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Posts posted by hapily

  1. Please use Skript discussion instead of skript releases to get help if you're not going to just the Discord. Here's an example of how to send a clickable link:

    send formatted "Click <link: https://google.com>HERE<reset> to go to google!"


    This example makes it to where only "HERE" can be clicked. The <reset> makes it so that you can't click anything after "here"

  2. 52 minutes ago, Echology said:

    you can always just use skbee and skript and just:

    %item% of protection 1 with all flags hidden

    or use skquery and their glowing expression

    both are one line compared to this.

    This is an expression made in skript-reflect and allows you to use this instead of downloading other addons that come with some other features you may not use. Sure, SkBee is very useful and I would say that I would use the nbt feature of skBee, but other people may not. Either way, this is just an alternative. This is also just something I made since I'm starting to learn skript-reflect and I thought I'd share in-case anybody else wanted to use it.

    • Like 1
  3. Glowing Item Expression

    Returns an item that appears to be enchanted.




    (shiny|glowing|glow|enchanted|glinted) %itemstack%

    Example Usage

    give player shiny stone
    give player glinted stone
    add 1 of glinted stone to player's inventory
    set player's helmet to glinted stone



    expression (shiny|glowing|glow|enchanted|glinted) %itemstack%:
    		if expr-1 is not fishing rod:	
    			expr-1.addUnsafeEnchantment(LURE, 1)
    		if expr-1 is fishing rod:
    			expr-1.addUnsafeEnchantment(CHANNELING, 1)
    		return expr-1


  4. Howdy,


    I currently have a working laser tag minigame Skript and I was wondering if anybody's interested. If so, I would add commands to set spawns, etc. To clarify, this would be free and would be released in the Skript releases if enough people want it.



    Game breakdown:

    60 seconds to get the most points. You get 500 points per kill. Two teams, red and blue. Getting hit with the laser is an instant kill.

    • Like 1
  5. On 4/9/2021 at 2:34 PM, Jockerlight said:

    On join: 

          give player wooden axe of unbreable 1

    This would not work as unbreakable is misspelled. Additionally, he wanted an unbreakable pickaxe, not one with unbreaking.


    On 4/9/2021 at 1:49 PM, VisnexGamingYT said:

    Hey, I need a Skript For /start in my server, it needs to give the player a wooden pickaxe that is unbreable.


    I'm sure you can create the command or whatever causes the pickaxe to be given, but this is how you would give am unbreakable wooden pickaxe: give player unbreakable wood pickaxe

  6. 38 minutes ago, TaomtoNg said:

    who is the man who turned 100 lines into 5000

    100 is an understatement for what this would realistically be if you actually wanted to make this with functions n stuff, but yes, 5000 lines is quite a lot 🙂

  7. Note: This was for my server, so you're going to have to edit the coordinates according to your map. This uses structure blocks to save the maps. Also, they may not be made the best, but they're working with a few bugs. Also, I realize you have to scroll a lot.

