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Best MMORPG server of all time

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Hi there. I am in search of a large team of builders, programers, and writers for my server. I have a dream to create the best mmorpg server the world of minecraft has ever seen. One that has a completely unique story arc, quest lines, and custom boss fights. the only problem is that there is too much for one person to build on their own. So, im calling out for help. I am in need of the best builders, redstoners, command blockers, story writers, scripters, everything that i can get. This server will be perfect, and so im calling out for anyone who wishes to be a part of creating a future amazing server. also, anyone who helps will become an admin as soon as the server is started up. even if you cant build or do any of the other things, donations to help with making the server able to house more players would also be a great help. i hope to see you soon. my server is MojoSMP

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7 hours ago, MojoPlays said:

not so much programmers as it is people who can write skript, use command blocks, that kind of thing


Maybe I can help depending on what do you want

First Join: October 21st, 2017
VIPNovember 11th, 2017
PRO: August 29th, 2018
VIP Again: December 3rd, 2018
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