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Random Item

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Uh so I haven't used this before, so I hope im doing this correctly

Im trying to make a skript that gives the player a random item every 30 or so seconds, but so the player can toggle it on/off, and I don't know what i'm doing wrong, since im still fairly new to using skript!


every 10 seconds in world "world":
    loop all players:
        if {randomizer::%player's uuid%} is 1:
            set {%loop-player's uuid%::random} to random integer between 1 and 2267
            execute console command "/give %loop-player% %{%loop-player's uuid%::random}% 1"
            send "&aRecived Random Item" to loop-player


command /gen:
        if {randomizer::%player's uuid%} is 1:
            set {randomizer::%player's uuid} to 0
            set {randomizer:%player's uuid} to 1


Could someone help me fix this?? Please and thanks!

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command /gen:
        if {randomizer::%player's uuid%} is 1:
            set {randomizer::%player's uuid} to 0
            set {randomizer:%player's uuid} to 1

You need to put % in the front and back of each player's uuid.



    loop all players:
        if {randomizer::%player's uuid%} is 1:

In a loop skript, you need to use %loop-player% instead of %player%.



every 10 seconds in world "world":
    loop all players:
        if {randomizer::%loop-player's uuid%} is 1:
            set {%loop-player's uuid%::random} to random integer between 1 and 2267
            execute console command "/give %loop-player% %{%loop-player's uuid%::random}% 1"
            send "&aRecived Random Item" to loop-player


command /gen:
        if {randomizer::%player's uuid%} is 1:
            set {randomizer::%player's uuid%} to 0
            set {randomizer:%player's uuid%} to 1


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17 hours ago, AtlanticEX said:


command /gen:
        if {randomizer::%player's uuid%} is 1:
            set {randomizer::%player's uuid} to 0
            set {randomizer:%player's uuid} to 1

You need to put % in the front and back of each player's uuid.



    loop all players:
        if {randomizer::%player's uuid%} is 1:

In a loop skript, you need to use %loop-player% instead of %player%.



every 10 seconds in world "world":
    loop all players:
        if {randomizer::%loop-player's uuid%} is 1:
            set {%loop-player's uuid%::random} to random integer between 1 and 2267
            execute console command "/give %loop-player% %{%loop-player's uuid%::random}% 1"
            send "&aRecived Random Item" to loop-player


command /gen:
        if {randomizer::%player's uuid%} is 1:
            set {randomizer::%player's uuid%} to 0
            set {randomizer:%player's uuid%} to 1


Thanks!! 😄


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