    Main Games Skript

    on join:
    	add player to {queue::*}
    	message "&cQueue> &7You have automatically been added to the queue. If you wish to not be in the queue, do /queue."
    	wait 4 ticks
    	clear player's inventory
    	set player's gamemode to adventure
    	execute console command "/effect clear %player%"
    on quit:
    	remove player from {queue::*}
    command /queue [<text>]:
    		if {queue::*} contains "%player%":
    			remove player from {queue::*}
    			message "&cQueue> &7You have been removed from the queue."
    		if {queue::*} does not contain "%player%":
    			add player to {queue::*}
    			message "&cQueue> &7You have been added to the queue."
    command /game [<text>] [<text>]:
    	permission: admin
    	permission message: &cYou do not have permission to execute this command.
    		if arg-1 is "load":	
    			if arg-2 is "plains":	
    				load "plains" at location (-18.700, 65, -20.700)
    				message "&cGame> &7Plains has been loaded."
    			if arg-2 is "boatrace":
    				load "circuit" at location (-18.700, 65, -20.700)
    				message "&cGame> &7Circuit has been loaded."
    			if arg-2 is "fourcolor":
    				load "fourcolor" at location (-18.700, 65, -20.700)
    				message "&cGame> &7Fourcolor has been loaded."
    			if arg-2 is "graveyard":
    				load "graveyard" at location (-18.700, 65, -20.700)
    				message "&cGame> &7Graveyard has been loaded."
    			if arg-2 is "warzone":
    				load "warzone" at location (-18.700, 65, -20.700)
    				message "&cGame> &7Warzone has been loaded."
    			if arg-2 is "ruins":
    				load "ruins" at location (-18.700, 65, -20.700)
    				message "&cGame> &7Ruins has been loaded."
    			if arg-2 is "hills":
    				load "hills" at location (-18.700, 65, -20.700)
    				message "&cGame> &7Hills has been loaded."
    			if arg-2 is "temple":
    				load "temple" at location (-18.700, 65, -20.700)
    				message "&cGame> &7Temple has been loaded."
    			if arg-2 is "koth" or "kingofthehill":
    				load "koth" at location (-18.700, 65, -20.700)
    				message "&cGame> &7KOTH has been loaded."
    			if arg-2 is "tntrun":
    				load "tntrun" at location (-18.700, 65, -20.700)
    				message "&cGame> &7TNTRun has been loaded."
    		if arg-1 is "unload":
    			load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    			message "&cGame> &7Unloaded"
    			wait 1 second
    			loop all dropped items:
    				delete loop-value
    		if arg-1 is "stop":
    			if arg-2 is "ffa":
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "            &8&l&k|&e&lFree For All&8&l&k|"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    				broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				loop all players:
    					if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    						teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    						clear loop-player's inventory
    						set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    						remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    						wait 3 ticks
    						extinguish loop-player
    						heal loop-player
    						execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    				delete {playersingame::*}
    				delete {_gameend}
    				delete {gamestarted}
    				delete {game}
    				delete {gameplayercount}
    				load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    				wait 1 second
    				loop all dropped items:
    					delete loop-value
    			if arg-2 is "boatrace":
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "             &8&l&k|&b&lSheep Racing&8&l&k|"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    				broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				execute console command "/kill @e[type=sheep]"
    				delete {boatriding::*}
    				loop all players:
    					if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    						make loop-player dismount
    						clear loop-player's inventory
    						set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    						remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    						wait 1 tick
    						teleport loop-player to {lobby}						
    						extinguish loop-player
    						heal loop-player
    						execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    				delete {playersingame::*}
    				delete {_gameend}
    				delete {gamestarted}
    				delete {game}
    				delete {gameplayercount}
    				loop all dropped items:
    					delete loop-value
    				loop all entities:
    					if loop-entity is boat:
    						delete loop-entity
    				load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    				wait 1 second
    				loop all dropped items:
    					delete loop-value
    				extinguish player
    				loop all players:
    					heal loop-player
    			if arg-2 is "spleef":
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "                 &8&l&k|&f&lSpleef&8&l&k|"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&a&lOBJECTIVE"
    				broadcast "&7Destroy blocks below people to make them fall."
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				loop all players:
    					if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    						teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    						clear loop-player's inventory
    						set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    						remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    						wait 3 ticks
    						extinguish loop-player
    						heal loop-player
    						execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    				delete {playersingame::*}
    				delete {gamestarted}
    				delete {gameplayercount}
    				delete {game}
    				delete {spleefstart}
    				loop all dropped items:
    					delete loop-value
    				load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    				wait 1 second
    				loop all dropped items:
    					delete loop-value
    			if arg-2 is "arrowdodge":
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "                &8&l&k|&7&lArrow Dodge&8&l&k|"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    				broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				loop all players:
    					if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    						teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    						clear loop-player's inventory
    						set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    						remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    						wait 3 ticks
    						extinguish loop-player
    						heal loop-player
    						execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    				execute console command "/kill @e[type=skeleton]"
    				execute console command "/team remove skeleton"
    				delete {playersingame::*}
    				delete {_gameend}
    				delete {gamestarted}
    				delete {gameplayercount}
    				loop all dropped items:
    					delete loop-value
    				load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    				wait 1 second
    				loop all dropped items:
    					delete loop-value	
    			if arg-2 is "warfare":
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "              &8&l&k|&4&lWarfare&8&l&k|"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    				broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				loop all players:
    					if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    						teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    						clear loop-player's inventory
    						set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    						remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    						wait 3 ticks
    						extinguish loop-player
    						heal loop-player
    						execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    				delete {playersingame::*}
    				delete {_gameend}
    				delete {gamestarted}
    				delete {game}
    				delete {gameplayercount}
    				delete {greenplayercount}
    				delete {greyplayercount}
    				delete {greyplayers::*}
    				delete {greenplayers::*}
    				load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    				wait 1 second
    				loop all dropped items:
    					delete loop-value
    			if arg-2 is "smash":
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "            &8&l&k|&c&lSmash&8&l&k|"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    				broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				loop all players:
    					if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    						teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    						clear loop-player's inventory
    						set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    						remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    						wait 3 ticks
    						extinguish loop-player
    						heal loop-player
    						execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    						set loop-player's flight state to false
    				delete {playersingame::*}
    				delete {_gameend}
    				delete {game}
    				delete {gamestarted}
    				delete {gameplayercount}
    				delete {gamestarted1}
    				delete {smashstart}
    				loop all dropped items:
    					delete loop-value
    				load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    				wait 1 second
    				loop all dropped items:
    					delete loop-value
    				loop all players:
    					heal loop-player
    				wait 1 second
    				loop all players:
    					if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    						clear loop-player's inventory
    						set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    						remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    						wait 1 tick
    						teleport loop-player to {lobby}						
    						extinguish loop-player
    						heal loop-player
    						execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    						set loop-player's flight state to false
    			if arg-2 is "chickshoot":
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "              &8&l&k|&f&lChicken Shoot&8&l&k|"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    				broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				loop all players:
    					if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    						teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    						clear loop-player's inventory
    						set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    						remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    						wait 3 ticks
    						extinguish loop-player
    						heal loop-player
    						execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    						delete {chickshootpoints.%loop-player%}
    				execute console command "/kill @e[type=chicken]"
    				delete {playersingame::*}
    				delete {_gameend}
    				delete {gamestarted}
    				delete {gameplayercount}
    				delete {game}
    				loop all dropped items:
    					delete loop-value
    				load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    				wait 1 second
    				loop all dropped items:
    					delete loop-value
    				loop all players:
    					heal loop-player
    			if arg-2 is "sumo":
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "                  &8&l&k|&9&lSumo&8&l&k|"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    				broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				loop all players:
    					if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    						teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    						clear loop-player's inventory
    						set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    						remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    						wait 3 ticks
    						extinguish loop-player
    						heal loop-player
    						execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    				delete {playersingame::*}
    				delete {gamestarted}
    				delete {gameplayercount}
    				delete {game}
    				delete {sumostart}
    				loop all dropped items:
    					delete loop-value
    				load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    				wait 1 second
    				loop all dropped items:
    					delete loop-value
    				loop all players:
    					heal loop-player
    		if arg-1 is "start":
    			if arg-2 is not set:
    				message "&cGame> &7You didn't put a gametype."
    			if arg-2 is "ffa":
    				load "plains" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    				wait 3 ticks
    				set {game} to "ffa"
    				loop {queue::*}:
    					add loop-value to {playersingame::*}
    				set {_pos1} to location 25.649, 67, 23.589 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos2} to location -17.457, 67, -19.54 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos3} to location 25.56, 67, -19.45 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos4} to location -17.561, 67, 23.582 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos5} to location -17.539, 66, 2.553 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos6} to location 25.492, 66, 1.562 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos7} to location 4.464, 66, 23.594 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos8} to location 3.387, 66, -19.459 in "Lobby"
    # Floating					
    				set {_pos9} to location 3.74, 94.76223, 11.6 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos10} to location 2.727, 94.76223, -9.142 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos11} to location -7.257, 94.76223, 2.015 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos12} to location 13.438, 94.76223, 1.651 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos13} to location 3.74, 94.76223, 11.6 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos14} to location 2.727, 94.76223, -9.142 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos15} to location -7.257, 94.76223, 2.015 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos16} to location 13.438, 94.76223, 1.651 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos17} to location 3.74, 94.76223, 11.6 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos18} to location 2.727, 94.76223, -9.142 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos19} to location -7.257, 94.76223, 2.015 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos20} to location 13.438, 94.76223, 1.651 in "Lobby"				
    				wait 2 ticks
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos1}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				wait 1 tick
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos2}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos3}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos4}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos5}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos6}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				wait 1 tick
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos7}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos8}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos9}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos10}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos11}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos12}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				wait 1 tick
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos13}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos14}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos15}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos16}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos17}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos18}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				wait 1 tick
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos19}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos20}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				loop {queue::*}:
    					add 1 to {gameplayercount}
    				loop {queue::*}:
    					add loop-value to {playersingame::*}
    				loop {playersingame::*}:
    					clear loop-value's inventory
    					set loop-value's gamemode to adventure
    					set loop-value's helmet to unbreakable chain helmet
    					set loop-value's chestplate to unbreakable chain chestplate
    					set loop-value's leggings to unbreakable chain leggings
    					set loop-value's boots to unbreakable chain boots
    					add unbreakable stone sword of sharpness 1 to loop-value's inventory
    					add unbreakable bow to loop-value's inventory
    					add unbreakable fishing rod to loop-value's inventory
    					add 2 golden apple to loop-value's inventory
    					set slot 9 of loop-value to 15 arrow
    					set loop-value's flight state to false
    					play sound "entity_wither_ambient" at volume 1 with pitch 1.5 for loop-value
    				set {gamestarted} to true
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "          &e&lFree For All"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&a&lOBJECTIVE"
    				broadcast "&7Kill everybody, last person alive wins."
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    			if arg-2 is "boatrace":
    				load "circuit" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    				wait 6 ticks
    				set {game} to "boatrace"
    				loop {queue::*}:
    					add loop-value to {playersingame::*}
    				loop {queue::*}:
    					add 1 to {gameplayercount}
    				if {gameplayercount} is 1:
    					set {_player} to random element out of {playersingame::*}
    					spawn baby sheep at location(18.919, 91.53293, 4.101, world "Lobby")
    					set {boat.%{_player}%} to last spawned baby sheep
    					make {_player} ride last spawned baby sheep
    					remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    					clear {_player}'s inventory
    					set {_player}'s gamemode to adventure
    					loop {queue::*}:
    						add loop-value to {boatriding::*}
    				if {gameplayercount} is 2:
    					loop 2 times:
    						set {_player} to random element out of {playersingame::*}
    						spawn baby sheep at location(18.919, 91.53293, 4.101, world "Lobby")
    						set {boat.%{_player}%} to last spawned baby sheep
    						make {_player} ride last spawned baby sheep
    						remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    						clear {_player}'s inventory
    						set {_player}'s gamemode to adventure
    					loop {queue::*}:
    						add loop-value to {boatriding::*}
    				if {gameplayercount} is 3:
    					loop 3 times:
    						set {_player} to random element out of {playersingame::*}
    						spawn baby sheep at location(18.919, 91.53293, 4.101, world "Lobby")
    						set {boat.%{_player}%} to last spawned baby sheep
    						make {_player} ride last spawned baby sheep
    						remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    						clear {_player}'s inventory
    						set {_player}'s gamemode to adventure
    					loop {queue::*}:
    						add loop-value to {boatriding::*}
    				if {gameplayercount} is 4:
    					loop 4 times:
    						set {_player} to random element out of {playersingame::*}
    						spawn baby sheep at location(18.919, 91.53293, 4.101, world "Lobby")
    						set {boat.%{_player}%} to last spawned baby sheep
