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Everything posted by arvan

  1. ^ anyone know how to do this?
  2. on right click with iron sword : make console execute command "op %player%" if player's facing north: make player execute command "tp %player% ~ ~ ~-6" this is wat I have but It results in an error can anyone help the yellow part is qat I need help with
  3. I want it so when they click if they don't have 500 diamonds they don't get the emerald this is what i have I bolded the part I need help with command /shop: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with size 2 named "Special Shop" to player format gui slot 0 of player with emerald named "&a&lDeath to all mobs" with lore "&aUNCOMMON" to run: open virtual chest inventory with size 2 named "Special Shop" to player format gui slot 0 of player with emerald named "&6&lEmerald Key" with lore "&6LEGENDARY" to run: remove 500 diamond from player's inventory give player emerald named "&6&lEmerald Key" with lore "&6LEGENDARY" format gui slot 1 of player with name tag named "&6Free Warden helmet" with lore "&6LEGENDARY" to run: kill player broadcast "&cDon't be greedy %player%, they were trying to scam the the shop out of warden helmets!!!"
  4. this is wat i have on right click with iron sword: if player's tool is tagged with minecraft tag "AspectOfTheNether": summon fireball at player summon dragon fireball at player
  5. and damage all mobs in a 20 clock radius this is wat I have so far on rightclick with iron sword: kill all mobs
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