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  1. In my opinion those look relly ugly and auction master even has displays with the addon
  2. Sorry for not responding i am not saying citizens shoud be removed but i hope it woud be possible to add this plugin
  3. So citizens npcs are going invisible on on start up. after i reload the plugin its fine anyone knows why its very annoying i cant reload on every startup Here is a log(the log is pretty old but its the same thing) PLease help i am having this problem for months log.txt
  4. PLEASE i hate citizens with its bugs
  5. znpcs its a very good npc plugin i love dose not have as many features but its much simpler to use and less buggy: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/znpcs-1-8-1-16-bungeecord-serversnpcs-open-source.80940/
  6. The point is that it has so many features ex: scoreboard tablist commands menus joinitems setspawn protect and more thats why
  7. i Dont have a lot to say just please add this plugin AuctionMaster 2: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/-auctionmaster-2--1-8-1-16-auctions-categories-bin-admin-view-fully-configurable.84784/ And AuctionMasterItemDisplay [Addon]: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/auctionmasteritemdisplay-addon.79002/ Edit: Please add deluxehub to: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/deluxehub-3-professional-hub-management.49425/
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