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Inadequate SMP | Skripters and Builders Needed!

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Inadequate SMP
Inadequate SMP is a modded SMP server that is currently in development!
With features such as a custom made map, custom ore generation, custom mobs and bosses with rare drops,
loot and surprises spread across the world, villages and builds spread about, interactive npcs,
custom quests and achievements, and so much more

Staff Needed
Open roles:

Skript Designer | [5] | Designs basic, intermediate, and advanced skripts depending on what
                                 is needed for the server. Must be advanced in skripting and able to
work with other and be versatile.         

Builder | [5] | Able to build small and large scale builds of multiple themes depending on
    what is needed, able to work with and as a team and be active

To apply for either of these roles, message me on discord (Inadequately#4317) with
some information about you, your talents, and previous experience.
All applicants (for builder or skripter) must provide a portfolio with past work and come on for a build / skript test!

Sneak peek of the map


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Wasting time on minehut since 2016

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(not anymore lol) Support since 7/3/2019

🏆 Achievements 🏆
Top Monthly Contributor | July
100 Forum Posts | 7/12/2019

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