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Appeal for innappropriate skin ban


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Username: Lev_19 

Punishment: Banned from minehunt.com

Punishment Length: 10 decades, 10 years, 12 months, 3 weeks, 2 days, 10 hours, 19 minutes and 2 seconds 

Punishment Reason: I was using an innapropriate mine craft skin. 

Explain your punishment: I was wearing an innapropriate mine craft skin but have since changed my skin to something more appropriate and will not use such an innapropriate skin ever again. 

Was the punishment reasonable?: yes and no 

If not, why?:  I think the punishment was reasonable but the length of the punishment was unnecessary. I have since changed my mine craft skin to something more community appropriate and I hope I can get crafting again on minehunt. 

wishing you the best, Lev 

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