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Posts posted by Syllityy

  1. On 3/24/2020 at 7:21 AM, PleaseDye said:

    Hello Minehut community, how do I make a gens skript?

    Alright First Step!

    1) Look up tutorials of basic skripting 

    2) download Notepad++ (https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/)

    3) Start a .sk file 

    4) Start skripting and try find out how to spawn an item / object in the air at a specific location

    5) Set it as an item and there you have it done!


    1) Find a skripter (Basically impossible these days (All they want is like $60000 just for a Hello Skript xD)) 

    2) Ask them to skript you the gens skript

    3) CHECK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TO SEE IF IT IS SAFE AND ITS NOT GOT A WAY TO OP SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4) Test it out

    5) If it works (ENJOY!)

    6) If Not Then keep trying and see if he knows his stuff

  2. On 5/21/2020 at 12:51 AM, EdgySedgy said:

    Hey so, I'm a simple person.
    So for all those simple mates out there, I got you!

    This also will work off GroupManager if you want it to change Groups/Ranks when going to the classes...
    If you don't want that, then just remove the line that says
    make console execute command "/manuadd %player% Beast/Human/Elf"

    Also if you want a menu skript to go with this, tell me and I'll make a new topic WITH the New Skript

    In here will also show how you can change the effects or add your OWN class...
    although it should be pretty simple if you just.... look



    command /beast:
      make console execute command "/effect clear %player%"
      wait 5 ticks
      make console execute command "/effect give %player% strength 99999 0 true" 
      make console execute command "/manuadd %player% Beast"
    command /human:
      make console execute command "/effect clear %player%"   
      wait 5 ticks
      make console execute command "/effect give %player% resistance 99999 0 true"
      make console execute command "/manuadd %player% Human"
    command /elf:
      make console execute command "/effect clear %player%"   
      wait 5 ticks
      make console execute command "/effect give %player% regeneration 99999 0 true"
      make console execute command "/manuadd %player% Elf"

    How To Change The Skript To Your Liking


    Copy one of the paragraph of the skript and paste it
    (command /elf:)
      make console execute command "/effect clear %player%"
      wait 5 ticks
      (make console execute command "/effect give %player% strength 99999 0 true") 
      (make console execute command "/manuadd %player% Beast")
    All that's in () you will need to edit.
    where it says "strength/resistance/regeneration" you will want to change it to WHATEVER effect you want it to.
    If you want to add multiple effects, then copy that one line
    "make console execute command "/effect give %player% strength 99999 0 true"
    and paste it under that same line you copied it from.
    Now, if you want to change the command that triggers the class, you edit the
    "command /elf:"
    Make the "elf" say ANYTHING you want, it will become that command.
    Now if your using groupmanager, change "Beast/Elf/Human" to whatever the group you created called.
    /mangadd Jeff
    make console execute command "/manuadd %player% Jeff"

    I'd like to say sorry but uhmmm if you wanted to you could literally use all of them and it wouldn't block you using all the commands you should add a restriction to this like if the player is a normal member so lets say permission N for normal / Newcomer you could make it so if player has the permission N they could use one of the commands and it would add the Name of the class to their permission group so they couldn't use all of them because it would remove the N permission so they could only use one of them.

    But as you said "This is only a simple skript" / if you had someone or a friend that could also skript im betting on it you could make a RPG on minehut with skript 


  3. On 5/4/2020 at 11:28 AM, EpicRayGunsOwO said:

    can you make a skript where it ACTULLY crashes the players game eg:

    command /crash [<player>]:

        permission: troll.crash

        permission message: haha no crashing for u!!!


            crash arg 1

            send "crashed %arg 1%" to player


    Hello EpicRayGunsOwO,

    I Would like to say that would be fun to play around with the players but this would also be unsafe for users as you could harm them. 

    I'd like to say it again would be fun but unsafe also could probably get your server removed and you also off of the Minehut community.

    Kind Regards,

    Chris (Syllityy)
    Community Member | Game / Skript Developer | Student

  4. SharpSK

    All of these could help servers make more skripts and make things a lot easier

    I will add more of Skript Plugins again...

    Last Update: 12/28/18

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    Last Update: 12/10/19


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