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Crazy Crates Plugin Help



Hi so basically I'm using crazy crates and idk why it's not working. I've watched tutorials and stuff and it says it's all right. Can someone help me? (Here is the crate)

  #Type of crate (CSGO/QuadCrate/QuickCrate/Roulette/CrateOnTheGo/FireCracker/Wonder/Wheel/War/Cosmic(This requires a additional info to work.)).
  CrateType: CSGO
  #Name of the Inventory if a GUI crate.
  CrateName: '&6Seagull Crate'
  #The name of the inventory that will be in the preview GUI.
  Preview-Name: '&6Seagull Crate Preview'
  #Starting amount of keys when the player 1st joins.
  StartingKeys: 0
  #If the crate shows in the /cc GUI. (If the crate type is QuickCrate/CrateOnTheGo/FireCracker then the Crate will not work. Quick Crate requires a Physical Crate.)
  InGUI: true
  #Slot the item is in the GUI.
  Slot: 21
  #Enables/Disables the Broadcasts message when they open a crate.
  OpeningBroadCast: true
  #Message that is broadcast when opening the crate.
  BroadCast: '%Prefix%&6&l%Player% &7is opening a &6&lSeagull Chest&6.'
  #Item the crate is in the GUI
  Item: 'CHEST'
  #If the crate in the main /cc GUI is glowing or not.
  Glowing: false
  #Name of the item in the GUI.
  Name: '&6&lSeagull Chest'
  #The lore of the item in the GUI.
    - '&7This crate contains Seagulls stuff.'
    - '&7You have &6%Keys% keys &7to open this crate with.'
    - '&7&l(&e&l!&7&l) Right click to view rewards.'
    #Turn on and off the preview for this crate.
    Toggle: true
    #How many lines the previewChest should have. Including Header and Bottom (Between 3 and 6)
    ChestLines: 6
      #Turn the glass boarder in the preview on and off.
      Toggle: true
      #The item that shows in the boarder. Can be glass or any other item.
    #Name of the Key.
    Name: '&7&lBasic Crate &b&lKey'
    #Lore of the Key.
      - '&7A special Key'
      - '&7For a special Crate.'
    #The item the key is.
    #Makes the key look enchanted.
    Glowing: true
    #Settings for the holograms.
    #Toggle on and off the holograms for the crates.
    Toggle: true
    #The height of the hologram above the crate.
    Height: 1.5
    #The message that will be displayed.
      - '67&lSeagull Chest'
  #All the prizes that can be gotten in the Crate.
      #Name of the item shown by the crate.
      DisplayName: '&c&l3 Diamond Swords
      #Item that is shown by the crate.
      DisplayItem: 'DIAMOND_SWORD'
      #The amount that is displayed.
      DisplayAmount: 1
      #Lore will be shown in rewards GUI.
        - '&7Win a sword to fight opponents!'
        - '&6&lChance: &c&l20%'
      #Adds enchantments to the display item.
        - 'OXYGEN:1'
      #The max range that the chance will go though.
      MaxRange: 100
      #Chance of that item getting picked. It would be 20/100 chance because MaxRange is 100.
      Chance: 20
      #Firework when it is won.
      Firework: false
      #Toggle if the item has a glowing effect but doesn't have an enchantment on it.
      Glowing: false
      #Set the item to 397:3 and then add the players name for this to take effect.
      Player: ''
      #Adds the unbreaking NBT tag to the display item to allow it to have custom textures.
      Unbreakable: false
      #When set to true, tags like Armor, Unbreakable and other tags are hidden and not visible to the user.
      HideItemFlags: false
      # Items that the player wins if this prize is picked. (If you wish not to give an Item in the prize just delete the Items Section) 
      # Items: Options
      # Item:<Item Name> - The item you wish to give.
      # Amount:<Number> - Choose how many of the item you get.
      # Name:<Name> - The display name that goes on the item.
      # Lore:<Line 1>,<Line 2>,<Line 3>,<Line 4> - The lore that will go under the enchantments. Split lines with a ','
      # Unbreakable-Item:<True/False> - Will add the Unbreaking NBT tag to the item to allow custom textured items to be gained through the envoys.