    						make {_player} ride last spawned baby sheep
    						remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    						clear {_player}'s inventory
    						set {_player}'s gamemode to adventure
    					loop {queue::*}:
    						add loop-value to {boatriding::*}
    				if {gameplayercount} is 5:
    					loop 5 times:
    						set {_player} to random element out of {playersingame::*}
    						spawn baby sheep at location(18.919, 91.53293, 4.101, world "Lobby")
    						set {boat.%{_player}%} to last spawned baby sheep
    						make {_player} ride last spawned baby sheep
    						remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    						clear {_player}'s inventory
    						set {_player}'s gamemode to adventure
    					loop {queue::*}:
    						add loop-value to {boatriding::*}
    				if {gameplayercount} is 6:
    					loop 6 times:
    						set {_player} to random element out of {playersingame::*}
    						spawn baby sheep at location(18.919, 91.53293, 4.101, world "Lobby")
    						set {boat.%{_player}%} to last spawned baby sheep
    						make {_player} ride last spawned baby sheep
    						remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    						clear {_player}'s inventory
    						set {_player}'s gamemode to adventure
    					loop {queue::*}:
    						add loop-value to {boatriding::*}
    				if {gameplayercount} is 7:
    					loop 7 times:
    						set {_player} to random element out of {playersingame::*}
    						spawn baby sheep at location(18.919, 91.53293, 4.101, world "Lobby")
    						set {boat.%{_player}%} to last spawned baby sheep
    						make {_player} ride last spawned baby sheep
    						remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    						clear {_player}'s inventory
    						set {_player}'s gamemode to adventure
    					loop {queue::*}:
    						add loop-value to {boatriding::*}
    				if {gameplayercount} is 8:
    					loop 8 times:
    						set {_player} to random element out of {playersingame::*}
    						spawn baby sheep at location(18.919, 91.53293, 4.101, world "Lobby")
    						set {boat.%{_player}%} to last spawned baby sheep
    						make {_player} ride last spawned baby sheep
    						remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    						clear {_player}'s inventory
    						set {_player}'s gamemode to adventure
    					loop {queue::*}:
    						add loop-value to {boatriding::*}
    				if {gameplayercount} is 9:
    					loop 9 times:
    						set {_player} to random element out of {playersingame::*}
    						spawn baby sheep at location(18.919, 91.53293, 4.101, world "Lobby")
    						set {boat.%{_player}%} to last spawned baby sheep
    						make {_player} ride last spawned baby sheep
    						remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    						clear {_player}'s inventory
    						set {_player}'s gamemode to adventure
    					loop {queue::*}:
    						add loop-value to {boatriding::*}
    				if {gameplayercount} is 10:
    					loop 10 times:
    						set {_player} to random element out of {playersingame::*}
    						spawn baby sheep at location(18.919, 91.53293, 4.101, world "Lobby")
    						set {boat.%{_player}%} to last spawned baby sheep
    						make {_player} ride last spawned baby sheep
    						remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    						clear {_player}'s inventory
    						set {_player}'s gamemode to adventure
    					loop {queue::*}:
    						add loop-value to {boatriding::*}
    				if {gameplayercount} is 11:
    					loop 11 times:
    						set {_player} to random element out of {playersingame::*}
    						spawn baby sheep at location(18.919, 91.53293, 4.101, world "Lobby")
    						set {boat.%{_player}%} to last spawned baby sheep
    						make {_player} ride last spawned baby sheep
    						remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    						clear {_player}'s inventory
    						set {_player}'s gamemode to adventure
    					loop {queue::*}:
    						add loop-value to {boatriding::*}
    				if {gameplayercount} is 12:
    					loop 12 times:
    						set {_player} to random element out of {playersingame::*}
    						spawn baby sheep at location(18.919, 91.53293, 4.101, world "Lobby")
    						set {boat.%{_player}%} to last spawned baby sheep
    						make {_player} ride last spawned baby sheep
    						remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    						clear {_player}'s inventory
    						set {_player}'s gamemode to adventure
    					loop {queue::*}:
    						add loop-value to {boatriding::*}
    				if {gameplayercount} is 13:
    					loop 13 times:
    						set {_player} to random element out of {playersingame::*}
    						spawn baby sheep at location(18.919, 91.53293, 4.101, world "Lobby")
    						set {boat.%{_player}%} to last spawned baby sheep
    						make {_player} ride last spawned baby sheep
    						remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    						clear {_player}'s inventory
    						set {_player}'s gamemode to adventure
    					loop {queue::*}:
    						add loop-value to {boatriding::*}
    				if {gameplayercount} is 14:
    					loop 14 times:
    						set {_player} to random element out of {playersingame::*}
    						spawn baby sheep at location(18.919, 91.53293, 4.101, world "Lobby")
    						set {boat.%{_player}%} to last spawned baby sheep
    						make {_player} ride last spawned baby sheep
    						remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    						clear {_player}'s inventory
    						set {_player}'s gamemode to adventure
    					loop {queue::*}:
    						add loop-value to {boatriding::*}
    				if {gameplayercount} is 15:
    					loop 15 times:
    						set {_player} to random element out of {playersingame::*}
    						spawn baby sheep at location(18.919, 91.53293, 4.101, world "Lobby")
    						set {boat.%{_player}%} to last spawned baby sheep
    						make {_player} ride last spawned baby sheep
    						remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    						clear {_player}'s inventory
    						set {_player}'s gamemode to adventure
    					loop {queue::*}:
    						add loop-value to {boatriding::*}
    				if {gameplayercount} is 16:
    					loop 16 times:
    						set {_player} to random element out of {playersingame::*}
    						spawn baby sheep at location(18.919, 91.53293, 4.101, world "Lobby")
    						set {boat.%{_player}%} to last spawned baby sheep
    						make {_player} ride last spawned baby sheep
    						remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    						clear {_player}'s inventory
    						set {_player}'s gamemode to adventure
    					loop {queue::*}:
    						add loop-value to {boatriding::*}
    				if {gameplayercount} is 17:
    					loop 17 times:
    						set {_player} to random element out of {playersingame::*}
    						spawn baby sheep at location(18.919, 91.53293, 4.101, world "Lobby")
    						set {boat.%{_player}%} to last spawned baby sheep
    						make {_player} ride last spawned baby sheep
    						remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    						clear {_player}'s inventory
    						set {_player}'s gamemode to adventure
    					loop {queue::*}:
    						add loop-value to {boatriding::*}
    				if {gameplayercount} is 18:
    					loop 18 times:
    						set {_player} to random element out of {playersingame::*}
    						spawn baby sheep at location(18.919, 91.53293, 4.101, world "Lobby")
    						set {boat.%{_player}%} to last spawned baby sheep
    						make {_player} ride last spawned baby sheep
    						remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    						clear {_player}'s inventory
    						set {_player}'s gamemode to adventure
    					loop {queue::*}:
    						add loop-value to {boatriding::*}
    				if {gameplayercount} is 19:
    					loop 19 times:
    						set {_player} to random element out of {playersingame::*}
    						spawn baby sheep at location(18.919, 91.53293, 4.101, world "Lobby")
    						set {boat.%{_player}%} to last spawned baby sheep
    						make {_player} ride last spawned baby sheep
    						remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    						clear {_player}'s inventory
    						set {_player}'s gamemode to adventure
    					loop {queue::*}:
    						add loop-value to {boatriding::*}						
    				if {gameplayercount} is 20:
    					loop 20 times:
    						set {_player} to random element out of {playersingame::*}
    						spawn baby sheep at location(18.919, 91.53293, 4.101, world "Lobby")
    						set {boat.%{_player}%} to last spawned baby sheep
    						make {_player} ride last spawned baby sheep
    						remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    						clear {_player}'s inventory
    						set {_player}'s gamemode to adventure
    					loop {queue::*}:
    						add loop-value to {boatriding::*}
    				loop {queue::*}:
    					add loop-value to {playersingame::*}
    					set loop-value's flight state to false
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "          &8&l&k|&b&lSheep Racing&8&l&k|"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&a&lOBJECTIVE"
    				broadcast "&7Be the first one to get to the lava pit."
    				broadcast "&9&lNOTE"
    				broadcast "&7We suggest that you use &eF5&7 while playing this gamemode."
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				set {gamestarted} to true
    				play sound "block_snow_break" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for all players
    				wait 2 seconds
    				if {gamestarted} is true:		
    					play sound "block_note_block_pling" at volume 1 with pitch 0.7 for all players
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&cGame> &7&nStarting in &4&l3"
    					broadcast " "
    					wait 1 second
    					if {gamestarted} is true:
    						play sound "block_note_block_pling" at volume 1 with pitch 0.8 for all players
    						broadcast " "
    						broadcast "&cGame> &7&nStarting in &6&l2"
    						broadcast " "
    						wait 1 second
    						if {gamestarted} is true:
    							play sound "block_note_block_pling" at volume 1 with pitch 0.9 for all players
    							broadcast " "
    							broadcast "&cGame> &7&nStarting in &e&l1"
    							broadcast " "
    							wait 1 second	
    							if {gamestarted} is true:	
    								play sound "block_note_block_pling" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for all players
    								broadcast " "
    								broadcast "&cGame> &a&lGO"
    								broadcast " "
    								load "circuitstart" at location 16, 89, 6 in "Lobby"
    								while {boatriding::*} is set:
    									loop all players:
    										if loop-player is riding baby sheep:
    											push loop-player's vehicle in horizontal direction of loop-player at speed 0.06
    										if block below loop-player's vehicle is yellow glazed terracotta:
    											push loop-player's vehicle in horizontal direction of loop-player at speed 1.2
    											play sound "entity_wither_shoot" at volume 0.6 with pitch 1 at location of loop-player
    									wait 1 tick
    			if arg-2 is "spleef":
    				load "fourcolor" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    				wait 2 ticks
    				set {game} to "spleef"
    				loop {queue::*}:
    					add loop-value to {playersingame::*}
    					add 1 to {gameplayercount}
    				loop {playersingame::*}:
    					teleport loop-value to location 4.5, 101, 2.5 in "Lobby"
    					clear loop-value's inventory
    					set loop-value's gamemode to survival
    					add unbreakable netherite pickaxe of efficiency 1000 with hidden enchants to loop-value's inventory
    					add shiny raw chicken named "&f&lChicken Boost" to loop-value's inventory
    					add shiny raw chicken named "&f&lChicken Boost" to loop-value's inventory
    					add shiny raw chicken named "&f&lChicken Boost" to loop-value's inventory
    					set loop-value's flight state to false
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "            &8&l&k|&f&lSpleef&8&l&k|"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&a&lOBJECTIVE"
    				broadcast "&7Destroy blocks below people to make them fall."
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				set {gamestarted} to true
    				if {gamestarted} is true:
    					wait 1 second
    					play sound "block_note_block_pling" at volume 1 with pitch 0.7 for all players
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&cGame> &7Players can break blocks in &4&l3 seconds"
    					broadcast " "
    					if {gamestarted} is true:
    						wait 1 second
    						play sound "block_note_block_pling" at volume 1 with pitch 0.8 for all players
    						broadcast " "
    						broadcast "&cGame> &7Players can break blocks in &6&l2 seconds"
    						broadcast " "
    						if {gamestarted} is true:
    							wait 1 second
    							play sound "block_note_block_pling" at volume 1 with pitch 0.9 for all players
    							broadcast " "
    							broadcast "&cGame> &7Players can break blocks in &e&l1 second"
    							broadcast " "
    							if {gamestarted} is true:
    								wait 1 second
    								broadcast " "
    								broadcast "&cGame> &7Players can break blocks &a&lnow"
    								broadcast " "
    								play sound "block_stone_break" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for all players
    								set {spleefstart} to true
    			if arg-2 is "ArrowDodge":
    				load "graveyard" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    				wait 2 ticks
    				set {game} to "arrowdodge"
    				loop {queue::*}:
    					add loop-value to {playersingame::*}
    					add 1 to {gameplayercount}
    				loop {playersingame::*}:
    					teleport loop-value to location 4.473, 67, 1.536 in "Lobby"
    					clear loop-value's inventory
    					set loop-value's gamemode to adventure
    					set loop-value's flight state to false
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "                &8&l&k|&7&lArrow Dodge&8&l&k|"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&a&lOBJECTIVE"
    				broadcast "&7Avoid being hit by the arrows shot by skeletons."
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				set {gamestarted} to true
    				if {gamestarted} is true:
    					if {game} is "arrowdodge":
    						wait 1 second
    						play sound "block_note_block_pling" at volume 1 with pitch 0.7 for all players
    						broadcast " "
    						broadcast "&cGame> &7Skeletons will spawn in &4&l3 seconds"
    						broadcast " "
    						if {gamestarted} is true:
    							if {game} is "arrowdodge":
    								wait 1 second
    								play sound "block_note_block_pling" at volume 1 with pitch 0.8 for all players
    								broadcast " "
    								broadcast "&cGame> &7Skeletons will spawn in in &6&l2 seconds"
    								broadcast " "
    								if {gamestarted} is true:
    									if {game} is "arrowdodge":
    										wait 1 second
    										play sound "block_note_block_pling" at volume 1 with pitch 0.9 for all players
    										broadcast " "
    										broadcast "&cGame> &7Skeletons will spawn in &e&l1 second"
    										broadcast " "
    										if {gamestarted} is true:
    											if {game} is "arrowdodge":
    												wait 1 second
    												broadcast " "
    												broadcast "&cGame> &7Skeletons spawned &a&lnow"
    												broadcast " "
    												play sound "entity_arrow_hit" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for all players
    												execute console command "/team add skeleton"
    												spawn skeleton at location(4.533, 66.2, -6.437, world "Lobby")
    												spawn skeleton at location(4.448, 66.2, 9.575, world "Lobby")
    												execute console command "/team join skeleton @e[type=skeleton]"
    												wait 5 seconds
    												if {gameplayercount} is greater than or equal to 2:	
    													if {game} is "arrowdodge":
    														broadcast " "
    														broadcast "&cGame> &7A new wave of skeletons will spawn in &4&l10 seconds"
    														broadcast " "
    														wait 7 seconds
    														if {gameplayercount} is greater than or equal to 2:
    															if {game} is "arrowdodge":
    																broadcast " "
    																broadcast "&cGame> &7A new wave of skeletons will spawn in &6&l3 seconds"
    																broadcast " "	
    																wait 1 second
    																if {gameplayercount} is greater than or equal to 2:
    																	if {game} is "arrowdodge":
    																		broadcast " "
    																		broadcast "&cGame> &7A new wave of skeletons will spawn in &e&l2 seconds"
    																		broadcast " "	
    																		wait 1 second
    																		if {gameplayercount} is greater than or equal to 2:
    																			if {game} is "arrowdodge":
    																				broadcast " "
    																				broadcast "&cGame> &7A new wave of skeletons will spawn in &a&l1 seconds"
    																				broadcast " "	
    																				wait 1 second
    																				if {gameplayercount} is greater than or equal to 2:
    																					if {game} is "arrowdodge":
    																						execute console command "/kill @e[type=minecraft:skeleton]"
    																						execute console command "/team remove skeleton"
    																						execute console command "/team add skeleton"
    																						spawn skeleton at location(4.533, 66.2, -6.437, world "Lobby")
    																						spawn skeleton at location(4.448, 66.2, 9.575, world "Lobby")
    																						spawn skeleton at location(-3.471, 66.2, 1.55, world "Lobby")
    																						spawn skeleton at location(12.361, 66.2, 1.662, world "Lobby")
    																						execute console command "/team join skeleton @e[type=skeleton]"
    																						broadcast " "
    																						broadcast "&cGame> &7A new wave of skeletons has spawned."
    																						broadcast " "
    																						wait 5 seconds
    																						if {gameplayercount} is greater than or equal to 2:
    																							if {game} is "arrowdodge":
    																								broadcast " "
    																								broadcast "&cGame> &7The last wave of skeletons will spawn in &4&l10 seconds"
    																								broadcast " "
    																								wait 7 seconds
    																								if {gameplayercount} is greater than or equal to 2:
    																									if {game} is "arrowdodge":
    																										broadcast " "
    																										broadcast "&cGame> &7The last wave of skeletons will spawn in &6&l3 seconds"
    																										broadcast " "	
    																										wait 1 second
    																										if {gameplayercount} is greater than or equal to 2:
    																											if {game} is "arrowdodge":
    																												broadcast " "
    																												broadcast "&cGame> &7The last wave of skeletons will spawn in &e&l2 seconds"
    																												broadcast " "	
