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Everything posted by las328

  1. Trolling GUI Wait, I don't know how to code that then here you go! command /troll: permission: server.troll permission message: &cYou are not allowed to do this! trigger: open chest with 1 row named "&cTrolls" to player wait 1 tick format slot 0 of player with light gray glass named "lol" with lore "lol" format slot 1 of player with light gray glass named "lol" with lore "lol" format slot 2 of player with light gray glass named "lol" with lore "lol" format slot 3 of player with light gray glass named "lol" with lore "lol" format slot 4 of player with light gray glass named "lol" with lore "lol" format slot 5 of player with light gray glass named "lol" with lore "lol" format slot 6 of player with light gray glass named "lol" with lore "lol" format slot 7 of player with light gray glass named "lol" with lore "lol" format slot 8 of player with light gray glass named "lol" with lore "lol" Theres a template!
  2. Do this: on right-click: if event-block is anvil: send "&bAnvils &care not &ballowed &con this server!" cancel event Not tested.
  3. How do you Put a item in your inventory and right click it to do a command Thanks for feedback.
  4. uhh my server is working like right know
  5. my sever was not starting too: a - doing McThistle b - i have no idea
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