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Posts posted by happyfone

  1. <h1 id="heading">Happy Fone is best!</h1>
    <button onclick="myFunction();" class="myBtn">Nice button dude!</button>
    .myBtn {
      background-color: white;
      opacity: 0.8;
      border-radius: 5px;
      border: none;
      text-align: center;
      padding: 10px;
    body {
      background-color: #454545;
      text-align: center;
      font-family: verdana;
    h1 {
      color: white;
      function myFunction() {
        document.getElementById('heading').innerHTML = 'im right and u know it!';


  2. On 10/23/2019 at 5:21 AM, Star said:

    Rarity: Legendary

    Name: Minehutism

    Desc: Broadcasts a random message about a Minehut staff member at random intervals (ex: criticyl is a nerd)

    Max level: 3

    Level desc: At levels 2 and 3 it would give all online players a random amount of any currency you're using.


  3. Happy Fone's Command Blocker

    Stops players from using specific commands like: /plugins, /pl, /spawn or /list


    How to use:


    /blockcmd <COMMAND> (Blocks any command)

    /blockedcmds (shows all blocked commands)

    /unblockcmd <COMMAND> (unblocks commands REQUIRES OP)




    happyfone.commandblocker (Allows users with permission to block commands)
    happyfone.commandbypass (Allows users with permission to bypass blocked commands)
    happyfone.listblockedcmds (Allows users with permission to see all blocked commands)
    unblocking commands requires /OP




    blocking a command:

    /blockcmd plugins or /blockcmd gamemode


    unblocking a command (REQUIRES OP) :

    /unblockcmd plugins or /unblockcmd gamemode



    showing all blocked commands:



  4. Commands:

    /sc <message> (sends message to all staff)



    mc.staff (allows user to speak in staff chat)


    How to use:

    1. Give all staff the permission "mc.staff"

    2. tell staff to use "/sc <message>" when talking



    Please reply if there is anything wrong with this skript








    • Like 1
  5. command /chat [<text>]:
            if player has permission "skript.chatcontrol":
                if arg 1 is set:
                    if arg 1 is "grey":
                        if {greychat} is true:
                            set {greychat} to false
                            message "grey chat disabled"
                            set {greychat} to true
                            message "grey chat enabled"
                    if arg 1 is "help":
                        message " "
                        message "&c--------&6Skript Chat Control Help&c--------"
                        message " "
                        message "&6/chat clear &cto clear chat"
                        message " "
                        message "&6/chat mute &cto mute the chat"
                        message " "
                        message "&6/chat help &cto show this help page"
                        message " "
                        message "&6/chat grey&c to make chat look better"
                        message " "
                    if arg 1 is "clear":
                        loop 100 times:
                            broadcast " "
                        broadcast "Chat cleared by %player%"
                    if arg 1 is "mute":
                        if {chatmute} is "true":
                            message "Chat has been unmuted"
                            set {chatmute} to "false"
                            message "Chat has been muted"
                            set {chatmute} to "true"
                    message "&cUsage:&a /chat (help|mute|clear|grey)"
                kick player due to "&4You cannot execute that command"
    on chat:
        if {chatmute} is "false":
            if {greychat} is true:
                cancel event
                broadcast "&8<&6%player%&8> %message%"
    on chat:
        if {chatmute} is "true":
            cancel event
            message "&cYou cannot speak when the chat is muted!"
            if {greychat} is false:
                cancel event
                broadcast "<%player%> %message%"


    /chat help (Shows a list of commands)

    /chat grey (makes the chat look nicer until you type the command again)

    /chat mute (mutes the chat until you type the command again)

    /chat clear (clears the chat)


    Permission nodes:

    skript.chatcontrol (allows user to use /chat)

    if player does not have the permission "skript.chatcontrol" the player will be kicked for trying to execute /chat


  6. command /chattroll <player> <text>:
            if {troll.toggle} is set:
                if {troll.toggle} is true:
                    set {troll.toggle} to false
                    set {troll.user} to ""
                    message "Chat troll toggled off"
                    set {troll.text} to arg 2
                    message "Chat troll toggled on"
                    set {troll.toggle} to true
                    set {troll.user} to player-arg
                message "Chat troll toggled on"
                set {troll.toggle} to true
                set {troll.user} to player-arg
    on quit:
        if player is {troll.user}:
            set {troll.toggle} to false
            set {troll.player} to ""
            set {troll.text} to ""
    on chat:
        if {troll.toggle} is true:
            if player is {troll.user}:
                set message to "%{troll.text}%"
    command /chattrollclear:
            if {troll.user} is "":
                message "&cAlready cleared troll from %{troll.last}%&c!"
                set {troll.toggle} to ""
                set {troll.text} to ""
                message "Successfully cleared troll from %{troll.user}%"
                set {troll.last} to {troll.user}
                set {troll.user} to ""


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