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Posts posted by Relly

  1. On 4/5/2023 at 9:13 AM, ApexSplat said:

    I don't really understand what you want. Can you explain it again in more detail please?

    Essentially, if you been on GensFood before, they have this thing called a "Deep Storage Unit", or DSU.
    Rather than drops getting generated above the blocks, it instead goes into the DSU.

    I'm not sure how I make it, if you still don't understand, you might of not tried playing on GensFood before, try play it and then you'll understand.

  2. Hey Minehut! So today I'm kind of asking a "spoon feed" in a way.

    So I've been playing on GensFood and JailGens, and wondered, how do they make these "Virtual Generators"?

    I tried to imagine most of the code in my head, but just can't. So I'm hoping if any geniuses in the forums could possibly answer this? The only thing I thought of was manually setting an item in the GUI where you sell the items off, where you set every slot there to items like "Wheat", "Carrot", etc even if there's 0 of them.

    But I don't really want that, I want to make so I can do without something like that, it goes straight to the inventory in whatever order, or whatever came first.

    So any ideas? Thanks.

  3. On 7/10/2022 at 10:33 AM, SIG12 said:

    For the respawn part:

    on respawn:
        player has permission "prisoner":
            execute console command "/kit prisoner %player%" # You can also make this: make the player say "/kit prisoner"
        player has permission "guard":
            execute console command "/kit guard %player%" # You can also make this: make the player say "/kit guard"

    For the join part: (also if you don't need any of the events, tell me because I just guessed if you wanted join or respawn)

    on join:
        player has permission "prisoner":
            execute console command "/kit prisoner %player%" # You can also make this: make the player say "/kit prisoner"
        player has permission "guard":
            execute console command "/kit guard %player%" # You can also make this: make the player say "/kit guard

    Totally un-necessaray but how'd you make those code blocks also display in a Skript format?


  4. A simple spawn Skript for people to navigate around your server to the spawn point easily!
    Add this script to your server, save, reload via /sk reload <file-name> and your ready to go!


    /spawn - Teleport to spawn when it is set (/setspawn)

    /setspawn - Set the spawn point to your location - requires commands.setspawn permission (definable in options) - cooldown of 3 seconds (also definable in options).


    commands.setspawn - Defined in options - /setspawn command


    For this to work, you will need to configure it properly, the options are already defined however you may change if you wish.


    prefix - prefix/"first word" while using /spawn or /setspawn

    spawnCommandCooldown - cooldown when using /spawn command

    setSpawnCommandPermission - permission for using /setspawn command

    noPermissionMessage - define a no-permission message when someone tries to use a command in the spawn script that they don't have permission for.

    Once you have define your options, finally you will need a user with the permission commands.setspawn to define your spawn location, when you are in the position, type /setspawn.

    Finally, you can test it using /spawn!

    Thanks for using my script! This is a untested script so please mention in the comments below if this worked for you, or if you have found an error. Enjoy!

    Tested: No

    # Thanks for using my script!
    # My Info:
    # Ingame-username: SkyyIsCool
    # Discord: Skyy#0268
        prefix: &8[&e&lSpawn&8]&f
        spawnCommandCooldown: 3 seconds
        setSpawnCommandPermission: commands.setspawn
        noPermissionMessage: &cYou do not have permission to use this command.
    command /spawn:
        cooldown: {@spawnCommandCooldown}
        description: Teleport to the spawn point.
        usage: /spawn
            if {spawn} is set:
                teleport player to {spawn}
                send "{@prefix} &aTeleported to &eSpawn&a!" to player
                send "{@prefix} &cSpawn is not set, please contact a server administrator to use &e/setspawn&c." to player
    command /setspawn:
        permission: {@setSpawnCommandPermission}
        permission message: {@noPermissionMessage}
        description: Set the spawn point.
        usage: /setspawn
            set {spawn} to location of player
            send "{@prefix} &aLocation for &eSpawn&a has been set to your current location." to player


    • Like 1
  5. Just now, SIG12 said:

    Good skript, You forgot to make {@p} into {@prefix}, still good tho.

    Thank you, that was actually a last-minute thing, I'll change it right away.
    Yet, thanks for your review!

  6. A clear-lag script that will clear all dropped entities in your server.

    Add this script to your server, save, reload using /sk reload <file-name> and your set.


    /clearlag - Execute clearlag without waiting.

    Permissions: clearlag.execute - /clearlag command


    Configuring the script is easy, they are optional as all of them are set by default.
    There are 2 options, prefix and duration.


    Prefix is for when the clearlag is executed, the first word sent in the messages.

    Duration is for when the clearlag will be executed every X minutes, hours or whatever you define, by default, it is set as 10 minutes!

    With that said, enjoy the script, P.S: This is my first script I'm posting on Minehut Forums.
    This script is also not tested by me, if you can please tell if you have tested it and know it works, post it below in the comments of the forum. Also post your opinion on the script.


    Required Addons: None

    Tested: No


    # Thanks for using my script!
    # My Info:
    # Ingame-username: Relly2K
    # Discord: Sky Wizard#0268
        prefix: &8[&c&lClearLag&8]&f
        duration: 10 minutes
    command /clearlag:
        permission: clearlag.execute
        description: Execute clear lag to kill all dropped items.
            send "{@prefix} &aExecuting clear lag..." to player
            wait 6 seconds
            send "{@prefix} &aClear lag executed." to player
    every {@duration}:
    function clearlag():
        broadcast "{@prefix} &bClearing all entites in &a5 seconds..."
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "{@prefix} &bClearing all entites in &a4 seconds..."
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "{@prefix} &bClearing all entites in &a3 seconds..."
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "{@prefix} &bClearing all entites in &a2 seconds..."
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "{@prefix} &bClearing all entites in &a1 seconds..."
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "{@prefix} &bClearing all entites..."
        broadcast "{@prefix} &bCleared &e%size of dropped items% entites!"
        kill dropped items
    • Like 1
  7. As we all may know, Mojang has found a exploit affecting many of their services, including Minecraft Java Edition.

    Mojang had posted an article about the exploit, in this case named "Log4j" or "Dlog4j2". If you haven't read it, make sure you do here: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/important-message--security-vulnerability-java-edition?ref=launcher

    But that is not why I am here, in the article it mentions how you can protect your server, but I don't really understand how I can do this on Minehut (I am using 1.17).

    And while I was playing, my server suddenly crashed and I saw a error that almost gave me a panic attack on my console, I don't have the error but, it including something like "Killed" and "Dlog4j2" when I saw it, I immediately closed Minecraft and shutdown my computer, and now I am writing here, yes, I have followed the steps to secure my account, but I don't understand how I can secure my server, there isn't any "start.bat" file or anything as it shows to put it in your "startup command line", which I think means the start.bat file.

    Please reply if you know anything or how to solve this, thanks.

  8. How does this work?


    Does it create a new world, or if we have a world already named for example "ACoolWorld" (world folder name) and we change the level name to "ACoolWorld", does it make a new world or does it set ACoolWorld as the default server's world?

  9. I'm having the same problem, this is my a skymining server I'm working on however, and whitelist is **ON**
    If you could come check it'd mean a lot, if you give me your username I'll pop it on my whitelist users in my server.



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