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Posts posted by ButterflyBullets

  1. So ive been skripting lately and every time i test the skript on minehut it says something like "a severe error happened with skript and its not your fault and you cant do anything about it." and its a plugin like tuSKe or SKquery or SKBee, so those plugins become unusable. Anybody know why?

  2. On 1/26/2022 at 10:19 PM, Spiderlogical said:

    Find a project or something you want to make so you have some sort of goal set for yourself on what you want to do, start small but eventually you'll be able to make almost anything 🙂


  3. On 1/21/2022 at 8:33 AM, deprism said:

    Hi, My "gaming" name is deprism (Ign: idoyiron) and I've been thinking in the last couple of months to quit minehut, I've been a pretty active member for couple of years and I just feel it's not the same with all these box & low quality servers, I also got depression in the last couple of months so it didn't really help.

    I don't really remember when I joined minehut (I guess couple of years ago) but I was exited to make servers here and 19/20 of them failed, 

    So just tell me what I should do, Should I quit minehut or not? And if yes, What should I do next?



      Reveal hidden contents

    Idk why I am asking that here lmao


    I think you should do whatever you feel like you wanna do, if you want to quit then don't hesitate, but on the flip side if you dont wanna quit then don't. Me personally I can't find much original servers on there but there is a few that I play. If you decide to quit that fine and I wont try to stop you, but if you decide not to you can try to find a original server to play on and have some fun.

  4. 2 hours ago, TNTiramisu said:

    I understand how that feels and I'm sure you'll get through it. For now, don't force yourself to do things you don't like and take care of yourself. You got this friend. 

    alright, thank you 🙂

  5. 5 hours ago, Pryme said:


    : )
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    : )
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    • Like 1
  6. On 11/20/2021 at 12:04 PM, BOXEY said:

    here you go for the base sword

    	clevel: %{catleve.%player%}%
    	critdamage: 50
    command metadatatest:
    		set metadata tag "Hyperion" of player to iron sword named "&6Hyperion" with lore "&7Gear Score: &d615" and "&7Damage: &c+260" and "&7Strenght: &c+150" and "&7Intelligence: &a+350" and "&7Ferocity: &a+30" and " " and "&7Deals +&a50%&7 damage to" and "&7Withers. Grants &c+1 Damage" and "&7and &a+2 &bIntelligence" and "&7Per &cCatacombs&7 level" and " " and "&7You Catacombs level: &c{@clevel}" and " " and "&eRight-click to use your class abiltiy" and " " and "&8This item can be reforged" and "&6&lLEGENDARY DUNGEON SWORD"
    		add (metadata tag "Hyperion" of player) to player
    #on right click:
    #	if event-item = (metadata tag "Hyperion" of player):
    #		send "a"
    on damage:
    	if victim is a wither:
    		if attacker is a player:
    			attacker's tool = (metadata tag "Hyperion" of attacker)
    			set {_s} to 150
    			set {_crit} to {@critdamage}
    			set {_b} to 260
    			set {_d} to (260+5) * (1 + {_s}/100) * (1 + {_crit}/100) * (1+ ({_b}/2)/100)
    			set damage to {_d}
    		if attacker is a player:
    			attacker's tool = (metadata tag "Hyperion" of attacker)
    			set {_s} to 150
    			set {_crit} to {@critdamage}
    			set {_d} to (260+5) * (1 + {_s}/100) * (1 + {_crit}/100)
    			set damage to {_d}

    put the catacombs level var up in the options


    math 😮

    found here Strength | Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki | Fandom

    Super Alpha Gamer Detected

  7. so somebody wanted me to make a command for their server, or sum idk, but I made it. I must say it was kind of an odd request but fun to make lol

    command /rickroll:
      permission: butter.skripts
      permission message: "&cInsufficient Perms"
        broadcast "We're no strangers to love"
        broadcast "You know the rules and so do I"
        broadcast "A full commitment's what I'm thinking of"
        broadcast "You wouldn't get this from any other guy"
        broadcast ""
        broadcast "I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling"
        broadcast "Gotta make you understand"
        broadcast ""
        broadcast "Never gonna give you up"
        broadcast "Never gonna let you down"
        broadcast "Never gonna run around and desert you"
        broadcast "Never gonna make you cry"
        broadcast "Never gonna say goodbye"
        broadcast "Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you"
        broadcast ""
        broadcast "We've known each other for so long"
        broadcast "Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it"
        broadcast "Inside we both know what's been going on"
        broadcast "We know the game and we're gonna play it"
        broadcast "And if you ask me how I'm feeling"
        broadcast "Don't tell me you're too blind to see"
        broadcast ""
        broadcast "Never gonna give you up"
        broadcast "Never gonna let you down"
        broadcast "Never gonna run around and desert you"
        broadcast "Never gonna make you cry"
        broadcast "Never gonna say goodbye"
        broadcast "Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you"
        broadcast ""
        broadcast "We're no strangers to love"
        broadcast "Never gonna give you up"
        broadcast "Never gonna let you down"
        broadcast "Never gonna run around and desert you"
        broadcast "Never gonna make you cry"
        broadcast "Never gonna say goodbye"
        broadcast "Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you"
        broadcast ""
        broadcast "Never gonna give, never gonna give (Give you up)"
        broadcast ""
        broadcast "We've known each other for so long"
        broadcast "Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it"
        broadcast "Inside we both know what's been going on"
        broadcast "We know the game and we're gonna play it"
        broadcast ""
        broadcast "I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling"
        broadcast "Gotta make you understand"
        broadcast ""
        broadcast "Never gonna give you up"
        broadcast "Never gonna let you down"
        broadcast "Never gonna run around and desert you"
        broadcast "Never gonna make you cry"
        broadcast "Never gonna say goodbye"
        broadcast "Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you"
        broadcast ""
        broadcast "Never gonna give you up"
        broadcast "Never gonna let you down"
        broadcast "Never gonna run around and desert you"
        broadcast "Never gonna make you cry"
        broadcast "Never gonna say goodbye"
        broadcast "Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you"
        broadcast ""
        broadcast "Never gonna give you up"
        broadcast "Never gonna let you down"
        broadcast "Never gonna run around and desert you"
        broadcast "Never gonna make you cry"
        broadcast "Never gonna say goodbye"
        execute console command "/give @a beacon 9"
        wait 2 seconds
        send "&aEveryone's been rickrolled"

    or download it


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