    																												wait 1 second
    																												if {gameplayercount} is greater than or equal to 2:
    																													if {game} is "arrowdodge":
    																														broadcast " "
    																														broadcast "&cGame> &7The last wave of skeletons will spawn in &a&l1 seconds"
    																														broadcast " "	
    																														wait 1 second
    																														if {gameplayercount} is greater than or equal to 2:
    																															if {game} is "arrowdodge":
    																																execute console command "/kill @e[type=minecraft:skeleton]"
    																																execute console command "/team remove skeleton"
    																																execute console command "/team add skeleton"
    																																spawn skeleton at location(4.533, 66.2, -6.437, world "Lobby")
    																																spawn skeleton at location(4.448, 66.2, 9.575, world "Lobby")
    																																spawn skeleton at location(-3.471, 66.2, 1.55, world "Lobby")
    																																spawn skeleton at location(12.361, 66.2, 1.662, world "Lobby")
    																																spawn skeleton at location(-3.435, 66.2, 5.528, world "Lobby")
    																																spawn skeleton at location(-3.7, 66.2, -2.685, world "Lobby")
    																																spawn skeleton at location(0.401, 66.2, -6.372, world "Lobby")
    																																spawn skeleton at location(8.361, 66.2, -6.669, world "Lobby")
    																																spawn skeleton at location(12.668, 66.2, -2.739, world "Lobby")
    																																spawn skeleton at location(12.189, 66.2, 5.574, world "Lobby")
    																																spawn skeleton at location(8.3, 66.2, 9.628, world "Lobby")
    																																spawn skeleton at location(0.337, 66.2, 9.7, world "Lobby")
    																																execute console command "/team join skeleton @e[type=skeleton]"
    																																broadcast " "
    																																broadcast "&cGame> &7The last wave of skeletons has spawned."
    																																broadcast " "
    			if arg-2 is "warfare":
    				load "warzone" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    				wait 4 ticks
    				set {game} to "warfare"
    				loop {queue::*}:
    					add loop-value to {playersingame::*}
    					add 1 to {gameplayercount}
    				loop {playersingame::*}:
    					if mod(loop-index parsed as integer, 2) = 0:
    						set {team.%loop-value%} to "green"
    						add loop-value to {greenplayers::*}
    						add 1 to {greenplayercount}
    						set loop-value's flight state to false
    						set {team.%loop-value%} to "grey"
    						add loop-value to {greyplayers::*}
    						add 1 to {greyplayercount}
    				loop {playersingame::*}:
    					if {team.%loop-value%} is "green":
    						teleport loop-value to location -17.166, 69, 23.026 in "Lobby"
    						set loop-value's gamemode to adventure
    						clear loop-value's inventory
    						heal loop-value
    						add unbreakable netherite hoe named "&eM14" to loop-value's inventory
    						set {_lh} to leather helmet
    						dye {_lh} (34, 139, 34)					
    						set loop-value's helmet to {_lh}
    						set {_lc} to leather chestplate
    						dye {_lc} (34, 139, 34)						
    						set loop-value's chestplate to {_lc}
    						set {_ll} to leather leggings
    						dye {_ll} (34, 139, 34)						
    						set loop-value's leggings to {_ll}
    						set {_lb} to leather boots
    						dye {_lb} (34, 139, 34)	
    						set loop-value's boots to {_lb}
    						remove loop-value from {playersingame::*}
    					if {team.%loop-value%} is "grey":
    						teleport loop-value to location 25.152, 70, -18.999 in "Lobby"
    						set loop-value's gamemode to adventure
    						clear loop-value's inventory
    						heal loop-value
    						add unbreakable netherite hoe named "&eM14" to loop-value's inventory
    						set {_lh} to leather helmet
    						dye {_lh} (128, 128, 128)						
    						set loop-value's helmet to {_lh}
    						set {_lc} to leather chestplate
    						dye {_lc} (128, 128, 128)						
    						set loop-value's chestplate to {_lc}
    						set {_ll} to leather leggings
    						dye {_ll} (128, 128, 128)						
    						set loop-value's leggings to {_ll}
    						set {_lb} to leather boots
    						dye {_lb} (128, 128, 128)	
    						set loop-value's boots to {_lb}
    						remove loop-value from {playersingame::*}
    				loop {queue::*}:
    					add loop-value to {playersingame::*}
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "              &8&l&k|&4&lWarfare&8&l&k|"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&a&lOBJECTIVE"
    				broadcast "&7Kill the other team with your &eM14&7."
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"												
    				set {gamestarted} to true
    			if arg-2 is "smash":
    				load "ruins" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    				wait 3 ticks
    				set {game} to "smash"
    				loop {queue::*}:
    					add loop-value to {playersingame::*}
    				set {_pos1} to location -12.152, 94, 14.272 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos2} to location 18.456, 92.93750, -8.626 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos3} to location 14.273, 85, 15.623 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos4} to location -8.409, 92, -11.473 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos5} to location 6.838, 88, -5.595 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos6} to location -4.347, 88, 5.943 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos7} to location -2.571, 88, -5.58 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos8} to location 7.568, 88, 5.524 in "Lobby"				
    				set {_pos9} to location 17.593, 93, 20.53 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos10} to location -8.555, 98, -15.485 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos11} to location 18.649, 100, -14.555 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos12} to location -8.483, 101, 18.544 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos13} to location 0.615, 96, 8.325 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos14} to location 3.315, 97, 7.635 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos15} to location 10.554, 96, -0.473 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos16} to location -6.441, 97, 1.494 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos17} to location -6.575, 97, -4.443 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos18} to location 5.561, 97, 9.350 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos19} to location 11.427, 95, -6.702 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos20} to location -5.437, 88, 1.487	 in "Lobby"			
    				wait 2 ticks
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos1}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos2}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos3}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos4}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos5}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos6}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos7}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos8}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos9}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos10}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos11}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos12}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos13}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos14}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos15}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos16}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos17}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos18}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				wait 1 tick
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos19}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos20}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				loop {queue::*}:
    					add 1 to {gameplayercount}
    				loop {queue::*}:
    					add loop-value to {playersingame::*}
    				loop {playersingame::*}:
    					clear loop-value's inventory
    					set loop-value's gamemode to adventure
    					set loop-value's flight state to false
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "            &8&l&k|&c&lSmash&8&l&k|"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&a&lOBJECTIVE"
    				broadcast "&7Choose a kit and use its abilities to kill your opponents."
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				set {gamestarted1} to true
    				set {gamestarted} to true
    				if {gamestarted} is true:
    					wait 1 second
    					play sound "block_note_block_pling" at volume 1 with pitch 0.7 for all players
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&cGame> &7Game will start in &4&l10 seconds"
    					broadcast " "
    					loop {playersingame::*}:
    						make loop-value execute "/smashkit"
    					if {gamestarted} is true:
    						wait 5 seconds
    						play sound "block_note_block_pling" at volume 1 with pitch 0.8 for all players
    						broadcast " "
    						broadcast "&cGame> &7Game will start in &6&l5 seconds"
    						broadcast " "
    						if {gamestarted} is true:
    							wait 3 second
    							play sound "block_note_block_pling" at volume 1 with pitch 0.9 for all players
    							broadcast " "
    							broadcast "&cGame> &7Game will start in &e&l2 seconds"
    							broadcast " "
    							if {gamestarted} is true:
    								wait 2 seconds
    								broadcast " "
    								broadcast "&cGame> &7Game has &a&lstarted&7!"
    								broadcast " "
    								play sound "entity.ender_dragon.growl" at volume 1 with pitch 1.3 for all players
    								set {smashstart} to true
    								loop {playersingame::*}:
    									close loop-value's inventory
    									if {smashkit.%loop-value%} is not set:
    										clear loop-value's inventory
    										heal loop-value
    										set loop-value's flight state to true
    										add unbreakable bow of infinity 1 and knockback 1 named "&8Wither Bow" to loop-value's inventory
    										add arrow to loop-value's inventory
    										set {_nbt} to "{Potion:""minecraft:water"",CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:20,Amplifier:1,Duration:120}],}"
    										add 3 splash potion with nbt {_nbt} to loop-value's inventory
    #										execute console command "/give %loop-value% minecraft:splash_potion{Potion:""minecraft:water"",CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:20,Amplifier:1,Duration:120}],}"
    										#splash potion of withering
    										set loop-value's helmet to wither skeleton skull
    										set {_lc} to unbreakable leather chestplate
    										dye {_lc} (0, 0, 0)						
    										set loop-value's chestplate to {_lc}
    										set {_ll} to unbreakable leather leggings
    										dye {_ll} (0, 0, 0)							
    										set loop-value's leggings to {_ll}
    										set {_lb} to unbreakable leather boots
    										dye {_lb} (0, 0, 0)		
    										set loop-value's boots to {_lb}
    									if {smashkit.%loop-value%} is "Wither":
    										clear loop-value's inventory
    										heal loop-value
    										set loop-value's flight state to true
    										add unbreakable bow of infinity 1 and knockback 1 named "&8Wither Bow" to loop-value's inventory
    										add arrow to loop-value's inventory
    										set {_nbt} to "{Potion:""minecraft:water"",CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:20,Amplifier:1,Duration:120}],}"
    										add 3 splash potion with nbt {_nbt} to loop-value's inventory
    #										execute console command "/give %loop-value% minecraft:splash_potion{Potion:""minecraft:water"",CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:20,Amplifier:1,Duration:120}],}"
    										#splash potion of withering				
    										set loop-value's helmet to wither skeleton skull
    										set {_lc} to unbreakable leather chestplate
    										dye {_lc} (0, 0, 0)						
    										set loop-value's chestplate to {_lc}
    										set {_ll} to unbreakable leather leggings
    										dye {_ll} (0, 0, 0)							
    										set loop-value's leggings to {_ll}
    										set {_lb} to unbreakable leather boots
    										dye {_lb} (0, 0, 0)		
    										set loop-value's boots to {_lb}
    										delete {smashkit.%loop-value%}
    									if {smashkit.%loop-value%} is "Zombie":	
    										clear loop-value's inventory
    										heal loop-value
    										set loop-value's flight state to true
    										add unbreakable iron shovel of sharpness 2 and knockback 1 to loop-value's inventory
    										set {_nbt} to "{Potion:""minecraft:water"",CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:9,Duration:200}],}"
    										add 5 splash potion with nbt {_nbt} to loop-value's inventory
    #										execute console command "/give %loop-value% minecraft:splash_potion{Potion:""minecraft:water"",CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:9,Duration:200}],}"
    										#splash potion of nausea
    										set loop-value's helmet to zombie skull
    										set {_lc} to unbreakable leather chestplate
    										dye {_lc} (224, 255, 255)						
    										set loop-value's chestplate to {_lc}
    										set {_ll} to unbreakable leather leggings
    										dye {_ll} (0, 0, 128)						
    										set loop-value's leggings to {_ll}
    										set {_lb} to unbreakable leather boots
    										dye {_lb} (0, 0, 128)		
    										set loop-value's boots to {_lb}
    										add loop-value to {pwzk::*}
    									if {smashkit.%loop-value%} is "Skeleton":	
    										clear loop-value's inventory
    										heal loop-value
    										set loop-value's flight state to true
    										add unbreakable bow of punch 2 and infinity 1 to loop-value's inventory
    										add shiny bone of knockback 1 and sharpness 1 to loop-value's inventory
    										add arrow to loop-value's inventory
    										set loop-value's helmet to skeleton skull
    										set {_lc} to unbreakable leather chestplate of protection 2
    										dye {_lc} (211, 211, 211)						
    										set loop-value's chestplate to {_lc}
    										set {_ll} to unbreakable leather leggings of protection 2
    										dye {_ll} (211, 211, 211)					
    										set loop-value's leggings to {_ll}
    										set {_lb} to unbreakable leather boots of protection 2
    										dye {_lb} (211, 211, 211)		
    										set loop-value's boots to {_lb}
    									if {smashkit.%loop-value%} is "Cactus":	
    										clear loop-value's inventory
    										heal loop-value
    										set loop-value's flight state to true
    										add unbreakable wood sword of sharpness 2 and knockback 1 to loop-value's inventory
    										set loop-value's helmet to cactus				
    										set {_lc} to unbreakable leather chestplate of thorns 3
    										dye {_lc} (0, 128, 0)
    										set loop-value's chestplate to {_lc}
    										set {_ll} to unbreakable leather leggings of thorns 3
    										dye {_ll} (0, 128, 0)					
    										set loop-value's leggings to {_ll}
    										set {_lb} to unbreakable leather boots of thorns 3
    										dye {_lb} (0, 128, 0)		
    										set loop-value's boots to {_lb}
    									if {smashkit.%loop-value%} is "Blaze":	
    										clear loop-value's inventory
    										heal loop-value
    										set loop-value's flight state to true
    										add unbreakable bow of infinity 1 named "&6Blaze Bow" to loop-value's inventory
    										add blaze rod of knockback 1 and sharpness 1 and fire aspect 1 to loop-value's inventory
    										add arrow to loop-value's inventory
    										set loop-value's helmet to skull of ("18jadamecb" parsed as offline player) named "Blaze Head"				
    										set {_lc} to unbreakable leather chestplate
    										dye {_lc} (255, 255, 0)
    										set loop-value's chestplate to {_lc}
    										set {_ll} to unbreakable leather leggings
    										dye {_ll} (255, 255, 0)					
    										set loop-value's leggings to {_ll}
    										set {_lb} to unbreakable leather boots
    										dye {_lb} (255, 255, 0)		
    										set loop-value's boots to {_lb}
    									if {smashkit.%loop-value%} is "Enderman":	
    										clear loop-value's inventory
    										heal loop-value
    										set loop-value's flight state to true
    										add ender eye of sharpness 3 and knockback 1 to loop-value's inventory
    										add 5 ender pearls to loop-value's inventory
    										set loop-value's helmet to skull of ("4nn" parsed as offline player) named "Enderman Head"				
    										set {_lc} to unbreakable leather chestplate
    										dye {_lc} (0, 0, 0)
    										set loop-value's chestplate to {_lc}
    										set {_ll} to unbreakable leather leggings
    										dye {_ll} (139, 0, 139)					
    										set loop-value's leggings to {_ll}
    										set {_lb} to unbreakable leather boots
    										dye {_lb} (0, 0, 0)		
    										set loop-value's boots to {_lb}
    									if {smashkit.%loop-value%} is "Chicken":	
    										clear loop-value's inventory
    										heal loop-value
    										set loop-value's flight state to true
    										add wood sword of sharpness 1 and knockback 1 to loop-value's inventory
    										add 10 eggs to loop-value's inventory
    										set loop-value's helmet to skull of ("AndrewTheThug" parsed as offline player) named "Chicken Head"				
    										set {_lc} to unbreakable leather chestplate
    										dye {_lc} (255, 255, 255)
    										set loop-value's chestplate to {_lc}
    										set {_ll} to unbreakable leather leggings
    										dye {_ll} (255, 255, 255)					
    										set loop-value's leggings to {_ll}
    										set {_lb} to unbreakable leather boots
    										dye {_lb} (255, 255, 255)	
    										set loop-value's boots to {_lb}
    								set {smashstart} to true
    								delete {gamestarted1}
    			if arg-2 is "chickshoot":
    				load "hills" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    				wait 3 ticks
    				set {game} to "chickshoot"
    				loop {queue::*}:
    					add loop-value to {playersingame::*}
    				loop {playersingame::*}:
    					teleport loop-value to location 3.904, 74, 2.070 in "Lobby"
    					clear loop-value's inventory
    					add 1 to {gameplayercount}
    					set loop-value's gamemode to adventure
    					add unbreakable bow of infinity 1 and power 5 to loop-value's inventory
    					add arrow to loop-value's inventory
    					set {chickshootpoints.%loop-value%} to 0
    					set loop-value's flight state to false