      # <Enchantment>:<Level> - Choose the enchantment you want to add to the item. You can use the in-game names of the enchantment if you want. Replace the spaces in the name with "_".
        - 'Item:DIAMOND_SWORD, Amount:3, Name:&7Crate Sword'
      #Commands are the commands that are run when this prize is won. (If you wish not to use a CMD in the prize just delete the Commands Section)
      #You can use %Player% to get the player that won the prize.
      #Messages: option allows you to send players messages and not have to pm them with commands.
      #If you do not wish to have players get messaged that they won this prize then just remove the Messages: option.
        - '&7You just won a &c&lDiamond Swords&7.'
      #This allows for one time winnable prizes. If a player has one of the permissions then they will not be able to win it.
      BlackListed-Permissions: []
      #This allows users who have won the same prize before to get alternative prizes. They must of a BlackListed-Permission to get a alternative prize.
        #Toggle if the prize will use alternative prizes for the blacklisted permission.
        Toggle: false
        Messages: []
        Commands: []
        Items: []
      DisplayName: '&b&lCoolestlcat'
      DisplayItem: 'DIAMOND_BLOCK'
      DisplayAmount: 1
        - '&7Win a free rank!'
        - '&6&lChance: &c&l1%'
      MaxRange: 100
      Chance: 1
      Fireworks: True
        - 'lp user %player% parent set coolestcat'
        - 'broadcast &c%player% JUST WON COOLEST CAT IN A SEAGULL CRATE'
      DisplayName: '&e&l$10,000'
      DisplayItem: 'SUNFLOWER'
      DisplayAmount: 1
        - '&7Free money.'
        - '&6&lChance: &c&l29%'
      MaxRange: 100
      Chance: 20
      Firework: false
        - 'eco give %Player% 10000'
      # - 'pex user %player% add crazycrates.blacklist.basic.3' #This is the line where you would give the user the permission.
        - '&7You just won &a$10,000&7.'
        - 'crazycrates.blacklist.basic.3'
        Toggle: false
      DisplayName: '&e&l$20,000'
      DisplayItem: 'SUNFLOWER'
      DisplayAmount: 1
        - '&7Free money.'
        - '&6&lChance: &c&l20%'
      MaxRange: 100
      Chance: 20
      Firework: false
        - 'eco give %Player% 20000'
      # - 'pex user %player% add crazycrates.blacklist.basic.3' #This is the line where you would give the user the permission.
        - '&7You just won &a$20,000&7.'
        - 'crazycrates.blacklist.basic.3'
        Toggle: false
      DisplayName: '&e&l$50,000'
      DisplayItem: 'SUNFLOWER'
      DisplayAmount: 1
        - '&7Free money.'
        - '&6&lChance: &c&l10%'
      MaxRange: 100
      Chance: 10
      Firework: true
        - 'eco give %Player% 50000'
        - 'broadcast &c%player% JUST WON $50,000 IN A SEAGULL CRATE'
        - 'broadcast &c%player% JUST WON $50,000 IN A SEAGULL CRATE'
      # - 'pex user %player% add crazycrates.blacklist.basic.3' #This is the line where you would give the user the permission.
        - '&7You just won &a$50,000&7.'
        - 'crazycrates.blacklist.basic.3'
        Toggle: false
      DisplayName: '&b&lCoolcat'
      DisplayItem: 'REDSTONE_BLOCK'
      DisplayAmount: 1
        - '&7Win a free rank!'
        - '&6&lChance: &c&l2%'
      MaxRange: 100
      Chance: 2
      Fireworks: True
        - 'lp user %player% parent set coolcat'
        - 'broadcast &c%player% JUST WON COOL CAT IN A SEAGULL CRATE'
      DisplayName: '&b&lKit Coolcat'
      DisplayItem: 'REDSTONE_BLOCK'
      DisplayAmount: 1
        - '&7Win a free kit!'
        - '&6&lChance: &c&l10%'
      MaxRange: 100
      Chance: 10
      Fireworks: false
        - 'kit coolcat %player%'
        - 'broadcast &c%player% JUST WON KIT COOLCAT IN A SEAGULL CRATE'
      DisplayName: '&b&lKit Coolestcat'
      DisplayItem: 'DIAMOND_BLOCK'
      DisplayAmount: 1
        - '&7Win a free kit!'
        - '&6&lChance: &c&l8%'
      MaxRange: 100
      Chance: 8
      Fireworks: false
        - 'kit coolestcat %player%'
        - 'broadcast &c%player% JUST WON KIT COOLESTCAT IN A SEAGULL CRATE'

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