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Hello. I have been banned on a Minehut server, bosika, to be specific. The issue arises with my internet. I was playing on survival, as was everyone else, when the game started lagging for everybody, including me, and severely. The people playing blamed me for the lagging, and I do agree with that, as my internet is slightly sub-par, and my sister was downloading some movies for a road trip, so my bandwidth was limited. My friends and I on the server tried to figure it out and fix the problem, before deciding that I would just play after everyone else got off, and it was just me and one other person or so. I would leave, and they would message me on discord when to rejoin. After about 30 minutes, someone messaged me to rejoin, so I logged on, and I was having a good time. I didn't know this at the time, but actually about 7 people were online, causing severe lag, but for some reason, not for me. I had no idea what was happening until the chat was being spammed with 'poverty wifi' over and over as a friendly joke, so I got the idea to leave. I was going to say I was leaving, when I died. No message in the chat, no CombatLog, nothing was said or recorded. So I tried to race back to my death point, but apparently, the people in the chat were telling me to leave, but I could not see it because so many messages were trying to be sent, the server was being pushed to its limit, so I got no such messages. I was about to grab my stuff, including many diamonds, my enchanted tools and armor, and 2 g'apples(golden apples). But before I reached my items, I was banned by the operator for 'internet,' and have not been unbanned. I feel like I am not totally at fault here, and this misunderstanding has not been understood by the operator. I appreciate your opinion, help and time. 



TLDR: I was banned for having bad internet and I would appreciate help in some sort.

Edited by SaggyPotato71
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