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  1. Its fun, lightweight and vanilla. cookieclicker.sk
  2. I currently find myself needing help with a player bounty skript for my PitPVP server (custom). What do I need help with? I need help figuring out how to add a bounty suffix to a player's name tag (similar to this https://i.imgur.com/D35jrdW.png) on top of a luckperms prefix. Thanks.
  3. Syph

    Fix pls

    You didn't indent your code correctly, here is the fixed code. command /plugins: trigger: send "Never gonna give you up" to player
  4. Hello, I'm Sypher. I'm a skilled Skript developer looking to help. I am the owner of the Mineity Network and have a lot of experience with Skript coding. I am professional and am serious about my job. I'll only work on established servers with a decent player count. If you're interested in recruiting me, add me on discord (Syph#7360). EDIT: Closed for now because of personal projects. Will open soon.
  5. arg-player takes the "[<player>] bit in the command, might just be the addons I use. arg-1 doesnt work for me
  6. This code might work. command /grant [<player>]: permission: command.grant permission message: Hey bozo! You can't use this! trigger: if arg-player is not set: send "&cYou need to select a player!" if arg-player is set: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&6&lGrant Ranks" to player format gui slot 10 of player with green wool named "&2&lVIP" to run: execute console command "/lp user %arg-player% parent add vip" You do need to customize it but I'd say its simple enough to replicate.
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