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Lurker (1/6)



  1. every 15 seconds: loop all players in world "world": loop all blocks in radius 10 around loop-player: if loop-block is diamond block: drop a diamond at loop-block's position on left click on diamond block: set event-block to air give 1 diamond block to player Just duplicate & change some stuff up
  2. making another one if it doesnt work command /lockdown: permission: op trigger: broadcast "&b&lDeltaSmp &r&c&lHas Gone Into Lockdown" make console execute command "/kickall" set {lockdown} to true variables: {lockdown} = false on join: if {lockdown} = true: if player is not op: kick the player due to "&b&lDeltaSmp %newline% &r&c&lHas Gone Into Lockdown!" command /removelockdown: permission: op trigger: set {lockdown} to false broadcast "&b&lDeltaSmp &r&c&lis open again!"
  3. omfg im bad at those forums acidentally opened like 10 more replys
  4. command /lockdown: permission: op trigger: send "&b&lDeltaSmp &r&c&lHas Gone Into Lockdown" to all players loop all players: if player is not a op: kick the player make console execute command "/whitelist on"
  5. READ THIS: I'm not making complicated or long skripts like gen skripts and so on Ask for something shorter to make it easier for me And the most important one enjoy life.
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