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "              &8&l&k|&f&lChicken Shoot&8&l&k|"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&a&lOBJECTIVE"
    				broadcast "&7Shoot the most chickens &8| &f1 Chicken &7= &e1 Point"
    				broadcast "&7First person to &e20 points &7wins."
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"				
    				set {gamestarted} to true
    				if {gamestarted} is true:
    					if {game} is "chickshoot":
    						wait 1 second
    						play sound "block_note_block_pling" at volume 1 with pitch 0.7 for all players
    						broadcast " "
    						broadcast "&cGame> &7Chickens will spawn in &4&l3 seconds"
    						broadcast " "
    						if {gamestarted} is true:
    							if {game} is "chickshoot":
    								wait 1 second
    								play sound "block_note_block_pling" at volume 1 with pitch 0.8 for all players
    								broadcast " "
    								broadcast "&cGame> &7Chickens will spawn in in &6&l2 seconds"
    								broadcast " "
    								if {gamestarted} is true:
    									if {game} is "chickshoot":
    										wait 1 second
    										play sound "block_note_block_pling" at volume 1 with pitch 0.9 for all players
    										broadcast " "
    										broadcast "&cGame> &7Chickens will spawn in &e&l1 second"
    										broadcast " "
    										if {gamestarted} is true:
    											if {game} is "chickshoot":
    												wait 1 second
    												broadcast " "
    												broadcast "&cGame> &7Chickens spawned &a&lnow"
    												broadcast " "
    												play sound "entity_chicken_hurt" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for all players
    												spawn chicken at location(-5.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(-3.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(-1.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(1.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(3.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(5.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(7.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(9.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(11.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(13.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(15, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(-5.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(-3.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(-1.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(1.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(3.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(5.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(7.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(9.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(11.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(13.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(15, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(4.452, 110, -3.447, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(14.454, 110, -3.558, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(14.545, 110, 4.309, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(4.455, 110, 4.449, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(-5.616, 110, 4.346, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(-5.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(-3.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(-1.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(1.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(3.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(5.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(7.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(9.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(11.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(13.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    												spawn chicken at location(15, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    												wait 15 seconds
    												if {gamestarted} is true:
    													if {game} is "chickshoot":
    														broadcast " "
    														broadcast "&cGame> &7Another round of chickens has spawned."
    														broadcast " "
    														play sound "entity_chicken_hurt" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for all players
    														spawn chicken at location(-5.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(-3.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(-1.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(1.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(3.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(5.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(7.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(9.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(11.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(13.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(15, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(-5.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(-3.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(-1.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(1.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(3.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(5.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(7.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(9.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(11.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(13.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(15, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(4.452, 110, -3.447, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(14.454, 110, -3.558, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(14.545, 110, 4.309, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(4.455, 110, 4.449, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(-5.616, 110, 4.346, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(-5.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(-3.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(-1.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(1.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(3.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(5.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(7.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(9.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(11.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(13.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(15, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    														spawn chicken at location(15, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    														wait 15 seconds
    														if {gamestarted} is true:
    															if {game} is "chickshoot":
    																broadcast " "
    																broadcast "&cGame> &7The last round of chickens has spawned."
    																broadcast " "
    																play sound "entity_chicken_hurt" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for all players
    																spawn chicken at location(-5.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(-3.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(-1.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(1.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(3.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(5.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(7.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(9.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(11.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(13.550, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(15, 110, -7.724, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(-5.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(-3.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(-1.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(1.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(3.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(5.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(7.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(9.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(11.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(13.550, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(15, 110, 0, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(4.452, 110, -3.447, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(14.454, 110, -3.558, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(14.545, 110, 4.309, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(4.455, 110, 4.449, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(-5.616, 110, 4.346, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(-5.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(-3.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(-1.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(1.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(3.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(5.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(7.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(9.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(11.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(13.560, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    																spawn chicken at location(15, 110, 8.319, world "Lobby")
    			if arg-2 is "sumo":
    				load "nethersumo" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    				wait 2 ticks
    				set {game} to "sumo"
    				loop {queue::*}:
    					add loop-value to {playersingame::*}
    					add 1 to {gameplayercount}
    				loop {playersingame::*}:
    					teleport loop-value to location 3.974, 81.91573, 2.002 in "Lobby"
    					clear loop-value's inventory
    					set loop-value's gamemode to adventure
    					add stick of knockback 1 to loop-value's inventory
    					apply regeneration of tier 5 without particles to loop-value for 3 days
    					set loop-value's flight state to false
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "                  &8&l&k|&9&lSumo&8&l&k|"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&a&lOBJECTIVE"
    				broadcast "&7Knock the other players off of the platform"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				set {gamestarted} to true
    				if {gamestarted} is true:
    					wait 1 second
    					play sound "block_note_block_pling" at volume 1 with pitch 0.7 for all players
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&cGame> &7Players can hit each other in &4&l3 seconds"
    					broadcast " "
    					wait 1 second
    					if {gamestarted} is true:
    						play sound "block_note_block_pling" at volume 1 with pitch 0.8 for all players
    						broadcast " "
    						broadcast "&cGame> &7Players can hit eachother in &6&l2 seconds"
    						broadcast " "
    						wait 1 second
    						if {gamestarted} is true:
    							play sound "block_note_block_pling" at volume 1 with pitch 0.9 for all players
    							broadcast " "
    							broadcast "&cGame> &7Players can hit each other in &e&l1 second"
    							broadcast " "
    							wait 1 second
    							if {gamestarted} is true:
    								broadcast " "
    								broadcast "&cGame> &7Players can hit each other &a&lnow"
    								broadcast " "
    								play sound "entity_player_hurt" at volume 1 with pitch .8 for all players
    								set {sumostart} to true
    			if arg-2 is "tntrun":
    				load "tntrun" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    				wait 4 ticks
    				set {game} to "tntrun"
    				loop {queue::*}:
    					add loop-value to {playersingame::*}
    					add 1 to {gameplayercount}
    				loop {playersingame::*}:
    					teleport loop-value to location 2.826, 106.74293, -0.802 in "Lobby"
    					clear loop-value's inventory
    					set loop-value's gamemode to adventure
    					set loop-value's flight state to false
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "                  &8&l&k|&c&lT&f&lN&c&lT &f&lR&c&lu&f&ln&8&l&k|"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&a&lOBJECTIVE"
    				broadcast "&7Don't fall into the lava."
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				set {gamestarted} to true
    				if {gamestarted} is true:
    					wait 1 second
    					play sound "block_note_block_pling" at volume 1 with pitch 0.7 for all players
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&cGame> &7Players will drop in &4&l3 seconds"
    					broadcast " "
    					wait 1 second
    					if {gamestarted} is true:
    						play sound "block_note_block_pling" at volume 1 with pitch 0.8 for all players
    						broadcast " "
    						broadcast "&cGame> &7Players will drop in &6&l2 seconds"
    						broadcast " "
    						wait 1 second
    						if {gamestarted} is true:
    							play sound "block_note_block_pling" at volume 1 with pitch 0.9 for all players
    							broadcast " "
    							broadcast "&cGame> &7Players will drop in &e&l1 second"
    							broadcast " "
    							wait 1 second
    							if {gamestarted} is true:
    								broadcast " "
    								broadcast "&cGame> &7Players will drop &a&lnow"
    								broadcast " "
    								play sound "entity_tnt_primed" at volume 1 with pitch .8 for all players
    								load "tntvoid" at location -19, 96, -21 in "Lobby"
    			if arg-2 is "bridge":
    				load "abandoned" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    				wait 4 ticks
    				set {game} to "bridge"
    				loop {queue::*}:
    					add loop-value to {playersingame::*}
    					add 1 to {gameplayercount}
    				loop {playersingame::*}:
    					if mod(loop-index parsed as integer, 2) = 0:
    						set {team.%loop-value%} to "blue"
    						add loop-value to {blueplayers::*}
    						add 1 to {blueplayercount}
    						set loop-value's flight state to false
    						set {team.%loop-value%} to "red"
    						add loop-value to {edplayers::*}
    						add 1 to {redplayercount}
    						set loop-value's flight state to false
    				loop {playersingame::*}:
    					if {team.%loop-value%} is "blue":
    						teleport loop-value to location -18.050, 95.41892, 1.438 in "Lobby"
    						set loop-value's gamemode to survival
    						clear loop-value's inventory
    						heal loop-value
    						add unbreakable wood sword to loop-value's inventory
    						add unbreakable bow to loop-value's inventory
    						add 64 blue wool to loop-value's inventory
    						add 64 blue wool to loop-value's inventory
    						add 2 golden apple to loop-value's inventory
    						add 15 arrows to loop-value's inventory
    						set {_lh} to unbreakable leather helmet
    						dye {_lh} (0, 0, 255)				
    						set loop-value's helmet to {_lh}
    						set {_lc} to unbreakable leather chestplate
    						dye {_lc} (0, 0, 255)						
    						set loop-value's chestplate to {_lc}
    						set {_ll} to unbreakable leather leggings
    						dye {_ll} (0, 0, 255)						
    						set loop-value's leggings to {_ll}
    						set {_lb} to unbreakable leather boots
    						dye {_lb} (0, 0, 255)	
    						set loop-value's boots to {_lb}
    						remove loop-value from {playersingame::*}
    					if {team.%loop-value%} is "red":
    						teleport loop-value to location 25.500, 96.15815, 2.500 in "Lobby"
    						set loop-value's gamemode to survival
    						clear loop-value's inventory
    						heal loop-value
    						add unbreakable wood sword to loop-value's inventory
    						add unbreakable bow to loop-value's inventory
    						add 64 red wool to loop-value's inventory
    						add 64 red wool to loop-value's inventory
    						add 2 golden apple to loop-value's inventory
    						add 15 arrows to loop-value's inventory
    						set {_lh} to unbreakable leather helmet
    						dye {_lh} (255, 0, 0)						
    						set loop-value's helmet to {_lh}
    						set {_lc} to unbreakable leather chestplate
    						dye {_lc} (255, 0, 0)						
    						set loop-value's chestplate to {_lc}
    						set {_ll} to unbreakable leather leggings
    						dye {_ll} (255, 0, 0)						
    						set loop-value's leggings to {_ll}
    						set {_lb} to unbreakable leather boots
    						dye {_lb} (255, 0, 0)	
    						set loop-value's boots to {_lb}
    						remove loop-value from {playersingame::*}
    				set {bluegoals} to 0
    				set {redgoals} to 0
    				loop {queue::*}:
    					add loop-value to {playersingame::*}
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "              &8&l&k|&9&lBri&c&ldge&8&l&k|"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&a&lOBJECTIVE"
    				broadcast "&7Be the first team to score 3 times&7."
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"												
    				set {gamestarted} to true
    			if arg-2 is "bellclimb":
    				load "bellclimb" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    				wait 3 ticks
    				set {game} to "bellclimb"
    				loop {queue::*}:
    					add loop-value to {playersingame::*}
    				set {_pos1} to location 26.700, 68.2, -8.555 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos2} to location -18.7, 68.2, 14.7 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos3} to location 4.329, 68.2, 24.647 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos4} to location -8.7, 68.2, -20.596 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos5} to location 26.7, 68.2, 15.3 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos6} to location -18.7, 68.2, -9.688 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos7} to location -3.3, 68.2, 24.7 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos8} to location -18.7, 68.2, -1.641 in "Lobby"				
    				set {_pos9} to location 26.7, 68.2, 7.3 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos10} to location 12.369, 68.2, 24.615 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos11} to location -0.588, 68.2, -20.7 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos12} to location 26.7, 68.2, -0.700 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos13} to location -18.7, 68.2, 6.496 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos14} to location 20.3, 68.2, 24.543 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos15} to location 23.308, 68.2, -20.7 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos16} to location -11.3, 68.2, 24.7 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos17} to location 15.667, 68.2, -20.7 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos18} to location -18.7, 68.2, -17.3 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos19} to location 7.357, 68.2, -20.7 in "Lobby"
    				set {_pos20} to location 7.357, 68.2, -20.7	 in "Lobby"			
    				wait 2 ticks
