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i Can't use the tp command to my friends?


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When in game when i try to use the tp command when i click enter it just sits there says nothing in the chat and nothing happens.


And how do you switch your world to creative? i switched it in the server website thing but when i come back to the world its still not switched

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Using Commands: make sure you are using the correct command and that you are opped (/op {username}) in the console.
Changing server gamemode: make sure you change the server gamemode from the server properties tab in the console, save your server, and restart. once you do this, new players who join will be in creative mode. If you want, you can turn on "force gamemode" which is also in the server properties tab of console. doing this makes everyone automatically in creative mode every time they join.

also, this is in the wrong category, it belongs in Community Support, not general. thanks!

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