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Appeal Format ban/mute


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Appeal Template

Please follow this template while you are appealing for your ban or mute otherwise we will instantly deny your application.
Minecraft IGN:

Discord IGN (If in discord):

Date of punishment:

What type of punishment have you received:

Why have you been punished:

Are you guilty:

Why do you wanna appeal?:


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Minecraft IGN: Bruhskii_

Discord IGN (If in discord):

Date of punishment: I don't know, I logged into minecraft and tried to join a Minehut server but it called me a bot

What type of punishment have you received: Bot?

Why have you been punished: I don't know I haven't logged on in years.

Are you guilty: I don't think so.

Why do you wanna appeal?: To ben unbanned so I can play with my friends in a Minehut server

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