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[UPDATE] Stopping development for KitPvP (for now) - Adding duels!


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For now, until future updates, and more to the server, we will be stopping the development for KitPvP! We had A LOT, and I mean A LOT of major bugs, for stuff like:

  •  Issuing the command: /kp kits I DON'T KNOW WHICH COMMAND YET!
  •  Issuing the command: /kit pvp  I DON'T KNOW WHICH COMMAND YET!
  •  Not a good enough map to pvp in.

 And A LOT more other bugs...

Instead, we decided to add duels to the server! Another thing like KitPvP, but 1v1s.. The development for duels will take up to: 1 week - 1 month worth of development! When we will have the server open for BETA TESTERS, you might need to apply! (Links down below) Tell me your thoughts about this decision! (Tell us your thoughts and opinions in the comments or select an answer on the poll!)

Links to things for the server:
If there is any bugs to the server, or to the forums - 
If you want to apply for access to the Open BETA sessions -  

 Senior Administrator

on RazorKits since 7/29/19 (July 29, 2019)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPPmXwJYYCPKDgwfgkQm7NQ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DunawayYT


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