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Can someone help with pEx permissions?



I've been having trouble with PermsEx and I don't really know how to make it work

I've tried to make some general commands for a hermitcraft-like server and I just want to allow my friends to go into spectator. When I write the command | /pex group lynx add essentials.gmsp | it says "permission 'essentials.gmsp' added to group 'lynx'"

What am I doing wrong? Can someone teach me the basics? I've been using  this


which was linked by another user on a different question, but I can't make it work. I've also tried | /pex group lynx add /gmsp | but it also doesn't work.


If anyone needs pictures of the pEx responses, just ask.

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I know I'm rather late, however you should try giving them "essentials.gamemode" and "essentials.gamemode.spectator"


("/pex group lynx add essentials.gamemode")

("/pex group lynx add essentials.gamemode.spectator")


Let me know if this helps!

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