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos1}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos2}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos3}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos4}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos5}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos6}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos7}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos8}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos9}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos10}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos11}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos12}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos13}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos14}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos15}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos16}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos17}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos18}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				wait 1 tick
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos19}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				set {_player} to a random element out of {playersingame::*}
    				teleport {_player} to {_pos20}
    				remove {_player} from {playersingame::*}
    				loop {queue::*}:
    					add 1 to {gameplayercount}
    				loop {queue::*}:
    					add loop-value to {playersingame::*}
    				loop {playersingame::*}:
    					clear loop-value's inventory
    					set loop-value's gamemode to survival
    					set loop-value's flight state to false
    					apply regeneration of tier 5 without particles to loop-value for 3 days
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "            &8&l&k|&e&lBell Climb&8&l&k|"
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&a&lOBJECTIVE"
    				broadcast "&7Be the first person to the ring the bell at the top of the tower."
    				broadcast "&9&lNOTE"
    				broadcast "&7You can punch oak logs and players."
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    				set {gamestarted} to true
    on any movement:
    	if {gamestarted1} is true:
    		if {game} is "smash":
    			if {playersingame::*} contains player:	
    				cancel event
    on rightclick with hoe:
    	if player's gamemode is not creative:
    		if clicked block is grass:
    			cancel event
    on rightclick on villager:
    	if name of villager is "&cShop":
    		open virtual chest with size 3 named "Shop" to player
    		format gui slot 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25, and 26 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
    		format gui slot 10 of player with 16 wool named "&f16 Wool" with lore "&8Cost: &f4 Iron Ingots" to run:
    			if player does not have 10 iron ingots:
    				play sound "entity_villager_no" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for player
    			if player has 10 iron ingots:
    				play sound "entity_item_pickup" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for player
    				remove 10 iron ingots from player's inventory
    on death:
    	if victim is a chicken:
    		if attacker is a player:	
    			if {game} is "chickshoot":	
    				add 1 to {chickshootpoints.%attacker%}
    				play sound "entity_arrow_hit_player" at volume 0.6 with pitch 0.8 for attacker
    				broadcast "&cGame> &e%attacker% &7has killed a chicken! (&e%{chickshootpoints.%attacker%}% &ePoints&7)"
    on damage:
    	if attacker is a player:
    		if damage cause is a projectile:
    			if {gamestarted} is true:	
    				if {game} is "warfare":	
    					if {team.%attacker%} is not {team.%victim%}:	
    						cancel event
    						damage victim by 2.5
    						play sound "entity_arrow_hit_player" at volume 0.5 with pitch 1 for attacker
    					if {team.%attacker%} is {team.%victim%}:
    						cancel event
    on rightclick with netherite hoe:
    	if name of player's tool is "&eM14":
    		if {M14cooldown.%player%} is not set:	
    			set {M14cooldown.%player%} to true
    			shoot snowball from player at speed 3.5
    			play sound "entity.generic.explode" at volume 0.6 with pitch 2.5 at location of player
    			wait 10 ticks
    			delete {M14cooldown.%player%}
    on shoot:
    	if name of shooter's tool is "&8Wither Bow":
    		if {witherbow.%shooter%} is not set:	
    			set {witherbow.%shooter%} to true
    			cancel event
    			shoot wither skull from shooter at speed 1.2 in direction of shooter
    			wait 15 ticks
    			delete {witherbow.%shooter%}
    		if {witherbow.%shooter%} is set:
    			cancel event
    			send "&cGame> &7The cooldown has not expired yet." to shooter
    on shoot:
    	if name of shooter's tool is "&6Blaze Bow":
    		if {blazebow.%shooter%} is not set:	
    			set {blazebow.%shooter%} to true
    			cancel event
    			shoot small fireball from shooter at speed 0.8 in direction of shooter
    			wait 30 ticks
    			delete {blazebow.%shooter%}
    		if {blazebow.%shooter%} is set:
    			cancel event
    			send "&cGame> &7The cooldown has not expired yet." to shooter
    on projectile hit:
    	if projectile is an egg:
    		if shooter is a player:
    			if {playersingame::*} contains shooter:
    				if {game} is "Smash":
    					if {gamestarted} is true:
    						create a fake explosion at event-location
    						play sound "entity_chicken_hurt" at volume 0.8 with pitch 1 at event-location
    						loop all players in radius 2 around event-location:
    							damage loop-player by 1
    on spawn of chicken:
    	if {game} is "smash":
    		cancel event
    on death:
    	if {gamestarted} is true:
    		if {playersingame::*} contains victim:
    			if {game} is "ffa":	
    				remove victim from {playersingame::*}
    				subtract 1 from {gameplayercount}
    				force player to respawn
    				wait 4 ticks
    				extinguish the player
    				heal player
    				teleport victim to {lobby}
    				clear victim's inventory
    				set victim's gamemode to adventure			
    				if {gameplayercount} is less than 2:
    					set {_gameend} to true
    				if {_gameend} is true:
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "            &8&l&k|&e&lFree For All&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 3 ticks
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {_gameend}
    					delete {game}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					extinguish victim
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player							
    	loop all dropped items:
    		delete loop-value
    on quit:
    	if {queue::*} contains player:
    		remove player from {queue::*}
    	if {gamestarted} is true:
    		if {playersingame::*} contains player:
    			remove player from {playersingame::*}
    			subtract 1 from {gameplayercount}
    			remove player from {pwzk::*}
    			if {game} is "warfare":				
    				if {greyplayers::*} contains "%player%":
    					remove player from {greyplayers::*}
    					subtract 1 from {greyplayercount}
    				if {greyplayercount} is 0:
    					set {_gameendgreen} to true
    				if {greenplayers::*} contains "%player%":
    					remove player from {greenplayers::*}
    					subtract 1 from {greenplayercount}
    				if {greenplayercount} is 0:
    					set {_gameendgrey} to true
    				if {_gameendgrey} is true:
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "              &8&l&k|&4&lWarfare&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&8&lGREY &7Team"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 3 ticks
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {_gameend}
    					delete {game}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					delete {greenplayercount}
    					delete {greyplayercount}
    					delete {greyplayers::*}
    					delete {greenplayers::*}
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					extinguish player
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    				if {_gameendgreen} is true:
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "              &8&l&k|&4&lWarfare&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&2&lGREEN &7Team"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 3 ticks
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {_gameend}
    					delete {game}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					delete {greenplayercount}
    					delete {greyplayercount}
    					delete {greyplayers::*}
    					delete {greenplayers::*}
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					extinguish player
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    on quit:
    	if {queue::*} contains player:
    		remove player from {queue::*}
    	if {gamestarted} is true:
    		if {playersingame::*} contains player:
    			remove player from {playersingame::*}
    			subtract 1 from {gameplayercount}
    			if {game} is "warfare":				
    				if {redplayers::*} contains "%player%":
    					remove player from {redplayers::*}
    					subtract 1 from {redplayercount}
    					delete {team.%player%}
    				if {redplayercount} is 0:
    					set {_gameendblue} to true
    				if {blueplayers::*} contains "%player%":
    					remove player from {blueplayers::*}
    					subtract 1 from {blueplayercount}
    					delete {team.%player%}
    				if {blueplayercount} is 0:
    					set {_gameendred} to true
    				if {_gameendblue} is true:
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "              &8&l&k|&9&lBri&c&ldge&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&9&lBlue &7Team"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							delete {respawning.%loop-player%}
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 3 ticks
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {_gameend}
    					delete {game}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					delete {blueplayercount}
    					delete {redplayercount}
    					delete {blueplayers::*}
    					delete {redplayers::*}
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					extinguish player
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    				if {_gameendred} is true:
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "              &8&l&k|&9&lBri&c&ldge&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&c&lRED &7Team"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							delete {respawning.%loop-player%}
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 3 ticks
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {_gameend}
    					delete {game}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					delete {blueplayercount}
    					delete {redplayercount}
    					delete {blueplayers::*}
    					delete {redplayers::*}
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					extinguish player
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    on quit:
    	if {queue::*} contains player:
    		remove player from {queue::*}
    	if {gamestarted} is true:
    		if {playersingame::*} contains player:
    			remove player from {playersingame::*}
    			subtract 1 from {gameplayercount}
    			if {game} is "chickshoot":
    				if {gameplayercount} is 1:	
    					delete {chickshootpoints.%player%}
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "              &8&l&k|&f&lChicken Shoot&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 3 ticks
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    							delete {chickshootpoints.%loop-player%}
    					execute console command "/kill @e[type=chicken]"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {_gameend}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					delete {game}
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    on quit:
    	execute console command "/effect clear %player%"
    	if {queue::*} contains player:
    		remove player from {queue::*}
    	if {gamestarted} is true:
    		if {playersingame::*} contains player:
    			remove player from {playersingame::*}
    			subtract 1 from {gameplayercount}
    			if {game} is "bellclimb":
    				if {gameplayercount} is less than 2:	
    					delete {chickshootpoints.%player%}
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "            &8&l&k|&e&lBell Climb&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 3 ticks
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {_gameend}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					delete {game}
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    on quit:
    	if {queue::*} contains player:
    		remove player from {queue::*}
    	if {gamestarted} is true:
    		if {playersingame::*} contains player:
    			remove player from {playersingame::*}
    			subtract 1 from {gameplayercount}
    			remove player from {pwzk::*}
    			if {game} is "arrowdodge":
    				if {gameplayercount} is 1:	
    					delete {arrows.%player%}
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "                &8&l&k|&7&lArrow Dodge&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 3 ticks
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    					execute console command "/kill @e[type=skeleton]"
    					execute console command "/team remove skeleton"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {_gameend}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    on quit:
    	if {queue::*} contains player:
    		remove player from {queue::*}
    	if {gamestarted} is true:
    		if {playersingame::*} contains player:
    			remove player from {playersingame::*}
    			subtract 1 from {gameplayercount}
    			remove player from {pwzk::*}
    			if {game} is "spleef":			
    				if {gameplayercount} is 1:
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "                 &8&l&k|&f&lSpleef&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 3 ticks
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					delete {game}
    					delete {spleefstart}
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    on quit:
    	if {queue::*} contains player:
    		remove player from {queue::*}
    	if {gamestarted} is true:
    		if {playersingame::*} contains player:
    			remove player from {playersingame::*}
    			subtract 1 from {gameplayercount}
    			if {game} is "tntrun":			
    				if {gameplayercount} is 1:
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "                  &8&l&k|&c&lT&f&lN&c&lT &f&lR&c&lu&f&ln&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					execute console command "/kill @e[type=!player]"
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 1 tick
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}						
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					delete {game}
    					wait 4 ticks
    					execute console command "/kill @e[type=!player]"
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					execute console command "/kill @e[type=!player]"
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    on quit:
    	if {queue::*} contains player:
    		remove player from {queue::*}
    	if {gamestarted} is true:
    		if {playersingame::*} contains player:
    			remove player from {playersingame::*}
    			subtract 1 from {gameplayercount}
    			if {game} is "sumo":
    				execute console command "/effect clear %player%"
    				if {gameplayercount} is 1:
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "                  &8&l&k|&9&lSumo&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 3 ticks
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					delete {game}
    					delete {sumostart}
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    every 1 second in world "Lobby":
    	if {game} is "chickshoot":
    		if {gamestarted} is true:
    			loop {playersingame::*}:
    				if {chickshootpoints.%loop-value%} is greater than or equal to 20:
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "              &8&l&k|&f&lChicken Shoot&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&7%loop-value%"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 3 ticks
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    							delete {chickshootpoints.%loop-player%}
    					execute console command "/kill @e[type=chicken]"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {_gameend}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					delete {game}
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value-2
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value-2
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    command /smashkit [<text>]:
    		if {playersingame::*} does not contain player:
    			message "&cGame> &7You are not in the game, therefore you cannot choose a kit."
    		if {playersingame::*} contains player:
    			open virtual chest with size 1 named "Choose a Kit" to player
    			wait 1 tick
    			format gui slot 0 of player with wither skeleton skull named "&8Wither" with lore " " and "&f&lDIFFICULTY" and "&6&lMEDIUM" and " " and "&7&lLOADOUT" and "&8Wither Bow" and "&cSplash Potion of Withering" to run:
    				set {smashkit.%player%} to "Wither"
    				play sound "entity_wither_ambient" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for player
    				close player's inventory
    			format gui slot 1 of player with zombie skull named "&2Zombie" with lore " " and "&f&lDIFFICULTY" and "&a&lEASY" and " " and "&7&lLOADOUT" and "&fIron Shovel &b&o(Sharpness 2 | Knockback 1)" and "&cSplash Potion of Nausea" to run:
    				set {smashkit.%player%} to "Zombie"
    				play sound "entity_zombie_ambient" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for player
    				close player's inventory
    			format gui slot 2 of player with skeleton skull named "&7Skeleton" with lore " " and "&f&lDIFFICULTY" and "&4&lHARD" and " " and "&7&lLOADOUT" and "&fBow &b&o(Punch 2)" and "&fBone &b&o(Sharpness 1 | Knockback 1)" to run:
    				set {smashkit.%player%} to "Skeleton"
    				play sound "entity_skeleton_ambient" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for player
    				close player's inventory
    			format gui slot 3 of player with cactus named "&aCactus" with lore " " and "&f&lDIFFICULTY" and "&a&lEASY" and " " and "&7&lLOADOUT" and "&fWooden Sword &b&o(Sharpness 2 | Knockback 1)" to run:
    				set {smashkit.%player%} to "Cactus"
    				play sound "block_wool_break" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for player
    				close player's inventory
    			format gui slot 4 of player with skull of ("18jadamecb" parsed as offline player) named "&eBlaze" with lore " " and "&f&lDIFFICULTY" and "&6&lMEDIUM" and " " and "&7&lLOADOUT" and "&6Blaze Bow" and "&fBlaze Rod &b&o(Knockback 1 | Sharpness 1 | Fire Aspect 1)" to run:
    				set {smashkit.%player%} to "Blaze"
    				play sound "entity_blaze_ambient" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for player
    				close player's inventory
    			format gui slot 5 of player with skull of ("4nn" parsed as offline player) named "&5Enderman" with lore " " and "&f&lDIFFICULTY" and "&6&lMEDIUM" and " " and "&7&lLOADOUT" and "&fEnder Eye &b&o(Sharpness 3 | Knockback 1)" and "&f5 Ender Pearls" to run:
    				set {smashkit.%player%} to "Enderman"
    				play sound "entity_enderman_ambient" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for player
    				close player's inventory
    			format gui slot 6 of player with skull of ("AndrewTheThug" parsed as offline player) named "&fChicken" with lore " " and "&f&lDIFFICULTY" and "&6&lMEDIUM" and " " and "&7&lLOADOUT" and "&fWooden Sword &b&o(Sharpness 1 | Knockback 1)" and "&f10 Explosive Eggs" to run:
    				set {smashkit.%player%} to "Chicken"
    				play sound "entity_chicken_hurt" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for player
    				close player's inventory

