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Per World Playerlist


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send formatted "%amount of all players in world(""world-name"")%"

^ Give that a try

Junior Mod (01/04/2020) - Resigned 

 Discord » Koronotchi#0001 
Minecraft Username » Koronotchi 



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you mean players will be displayed in tab according to their world?

Like if three are playing and two are in 1 world then only those two get displayed in tab?

First Join: October 21st, 2017
VIPNovember 11th, 2017
PRO: August 29th, 2018
VIP Again: December 3rd, 2018
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I tested this out on my own server, this requires SkQuery.

on join:
	loop all players where [input is not in world("%world%")]:
		hide player from loop-player
		hide loop-player from player
on world change:
	reveal all players to player
	reveal player to all players
	loop all players where [input is not in world("%world%")]:
		hide player from loop-player
		hide loop-player from player

Let me know if this doesn't work.

Edited by zoly
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