENA!"
on bucket empty:
	if {playermlg::%player%} is true:
		if {MLGARENA} is true:
			set {_waited} to difference between {mlgcooldown.%player%.lastused} and now
			if {_waited} is less than {@MLGCOOLDOWN}:
				message "{@P} &cPlease Wait!"
				cancel the event
				set {mlgcooldown.%player%.lastused} to now
				wait 0.5 seconds
				set block at event-location to air
				wait 0.5 second
				make console execute command "/mlg"
				broadcast "{@P} &c%player% Made a clutch MLG"
				set {playermlg::%player%} to false
on death of player:
	if {playermlg::%player%} is true:
		set {playermlg::%player%} to false
		clear drops
		make player execute command "/mlg"

on death:
    wait 10 tick
    if {playermlg::%player%} is true:
        execute player command "/mlg"



IGN ➣ Pickey ( Soon ) 
Joined MineHut ➣ January 7th 2019
Joined Forums ➣ January 11th 2021
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Best Job: Badlion ( Client Moderator [ Failed Trial / Demoted] )
Retired From: InvadedLands ( Moderator )
Retired From:  MineTime ( Sr.Moderator )
Retired From: Hero Mines ( Helper )
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