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Posts posted by Tistay

  1. That's right. Did a little digging and found this, announced yesterday on the Minehut Discord while maintenance was ongoing: "All that said, there is still more work to do to establish a long term future for Minehut. With that in mind, we are updating the time limit from 4 hours to 2 hours on free servers plans. We will monitor the impact that has on the usage of free server plans and iterate from here."

  2. Hola. If you want to prevent a player from placing any amount of amethyst shards in a chest, you could use this code:

    on inventory click:
        if type of player's current inventory is chest inventory:
            set {_item} to type of event-item
            if {_item} = ("amethyst shard" parsed as an item):
                cancel event
                send "&cYou cannot place amethyst shards in this chest!"

    The event triggers when someone clicks an item inside their inventory. First it checks if the inventory is a chest. Then it sets the variable {_item} to the type of item. This is important, because if it is just event-item it will also return the amount the player is clicking (e.g.: 64 amethyst shards). Then, if {_item} is indeed an amethyst shard, it cancels the event and sends the player a notice.

    Hope this helped!

  3. 1 hour ago, CoolProgrammer said:

    #5 - Ability to travel to the parallel universe.

    #6 - Time travel in future.

    #7 - Free pizza.


    Okay I'm kidding, I'm sorry ❤️


    P.S. It got hidden?

    #7 in that case.

  4. I commend you for the immensely well worked out script, potentially the only lag-free generator script in this whole world was we know of. It's insanely customizable and has so much to it. Definitely worth taking a look at. I have nothing bad to say, this is peak Skript.

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