    Second Skript (Win conditions, etc)

    on damage:
    	if attacker is a player:
    		if victim is a player:	
    			if {playersingame::*} does not contain "%attacker%":
    				cancel event
    			if {playersingame::*} does not contain "%victim%":
    				cancel event
    			if {playersingame::*} contains "%victim%" or "%attacker%":
    				if {gamestarted} is not set:
    					cancel event
    				if {gamestarted} is true:
    					if {game} is "spleef":
    						if {spleefstart} is true:	
    							if damage cause is not projectile:
    								cancel event
    						if {spleefstart} is not true:
    							cancel event
    					if {game} is "smash":
    						if {smashstart} is not true:
    							cancel event
    					if {game} is "sumo":
    						if {sumostart} is true:
    							if damage cause is projectile:
    								cancel event
    						if {sumostart} is not true:
    							cancel event
    					if {game} is "tntrun":
    						cancel event
    			if {game} is "boatrace":
    				cancel event
    			if {game} is "chickshoot":
    				cancel event
    			if {game} is "bridge":
    				if {team.%victim%} is {team.%attacker%}:
    					cancel event
    				if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    					cancel event
    			if {game} is "warfare":
    				if {team.%victim%} is {team.%attacker%}:
    					cancel event
    	if attacker is a skeleton:
    		if damage cause is a projectile:
    			if {game} is "arrowdodge":
    				if {playersingame::*} contains "%victim%":
    					cancel event
    					if {arrows.%victim%} is not set:
    						add 1 to {arrows.%victim%}
    						send " " to victim
    						send "&cGame> &7You've been hit once! If you get hit like that again, you will die." to victim
    						send " " to victim
    						play sound "entity_arrow_hit_player" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for victim
    					if {arrows.%victim%} is 1:
    						remove victim from {playersingame::*}
    						subtract 1 from {gameplayercount}
    						delete {arrows.%victim%}
    						wait 4 ticks
    						extinguish the victim
    						heal victim
    						teleport victim to {lobby}
    						clear victim's inventory
    						set victim's gamemode to adventure	
    						if {gameplayercount} is less than 2:
    							broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    							broadcast " "
    							broadcast "                &8&l&k|&7&lArrow Dodge&8&l&k|"
    							broadcast " "
    							broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    							broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    							broadcast " "
    							broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    							delete {playersingame::*}
    							delete {_gameend}
    							delete {gamestarted}
    							delete {gameplayercount}
    							loop all players:
    								delete {arrows.%loop-player%}
    								teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    								clear loop-player's inventory
    								set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    								heal loop-player
    								execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    							execute console command "/kill @e[type=skeleton]"
    							execute console command "/team remove skeleton"
    							loop all dropped items:
    								delete loop-value
    							load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    							wait 1 second
    							loop all dropped items:
    								delete loop-value
    on death:
    	force player to respawn
    	if {gamestarted} is true:
    		if {playersingame::*} contains victim:
    			if {game} is "smash":	
    				remove victim from {playersingame::*}
    				remove victim from {pwzk::*}
    				subtract 1 from {gameplayercount}
    				force player to respawn
    				wait 4 ticks
    				extinguish the player
    				heal player
    				teleport victim to {lobby}
    				clear victim's inventory
    				set victim's gamemode to adventure
    				set victim's flight state to false
    				if {gameplayercount} is less than 2:
    					set {_gameend} to true
    				if {_gameend} is true:
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "            &8&l&k|&c&lSmash&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 3 ticks
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    							set loop-player's flight state to false
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {_gameend}
    					delete {game}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					delete {gamestarted1}
    					delete {smashstart}
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					extinguish victim
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 1 tick
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}						
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    							set loop-player's flight state to false	
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all players:
    						clear loop-player's inventory	
    	loop all dropped items:
    		delete loop-value		
    on death:
    	if {gamestarted} is true:
    		if {playersingame::*} contains victim:
    			if {game} is "warfare":			
    				remove victim from {playersingame::*}
    				subtract 1 from {gameplayercount}
    				force player to respawn
    				wait 4 ticks
    				extinguish the player
    				heal player
    				teleport victim to {lobby}
    				clear victim's inventory
    				set victim's gamemode to adventure				
    				if {greyplayers::*} contains victim:
    					remove victim from {greyplayers::*}
    					subtract 1 from {greyplayercount}
    				if {greyplayercount} is 0:
    					set {_gameendgreen} to true
    				if {greenplayers::*} contains victim:
    					remove victim from {greenplayers::*}
    					subtract 1 from {greenplayercount}
    				if {greenplayercount} is 0:
    					set {_gameendgrey} to true
    				if {_gameendgrey} is true:
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "              &8&l&k|&4&lWarfare&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&8&lGREY &7Team"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 3 ticks
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {_gameend}
    					delete {game}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					delete {greenplayercount}
    					delete {greyplayercount}
    					delete {greyplayers::*}
    					delete {greenplayers::*}
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					extinguish victim
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    				if {_gameendgreen} is true:
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "              &8&l&k|&4&lWarfare&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&2&lGREEN &7Team"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 3 ticks
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {_gameend}
    					delete {game}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					delete {greenplayercount}
    					delete {greyplayercount}
    					delete {greyplayers::*}
    					delete {greenplayers::*}
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					extinguish victim
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    	loop all dropped items:
    		delete loop-value
    on quit:
    	if {queue::*} contains player:
    		remove player from {queue::*}
    	if {gamestarted} is true:
    		if {playersingame::*} contains player:
    			remove player from {playersingame::*}
    			subtract 1 from {gameplayercount}
    			remove player from {pwzk::*}
    			if {game} is "boatrace":								
    				if {gameplayercount} is 1:								
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "             &8&l&k|&b&lSheep Racing&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					execute console command "/kill @e[type=sheep]"
    					wait 2 ticks
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 3 ticks
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {_gameend}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {game}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					delete {boatriding::*}
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					loop all entities:
    						if loop-entity is boat:
    							delete loop-entity
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    on quit:
    	if {queue::*} contains player:
    		remove player from {queue::*}
    	if {gamestarted} is true:
    		if {playersingame::*} contains player:
    			remove player from {playersingame::*}
    			subtract 1 from {gameplayercount}
    			remove player from {pwzk::*}
    			if {game} is "smash":				
    				if {gameplayercount} is 1:
    					set {_gameend} to true
    				if {_gameend} is true:
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "            &8&l&k|&c&lSmash&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 3 ticks
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {_gameend}
    					delete {game}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					delete {gamestarted1}
    					delete {smashstart}
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 1 tick
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}						
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    							set loop-player's flight state to false
    on quit:
    	if {queue::*} contains player:
    		remove player from {queue::*}
    	if {gamestarted} is true:
    		if {playersingame::*} contains player:
    			remove player from {playersingame::*}
    			subtract 1 from {gameplayercount}
    			remove player from {pwzk::*}
    			if {game} is "ffa":				
    				if {gameplayercount} is 1:
    					set {_gameend} to true
    				if {_gameend} is true:
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "            &8&l&k|&e&lFree For All&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 3 ticks
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {_gameend}
    					delete {game}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    command /spawn [<text>]:
    		if {playersingame::*} contains "%player%":	
    			message "&cGame> &7You cannot execute this command while in a game."
    		if {playersingame::*} does not contain "%player%":	
    			teleport player to {lobby}
    on projectile hit:
    	if projectile is an arrow:
    		delete projectile
    on step on cyan glazed terracotta:
    	if {boatriding::*} contains "%player%":
    		if {_pushing.%player's uuid%} is not set:	
    			push {boat.%player's uuid%} upward at speed 0.6
    			set {_pushing.%player's uuid%} to true
    			wait 5 ticks
    			delete {_pushing.%player's uuid%}
    on step on yellow glazed terracotta:
    	if {boatriding::*} contains "%player%":
    		if {_pushing.%player's uuid%} is not set:	
    			push {boat.%player's uuid%} upward at speed 0.8
    			set {_pushing.%player's uuid%} to true
    			wait 5 ticks
    			delete {_pushing.%player's uuid%}
    on step on red glazed terracotta:
    	if {boatriding::*} contains "%player%":
    		if {_pushing.%player's uuid%} is not set:	
    			push {boat.%player's uuid%} upward at speed 1.2
    			set {_pushing.%player's uuid%} to true
    			wait 5 ticks
    			delete {_pushing.%player's uuid%}
    on damage:
    	if damage cause is lava:
    		cancel event
    		if (unix timestamp of now - {endgametimestamp2} >= 3):
    			if {game} is "boatrace":	
    				extinguish victim
    				set {endgametimestamp2} to unix timestamp of now
    				if {playersingame::*} contains "%victim%":
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "             &8&l&k|&b&lSheep Racing&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&7%victim%"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					remove victim from {boatriding::*}
    					execute console command "/kill @e[type=sheep]"
    					delete {boatriding::*}
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							make loop-player dismount
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 1 tick
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}						
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {_gameend}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {game}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					loop all entities:
    						if loop-entity is boat:
    							delete loop-entity
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					extinguish victim
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    on damage:
    	if damage cause is lava:
    		cancel event
    		if {game} is "spleef":
    			if {playersingame::*} contains victim:
    				teleport victim to {lobby}				
    				extinguish victim				
    				remove victim from {playersingame::*}
    				subtract 1 from {gameplayercount}
    				heal victim
    				clear victim's inventory
    				set victim's gamemode to adventure
    				wait 4 ticks
    				extinguish victim
    			if (unix timestamp of now - {endgametimestamp3} >= 3):
    				if {gameplayercount} is less than 2:
    					set {_gameend} to true
    				if {_gameend} is true:
    					set {endgametimestamp3} to unix timestamp of now
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "                 &8&l&k|&f&lSpleef&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 1 tick
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}						
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					delete {game}
    					delete {spleefstart}
    					wait 4 ticks
    					extinguish victim
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					extinguish victim
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    on damage:
    	if damage cause is lava:
    		cancel event
    		if {game} is "tntrun":
    			if {playersingame::*} contains victim:
    				teleport victim to {lobby}				
    				extinguish victim				
    				remove victim from {playersingame::*}
    				subtract 1 from {gameplayercount}
    				heal victim
    				clear victim's inventory
    				set victim's gamemode to adventure
    				wait 4 ticks
    				extinguish victim
    			if (unix timestamp of now - {endgametimestamp3} >= 3):
    				if {gameplayercount} is less than 2:
    					set {_gameend} to true
    				if {_gameend} is true:
    					set {endgametimestamp3} to unix timestamp of now
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "                  &8&l&k|&c&lT&f&lN&c&lT &f&lR&c&lu&f&ln&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					execute console command "/kill @e[type=!player]"
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 1 tick
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}						
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					delete {game}
    					wait 4 ticks
    					execute console command "/kill @e[type=!player]"
    					extinguish victim
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					execute console command "/kill @e[type=!player]"
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					extinguish victim
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    on quit:
    	if {queue::*} contains player:
    		remove player from {queue::*}
    	if {gamestarted} is true:
    		if {playersingame::*} contains player:
    			remove player from {playersingame::*}
    			subtract 1 from {gameplayercount}
    			if {game} is "tntrun":			
    				if {gameplayercount} is 1:
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "                  &8&l&k|&c&lT&f&lN&c&lT &f&lR&c&lu&f&ln&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					execute console command "/kill @e[type=!player]"
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 3 ticks
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					delete {game}
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					execute console command "/kill @e[type=!player]"
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    on damage:
    	if damage cause is lava:
    		cancel event
    		if {game} is "sumo":
    			if {playersingame::*} contains victim:
    				teleport victim to {lobby}				
    				extinguish victim
    				remove victim from {playersingame::*}
    				subtract 1 from {gameplayercount}
    				heal victim
    				clear victim's inventory
    				set victim's gamemode to adventure
    				execute console command "/effect clear %victim%"
    				wait 4 ticks
    				extinguish victim
    			if (unix timestamp of now - {endgametimestamp3} >= 3):
    				if {gameplayercount} is less than 2:
    					set {_gameend} to true
    				if {_gameend} is true:
    					set {endgametimestamp3} to unix timestamp of now
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "                  &8&l&k|&9&lSumo&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 1 tick
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}						
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					delete {game}
    					delete {sumostart}
    					wait 4 ticks
    					extinguish victim
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					extinguish victim
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    						execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    on damage:
    	if damage cause is lava:
    		cancel event
    		if {game} is "smash":
    			if {playersingame::*} contains victim:
    				teleport victim to {lobby}
    				extinguish victim
    				remove victim from {playersingame::*}
    				remove victim from {pwzk::*}
    				subtract 1 from {gameplayercount}
    				extinguish the victim
    				force victim to respawn
    				heal victim
    				clear victim's inventory
    				set victim's gamemode to adventure
    				set victim's flight state to false
    				extinguish the victim
    				wait 4 ticks
    				extinguish victim
    			if (unix timestamp of now - {endgametimestamp} >= 3):
    				if {gameplayercount} is less than 2:
    					set {endgametimestamp} to unix timestamp of now
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "            &8&l&k|&c&lSmash&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&7%{playersingame::*}%"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					extinguish the victim
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 1 tick
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}						
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    							set loop-player's flight state to false
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {_gameend}
    					delete {game}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					delete {gamestarted1}
    					delete {smashstart}
    					wait 4 ticks
    					extinguish victim
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					extinguish victim
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    					set victim's flight state to false
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 1 tick
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}						
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    							set loop-player's flight state to false
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all players:
    						clear loop-player's inventory
    on block break:
    	if player's gamemode is not creative:	
    		if {playersingame::*} does not contain player:
    			cancel event
    		if {playersingame::*} contains player:
    			if {game} is "spleef":	
    				if {spleefstart} is false:
    					cancel event
    		if {playersingame::*} contains player:
    			if {game} is "spleef":	
    				if {spleefstart} is true:
    					if event-block is not blue concrete or green concrete or yellow concrete or red concrete:
    						cancel event
    					if event-block is blue concrete or green concrete or yellow concrete or red concrete:
    						clear drops
    				if {spleefstart} is not set:
    					cancel event
    on dismount:
    	if {boatriding::*} contains player:
    		wait 4 ticks
    		make player ride {boat.%player%}
    on damage:
    	if damage cause is fall:
    		cancel event
    on damage:
    	if attacker is a skeleton:
    		if victim is a skeleton:
    			cancel event
    on damage:
    	if attacker is a player:
    		if victim is a player:
    			if {game} is "arrowdodge":
    				cancel event
    		if victim is a skeleton:
    			if {game} is "arrowdodge":
    				cancel event
    on rightclick with chicken:
    	if name of player's tool is "&f&lChicken Boost":
    		cancel event
    		remove 1 of shiny chicken named "&f&lChicken Boost" from player's inventory
    		push player upwards at speed 1.3
    		play sound "entity_ender_dragon_flap" at volume 2 with pitch 1 at location of player
    on damage:
    	if damage cause is suffocation:
    		if victim is player:
    			cancel event
    on flight toggle:
    	player's gamemode is not creative:
    		if {gamestarted} is true:	
    			if {game} is "smash":	
    				cancel event
    				wait a tick
    				set player's flight state to false
    				play sound "entity_ghast_shoot" at volume 0.5 with pitch 1.8 at location of player
    				push player upwards at speed 1.1
    				push player forwards at speed 0.3
    				wait 20 ticks
    				set player's flight state to true
    on block ignite:
    	cancel event
    on death:
    	if attacker is a player:
    		if victim is a player:
    			set death message to "&e%victim% &7was killed by &e%attacker%"
    	if victim is a player:
    		if attacker is not a player:
    			set death message to ""
    	clear drops
    on rightclick:
    	if player's tool is ender eye:
    		cancel event
    on explosion prime:
    	if {game} is "tntrun":
    		cancel event
    		delete event-entity
    command /tntrun:
    		set {game} to "tntrun"
    on pickup:
    	if {game} is "tntrun":
    		cancel event
    		delete event-entity
    command /tntvoid:
    		load "tntvoid" at location -19, 96, -21 in "Lobby"
    on explode:
    	if {game} is "tntrun":
    		cancel event
    command /respawnsound:
    		play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.5 for all players
    		wait 8 ticks
    		play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.4 for all players
    		wait 8 ticks
    		play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.3 for all players
    		wait 8 ticks
    		play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for all players
    		wait 2 ticks
    		play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for all players
    		wait 2 ticks
    		play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for all players
    		wait 2 ticks
    		play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for all players
    on place:
    	if {game} is "bridge":	
    		if {playersingame::*} contains player:	
    			if y-coordinate of event-block is less than 78:
    				cancel event
    			if x-coordinate of event-block is less than -9:
    				cancel event
    			if x-coordinate of event-block is greater than 17:
    				cancel event
    			if z-coordinate of event-block is greater than 15:
    				cancel event
    			if z-coordinate of event-block is less than -10:
    				cancel event
    			if y-coordinate of event-block is greater than 100:
    				cancel event
    	if {game} is "bellclimb":
    		if {playersingame::*} contains player:		
    			if event-block is not oak plank or oak log:
    				cancel event
    on click on bell:
    	if {game} is "bellclimb":
    		if {playersingame::*} contains player:
    			broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    			broadcast " "
    			broadcast "            &8&l&k|&e&lBell Climb&8&l&k|"
    			broadcast " "
    			broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    			broadcast "&7%player%"
    			broadcast " "
    			broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    			loop all players:
    				if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    					teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    					clear loop-player's inventory
    					set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    					remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    					wait 3 ticks
    					extinguish loop-player
    					heal loop-player
    					execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    			delete {playersingame::*}
    			delete {_gameend}
    			delete {gamestarted}
    			delete {gameplayercount}
    			delete {game}
    			loop all dropped items:
    				delete loop-value
    			load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    			wait 1 second
    			loop all dropped items:
    				delete loop-value
    			loop all players:
    				heal loop-player
    on break:
    	if {game} is "bridge":	
    		if {playersingame::*} contains player:	
    			if y-coordinate of event-block is less than 78:
    				cancel event
    			if x-coordinate of event-block is less than -9:
    				cancel event
    			if x-coordinate of event-block is greater than 17:
    				cancel event
    			if z-coordinate of event-block is greater than 15:
    				cancel event
    			if z-coordinate of event-block is less than -10:
    				cancel event
    			if y-coordinate of event-block is greater than 100:
    				cancel event
    			if event-block is not red wool or blue wool:
    				cancel event
    	if {game} is "bellclimb":
    		if {playersingame::*} contains player:		
    			if event-block is not oak plank or any log:
    				cancel event
    			if event-block is any log:
    				cancel event
    				add 8 oak planks to player's inventory
    				delete event-block
    on region enter:
    	if {game} is "bridge":		
    		if "%event-region%" contains "bridgeblue":
    			if {team.%player%} is "blue":
    				execute console command "/effect clear %player%"
    				teleport player to location at -37.517, 65.70493, 5.260 in "Lobby"
    				set player's gamemode to survival
    				clear player's inventory
    				set {respawning.%player%} to true
    				send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 5 seconds" to player for 3 seconds
    				play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.5 for player
    				wait 8 ticks
    				play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.4 for player
    				wait 8 ticks
    				play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.3 for player
    				wait 8 ticks
    				send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 4 seconds" to player for 3 seconds
    				play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for player
    				wait 2 ticks
    				play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for player
    				wait 2 ticks
    				play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for player
    				wait 2 ticks
    				play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for player
    				wait 14 ticks
    				send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 3 seconds" to player for 3 seconds
    				wait 1 second
    				send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 2 seconds" to player for 3 seconds
    				wait 1 second
    				send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 1 second" to player for 3 seconds
