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My friend cant break blocks in my server and I don't know why.

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I have started using minehut to crossplay between bedrock and java and when i got my friend to play on my server (who is the bedrock user) with me (the java user/host of the server) I was expecting to be able to play normally yet when he tried to chop down wood he was not able to break the block so I tried using permission plugins, I tried giving them operator, removing the plugins, looking at others situations and trying the same solution. Yet I still can't find a solution as for my situation i appreciate if anyone could tell me a possible fix for this.

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28 minutes ago, capableangstyteen said:

I have started using minehut to crossplay between bedrock and java and when i got my friend to play on my server (who is the bedrock user) with me (the java user/host of the server) I was expecting to be able to play normally yet when he tried to chop down wood he was not able to break the block so I tried using permission plugins, I tried giving them operator, removing the plugins, looking at others situations and trying the same solution. Yet I still can't find a solution as for my situation i appreciate if anyone could tell me a possible fix for this.

The only fix is to set your friend's gamemode to survival mode whenever he's logs on, but if you want a automatic way of doing this, install the plugin "Skript", restart your server, after the server restarts, go to file manager, plugins, Skript, scripts and create a new file, name it what ever, open it, paste in the below and then save the file, after you saved the file, run "/sk reload <whatever you named the file>", now whenever a bedrock user joined, they should be put into survival mode, please note, I haven't tested this so it may not work, if it doesn't, let me know.

on join:
	if player's name contains "*":
		set player's gamemode to survival

Also, please post in Help next time please.

Edited by Houlton

I'm just a known player who been playing since the 24 July 2019.

Please don't DM me for support, go here (if you don't mind waiting) or join Minehut's Discord (which is more active) if you need assistance.


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this has happened to me before. With no plugins, make sure you are both on the latest version of minecraft. This worked for me




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