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Posts posted by 3asel

  1. I vouch for TrollFarts, he is a great builder and a major part of the team.

    It's a shame to see him leave, as him and I work well together when working on build projects.

    I understand that some form of punishment should be given, but as this is his first offence and he regrets making the choices he made, a perm demotion seems kinda harsh.

    I do not know the full story of what happened but I would suggest to reconsider the punishment due to the impact that the build team has taken.

    • Like 4
  2. This script wasn't intended to be something that could be helpful to others, but seems like it will help a lot of you new learners.

    The following example is how it works:

                                # {_page} is the page number
    set {_end} to {_page} * 27  # {_end} is set to last slot in a 27 slot GUI
    set {_start} to {_end} - 27 # {_start} is set to the first slot
    loop {exampleList::*}:
        add 1 to {_pos}
        if {_pos} is between {_start} and {_end}:
            make next gui slot with loop-value

    What are the variables?

    {_page} is defined as the page number
    {_start} is defined as the first slot in the GUI (slot 0)
    {_end} is defined as the last slot in the GUI (slot 26)


    The script in action:

    command /gui [<integer>]:
            set {exampleList::*} to stone, grass block, granite, sand, paper, bone and chest
            set {_page} to 1
            set {_end} to {_page} * 27
            set {_start} to {_end} - 27
            if arg-1 is set:
                if arg-1 > 0:
                    set {_page} to arg-1
            create a gui with virtual chest with 4 rows named "Example":
                loop {exampleList::*}:
                    add 1 to {_pos}
                    if {_pos} is between {_start} and {_end}:
                        make next gui slot with loop-value
                make gui slot 27 with paper named "<< Back":
                    set {_back} to {_page} - 1
                    if {_page} > 0:
                        make player execute "/gui %{_back}%"
                make gui slot 35 with paper named "Next >>":
                    set {_next} to {_page} + 1
                    make player execute "/gui %{_next}%"
            open last gui to player


  3. I've quickly made this script as I was 1. bored and 2. annoyed with the american date format. If you too are annoyed about the incorrect date format for your server, this function will help you out a lot.



    #   DAY:
    #     dd/     day (number)       1
    #     ddo/    day (ordered)      1st
    #     dm/     month (number)     1
    #     dmw/    month (word)       January
    #     dy/     year (2 digits)    20
    #     dyf/    year (4 digits)    2020
    #   TIME:
    #     th/     hour (12 hour)     12
    #     thh/    hour (24 hour)     24
    #     tm/     minute             60
    #     tme/    meridiem           am
    #     tmee/   meridiem           AM
    #             EXAMPLES:
    # ddo/ dmw/ dyf/ - thh/:tm/      12th February 2020 - 20:25
    # dd//dm//dyf/ - thh/:tm/        12/2/2020 - 20:25
    # ddo/ dmw/ dyf/                 12th February 2020
    # th/:tm/ tmee/                  8:25 PM


  4. I've had my fair share of servers now, and I've come to a conclusion that most Minehut players are pigeons.

    The Pigeon Effect:

    When a player joins a server they either stay or leave, this is the beginning of the effect. Regardless if your server is fun or not, the player will only stay if for three reasons; they are friends with another player which is enjoying the server, the server is visually popular, or they are not a pigeon. If your server has few players online or non-responsive players, the just joined player will leave the server.

    When a pigeon finds a new place to settle, it will either stay if a friend is there, it's home, or leave and join the other pigeons.

    The pigeon effect.

    pigeon satisfying GIF

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