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XEVI Ultimate staff tools!

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NOTE IN ADVANCE: You must remove chat managing plugins(EssentialsChat, etc), as this might cause issues with mutechat, and muting players.


Welcome to XEVI ultimate staff tools! Do /xevi in-game to see a list of staff commands. This plugin is completely free. By downloading the file, you agree that you will not modify the command such that it discredits the author(me) in ways such as  but not limited to changing the message prefixes, permission names, etc.



-Screenshare: Gives a player blindness and freezes the player at spawn, while sending him a warning message on how to screenshare.

-Suspend: Puts the player in gamemode spectator, and remembers the player's prior position and gamemode

And regular staff commands

For support on this Skript, please dm me on discord at Trainer_X#4325.


xevi.gui : Allows holder to list XEVI commands.

xevi.silent: Allows holder to toggle whether staff commands are executed silently. True by default.

xevi.ban: Allows holder to ban players, permanently.

xevi.tempban: Allows holder to tempoarily ban players

xevi.unban: Allows holder to unban players, regardless of tempoarily or permanently.

xevi.mute: Allows holder to mute players, permanently.

xevi.tempmute: Allows holder to tempoarily mute players

xevi.unmute: Allows holder to unmute players, regardless of tempoarily or permanently.

xevi.silentmute: Allows holder to silently mute a player. The victim will be the only one seeing messages he sent.

xevi.silentunmute: Allows holder to silently unmute a player.

xevi.suspend: Allows holder to suspend a player

xevi.unsuspend: Allows holder to unsuspend a player

xevi.screenshare: Allows holder to force a player to screenshare.

xevi.unscreenshare: Allows holder to stop a player from screensharing.

xevi.clearchat: Allows holder to clear the chat

xevi.mutechat: Allows holder to mute the chat. This permission is required to talk when chat is muted.

xevi.vanish: Allows holder to magically disappear.

(xevi.nearby does not exist, as by default all players can list players around them.)

xevi.staffchat: Allows player to see staffchat, and chat in staffchat


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I have a suggestion, use:

%player's uuid%

instead of:


This is because, if the user changes their name, their punishment will save.

If the user changes their name without using the uuid, the punishment is only banning the player's username not the user's id.

Edited by Skript
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