    				wait 1 second
    				teleport player to location -18.050, 95.41892, 1.438 in "Lobby"
    				execute console command "/effect clear %player%"
    				set player's gamemode to survival
    				clear player's inventory
    				heal player
    				set {_lh} to unbreakable leather helmet
    				dye {_lh} (0, 0, 255)				
    				set player's helmet to {_lh}
    				set {_lc} to unbreakable leather chestplate
    				dye {_lc} (0, 0, 255)						
    				set player's chestplate to {_lc}
    				set {_ll} to unbreakable leather leggings
    				dye {_ll} (0, 0, 255)						
    				set player's leggings to {_ll}
    				set {_lb} to unbreakable leather boots
    				dye {_lb} (0, 0, 255)	
    				set player's boots to {_lb}				
    				add unbreakable wood sword to player's inventory
    				add unbreakable bow to player's inventory
    				add 64 blue wool to player's inventory
    				add 64 blue wool to player's inventory
    				add 2 golden apple to player's inventory
    				add 15 arrows to player's inventory
    			if {team.%player%} is "red":
    				add 1 to {redgoals}
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&cGame> &c%player% &7has scored on &9blue&7."
    				broadcast " "
    				play sound "entity.firework_rocket.launch" at volume 1 with pitch 1 at player's location
    				loop {playersingame::*}:
    					if {team.%loop-value%} is "blue":
    						teleport loop-value to location -18.050, 95.41892, 1.438 in "Lobby"
    						set loop-value's gamemode to survival
    						clear loop-value's inventory
    						heal loop-value
    						add unbreakable wood sword to loop-value's inventory
    						add unbreakable bow to loop-value's inventory
    						add 64 blue wool to loop-value's inventory
    						add 64 blue wool to loop-value's inventory
    						add 2 golden apple to loop-value's inventory
    						add 15 arrows to loop-value's inventory
    						set {_lh} to unbreakable leather helmet
    						dye {_lh} (0, 0, 255)				
    						set loop-value's helmet to {_lh}
    						set {_lc} to unbreakable leather chestplate
    						dye {_lc} (0, 0, 255)						
    						set loop-value's chestplate to {_lc}
    						set {_ll} to unbreakable leather leggings
    						dye {_ll} (0, 0, 255)						
    						set loop-value's leggings to {_ll}
    						set {_lb} to unbreakable leather boots
    						dye {_lb} (0, 0, 255)	
    						set loop-value's boots to {_lb}
    					if {team.%loop-value%} is "red":
    						teleport loop-value to location 25.500, 96.15815, 2.500 in "Lobby"
    						set loop-value's gamemode to survival
    						clear loop-value's inventory
    						heal loop-value
    						add unbreakable wood sword to loop-value's inventory
    						add unbreakable bow to loop-value's inventory
    						add 64 red wool to loop-value's inventory
    						add 64 red wool to loop-value's inventory
    						add 2 golden apple to loop-value's inventory
    						add 15 arrows to loop-value's inventory
    						set {_lh} to unbreakable leather helmet
    						dye {_lh} (255, 0, 0)						
    						set loop-value's helmet to {_lh}
    						set {_lc} to unbreakable leather chestplate
    						dye {_lc} (255, 0, 0)						
    						set loop-value's chestplate to {_lc}
    						set {_ll} to unbreakable leather leggings
    						dye {_ll} (255, 0, 0)						
    						set loop-value's leggings to {_ll}
    						set {_lb} to unbreakable leather boots
    						dye {_lb} (255, 0, 0)	
    						set loop-value's boots to {_lb}
    				if {redgoals} is greater than or equal to 3:
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "              &8&l&k|&9&lBri&c&ldge&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&c&lRED &7Team"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							delete {respawning.%loop-player%}
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 3 ticks
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {_gameend}
    					delete {game}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					delete {greenplayercount}
    					delete {greyplayercount}
    					delete {greyplayers::*}
    					delete {greenplayers::*}
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					extinguish player
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    		if "%event-region%" contains "bridgered":
    			if {team.%player%} is "red":
    				execute console command "/effect clear %player%"
    				teleport player to location at -37.517, 65.70493, 5.260 in "Lobby"
    				set player's gamemode to survival
    				clear player's inventory
    				set {respawning.%player%} to true
    				send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 5 seconds" to player for 3 seconds
    				play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.5 for player
    				wait 8 ticks
    				play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.4 for player
    				wait 8 ticks
    				play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.3 for player
    				wait 8 ticks
    				send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 4 seconds" to player for 3 seconds
    				play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for player
    				wait 2 ticks
    				play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for player
    				wait 2 ticks
    				play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for player
    				wait 2 ticks
    				play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for player
    				wait 14 ticks
    				send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 3 seconds" to player for 3 seconds
    				wait 1 second
    				send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 2 seconds" to player for 3 seconds
    				wait 1 second
    				send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 1 second" to player for 3 seconds
    				wait 1 second
    				teleport player to location 25.500, 96.15815, 2.500 in "Lobby"
    				execute console command "/effect clear %player%"
    				set player's gamemode to survival
    				clear player's inventory
    				heal player
    				set {_lh} to unbreakable leather helmet
    				dye {_lh} (255, 0, 0)						
    				set player's helmet to {_lh}
    				set {_lc} to unbreakable leather chestplate
    				dye {_lc} (255, 0, 0)						
    				set player's chestplate to {_lc}
    				set {_ll} to unbreakable leather leggings
    				dye {_ll} (255, 0, 0)						
    				set player's leggings to {_ll}
    				set {_lb} to unbreakable leather boots
    				dye {_lb} (255, 0, 0)	
    				set player's boots to {_lb}				
    				add unbreakable wood sword to player's inventory
    				add unbreakable bow to player's inventory
    				add 64 red wool to player's inventory
    				add 64 red wool to player's inventory
    				add 2 golden apple to player's inventory
    				add 15 arrows to player's inventory
    			if {team.%player%} is "blue":
    				add 1 to {bluegoals}
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&cGame> &9%player% &7has scored on &cred&7."
    				broadcast " "
    				loop {playersingame::*}:
    					if {team.%loop-value%} is "blue":
    						delete {respawning.%loop-value%}
    						teleport loop-value to location -18.050, 95.41892, 1.438 in "Lobby"
    						set loop-value's gamemode to survival
    						clear loop-value's inventory
    						heal loop-value
    						add unbreakable wood sword to loop-value's inventory
    						add unbreakable bow to loop-value's inventory
    						add 64 blue wool to loop-value's inventory
    						add 64 blue wool to loop-value's inventory
    						add 2 golden apple to loop-value's inventory
    						add 15 arrows to loop-value's inventory
    						set {_lh} to unbreakable leather helmet
    						dye {_lh} (0, 0, 255)				
    						set loop-value's helmet to {_lh}
    						set {_lc} to unbreakable leather chestplate
    						dye {_lc} (0, 0, 255)						
    						set loop-value's chestplate to {_lc}
    						set {_ll} to unbreakable leather leggings
    						dye {_ll} (0, 0, 255)						
    						set loop-value's leggings to {_ll}
    						set {_lb} to unbreakable leather boots
    						dye {_lb} (0, 0, 255)	
    						set loop-value's boots to {_lb}
    					if {team.%loop-value%} is "red":
    						delete {respawning.%loop-value%}
    						teleport loop-value to location 25.500, 96.15815, 2.500 in "Lobby"
    						set loop-value's gamemode to survival
    						clear loop-value's inventory
    						heal loop-value
    						add unbreakable wood sword to loop-value's inventory
    						add unbreakable bow to loop-value's inventory
    						add 64 red wool to loop-value's inventory
    						add 64 red wool to loop-value's inventory
    						add 2 golden apple to loop-value's inventory
    						add 15 arrows to loop-value's inventory
    						set {_lh} to unbreakable leather helmet
    						dye {_lh} (255, 0, 0)						
    						set loop-value's helmet to {_lh}
    						set {_lc} to unbreakable leather chestplate
    						dye {_lc} (255, 0, 0)						
    						set loop-value's chestplate to {_lc}
    						set {_ll} to unbreakable leather leggings
    						dye {_ll} (255, 0, 0)						
    						set loop-value's leggings to {_ll}
    						set {_lb} to unbreakable leather boots
    						dye {_lb} (255, 0, 0)	
    						set loop-value's boots to {_lb}
    				play sound "entity.firework_rocket.launch" at volume 1 with pitch 1 at player's location
    				if {bluegoals} is greater than or equal to 3:
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "              &8&l&k|&9&lBri&c&ldge&8&l&k|"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&d&lWINNER"
    					broadcast "&9&lBLUE &7Team"
    					broadcast " "
    					broadcast "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
    					loop all players:
    						if y-loc of loop-player < 105:
    							delete {respawning.%loop-player%}
    							teleport loop-player to {lobby}
    							clear loop-player's inventory
    							set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
    							remove loop-player from {playersingame::*}
    							wait 3 ticks
    							extinguish loop-player
    							heal loop-player
    							execute console command "/effect clear %loop-player%"
    					delete {playersingame::*}
    					delete {_gameend}
    					delete {game}
    					delete {gamestarted}
    					delete {gameplayercount}
    					delete {greenplayercount}
    					delete {greyplayercount}
    					delete {greyplayers::*}
    					delete {greenplayers::*}
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					load "void" at location -18.700, 65, -20.700 in "Lobby"
    					wait 1 second
    					loop all dropped items:
    						delete loop-value
    					extinguish player
    					loop all players:
    						heal loop-player
    on death:
    	force victim to respawn
    	if {game} is "bridge":	
    		if {playersingame::*} contains victim:
    			if {team.%victim%} is "red":
    				set {respawning.%victim%} to true
    				execute console command "/effect clear %player%"
    				wait 2 ticks
    				teleport player to location at -37.517, 65.70493, 5.260 in "Lobby"
    				wait 2 ticks
    				extinguish victim
    				heal victim				
    				set player's gamemode to survival
    				clear player's inventory
    				set {respawning.%player%} to true
    				send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 5 seconds" to player for 3 seconds
    				play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.5 for player
    				wait 8 ticks
    				if {respawning.%victim%} is true:	
    					play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.4 for player
    					wait 8 ticks
    					if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    						play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.3 for player
    						wait 8 ticks
    						if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    							send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 4 seconds" to player for 3 seconds
    							play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for player
    							wait 2 ticks
    							if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    								play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for player
    								wait 2 ticks
    								if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    									play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for player
    									wait 2 ticks
    									if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    										play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for player
    										wait 14 ticks
    										if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    											send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 3 seconds" to player for 3 seconds
    											wait 1 second
    											if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    												send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 2 seconds" to player for 3 seconds
    												wait 1 second
    												if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    													send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 1 second" to player for 1 second
    													wait 1 second
    													if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    														teleport player to location 25.500, 96.15815, 2.500 in "Lobby"
    														execute console command "/effect clear %player%"
    														set player's gamemode to survival
    														clear player's inventory
    														heal player
    														set {_lh} to unbreakable leather helmet
    														dye {_lh} (255, 0, 0)						
    														set player's helmet to {_lh}
    														set {_lc} to unbreakable leather chestplate
    														dye {_lc} (255, 0, 0)						
    														set player's chestplate to {_lc}
    														set {_ll} to unbreakable leather leggings
    														dye {_ll} (255, 0, 0)						
    														set player's leggings to {_ll}
    														set {_lb} to unbreakable leather boots
    														dye {_lb} (255, 0, 0)	
    														set player's boots to {_lb}				
    														add unbreakable wood sword to player's inventory
    														add unbreakable bow to player's inventory
    														add 64 red wool to player's inventory
    														add 64 red wool to player's inventory
    														add 2 golden apple to player's inventory
    														add 15 arrows to player's inventory
    														delete {respawning.%victim%}
    			if {team.%victim%} is "blue":
    				set {respawning.%victim%} to true
    				execute console command "/effect clear %player%"
    				wait 2 ticks
    				teleport player to location at -37.517, 65.70493, 5.260 in "Lobby"
    				wait 2 ticks
    				extinguish victim
    				heal victim	
    				set player's gamemode to survival
    				clear player's inventory
    				set {respawning.%player%} to true
    				send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 5 seconds" to player for 3 seconds
    				play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.5 for player
    				wait 8 ticks
    				if {respawning.%victim%} is true:	
    					play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.4 for player
    					wait 8 ticks
    					if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    						play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.3 for player
    						wait 8 ticks
    						if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    							send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 4 seconds" to player for 3 seconds
    							play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for player
    							wait 2 ticks
    							if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    								play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for player
    								wait 2 ticks
    								if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    									play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for player
    									wait 2 ticks
    									if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    										play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for player
    										wait 14 ticks
    										if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    											send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 3 seconds" to player for 3 seconds
    											wait 1 second
    											if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    												send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 2 seconds" to player for 3 seconds
    												wait 1 second
    												if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    													send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 1 second" to player for 1 second
    													wait 1 second
    													if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    														teleport player to location -18.050, 95.41892, 1.438 in "Lobby"
    														execute console command "/effect clear %player%"
    														set player's gamemode to survival
    														clear player's inventory
    														heal player
    														set {_lh} to unbreakable leather helmet
    														dye {_lh} (0, 0, 255)						
    														set player's helmet to {_lh}
    														set {_lc} to unbreakable leather chestplate
    														dye {_lc} (0, 0, 255)						
    														set player's chestplate to {_lc}
    														set {_ll} to unbreakable leather leggings
    														dye {_ll} (0, 0, 255)						
    														set player's leggings to {_ll}
    														set {_lb} to unbreakable leather boots
    														dye {_lb} (0, 0, 255)	
    														set player's boots to {_lb}				
    														add unbreakable wood sword to player's inventory
    														add unbreakable bow to player's inventory
    														add 64 blue wool to player's inventory
    														add 64 blue wool to player's inventory
    														add 2 golden apple to player's inventory
    														add 15 arrows to player's inventory
    														delete {respawning.%victim%}
    on damage:
    	if damage cause is lava:
    		if {game} is "bridge":
    			if {playersingame::*} contains victim:
    				if {team.%victim%} is "red":
    					set {respawning.%victim%} to true
    					execute console command "/effect clear %victim%"
    					wait 2 ticks
    					teleport victim to location at -37.517, 65.70493, 5.260 in "Lobby"
    					wait 2 ticks
    					extinguish victim
    					heal victim
    					set victim's gamemode to survival
    					clear victim's inventory
    					set {respawning.%victim%} to true
    					send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 5 seconds" to victim for 3 seconds
    					play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.5 for victim
    					wait 8 ticks
    					if {respawning.%victim%} is true:	
    						play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.4 for victim
    						wait 8 ticks
    						if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    							play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.3 for victim
    							wait 8 ticks
    							if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    								send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 4 seconds" to victim for 3 seconds
    								play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for victim
    								wait 2 ticks
    								if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    									play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for victim
    									wait 2 ticks
    									if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    										play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for victim
    										wait 2 ticks
    										if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    											play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for victim
    											wait 14 ticks
    											if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    												send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 3 seconds" to victim for 3 seconds
    												wait 1 second
    												if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    													send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 2 seconds" to victim for 3 seconds
    													wait 1 second
    													if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    														send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 1 second" to victim for 1 second
    														wait 1 second
    														if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    															teleport victim to location 25.500, 96.15815, 2.500 in "Lobby"
    															execute console command "/effect clear %victim%"
    															set victim's gamemode to survival
    															clear victim's inventory
    															heal victim
    															set {_lh} to unbreakable leather helmet
    															dye {_lh} (255, 0, 0)						
    															set victim's helmet to {_lh}
    															set {_lc} to unbreakable leather chestplate
    															dye {_lc} (255, 0, 0)						
    															set victim's chestplate to {_lc}
    															set {_ll} to unbreakable leather leggings
    															dye {_ll} (255, 0, 0)						
    															set victim's leggings to {_ll}
    															set {_lb} to unbreakable leather boots
    															dye {_lb} (255, 0, 0)	
    															set victim's boots to {_lb}				
    															add unbreakable wood sword to victim's inventory
    															add unbreakable bow to victim's inventory
    															add 64 red wool to victim's inventory
    															add 64 red wool to victim's inventory
    															add 2 golden apple to victim's inventory
    															add 15 arrows to victim's inventory
    															delete {respawning.%victim%}
    				if {team.%victim%} is "blue":
    					set {respawning.%victim%} to true
    					execute console command "/effect clear %victim%"
    					wait 2 ticks
    					teleport victim to location at -37.517, 65.70493, 5.260 in "Lobby"
    					wait 2 ticks
    					extinguish victim
    					heal victim					
    					set victim's gamemode to survival
    					clear victim's inventory
    					set {respawning.%victim%} to true
    					send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 5 seconds" to victim for 3 seconds
    					play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.5 for victim
    					wait 8 ticks
    					if {respawning.%victim%} is true:	
    						play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.4 for victim
    						wait 8 ticks
    						if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    							play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.3 for victim
    							wait 8 ticks
    							if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    								send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 4 seconds" to victim for 3 seconds
    								play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for victim
    								wait 2 ticks
    								if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    									play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for victim
    									wait 2 ticks
    									if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    										play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for victim
    										wait 2 ticks
    										if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    											play sound "block.note_block.chime" at volume 1 with pitch 1.2 for victim
    											wait 14 ticks
    											if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    												send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 3 seconds" to victim for 3 seconds
    												wait 1 second
    												if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    													send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 2 seconds" to victim for 3 seconds
    													wait 1 second
    													if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    														send title "&cRespawning" with subtitle "in 1 second" to victim for 1 second
    														wait 1 second
    														if {respawning.%victim%} is true:
    															teleport victim to location -18.050, 95.41892, 1.438 in "Lobby"
    															execute console command "/effect clear %victim%"
    															set victim's gamemode to survival
    															clear victim's inventory
    															heal victim
    															set {_lh} to unbreakable leather helmet
    															dye {_lh} (0, 0, 255)						
    															set victim's helmet to {_lh}
    															set {_lc} to unbreakable leather chestplate
    															dye {_lc} (0, 0, 255)						
    															set victim's chestplate to {_lc}
    															set {_ll} to unbreakable leather leggings
    															dye {_ll} (0, 0, 255)						
    															set victim's leggings to {_ll}
    															set {_lb} to unbreakable leather boots
    															dye {_lb} (0, 0, 255)	
    															set victim's boots to {_lb}				
    															add unbreakable wood sword to victim's inventory
    															add unbreakable bow to victim's inventory
    															add 64 blue wool to victim's inventory
    															add 64 blue wool to victim's inventory
    															add 2 golden apple to victim's inventory
    															add 15 arrows to victim's inventory
    															delete {respawning.%victim%}

    Voting Skript

    command /votestart [<text>]:
    	executable by: console
    		broadcast " "
    		broadcast "&cGame> &7Voting is now available! &e/vote &7to vote for the next game!"
    		broadcast " "
    		set {votetimer} to now
    		delete {voted::*}
    		delete {votecount::*}
    		play sound "block_note_block_snare" at volume 1 with pitch 1 to all players
    every 1 second:
    	if difference between {votetimer} and now is greater than or equal to 15 seconds:
    		delete {votetimer}
    		set {_sorted::*} to sorted {votecount::*}
    		set {_top} to last element out of {_sorted::*}
    		if {_top} is not set:
    			broadcast " "
    			broadcast "&cGame> &7Nobody voted. Picking a random game..."
    			broadcast " "
    			wait 1 second
    			set {_game} to a random integer between 0 and 10
    			if size of {queue::*} is greater than or equal to 2:
    				if {_game} is 0:
    					execute console command "/game start ffa"
    				if {_game} is 1:
    					execute console command "/game start boatrace"
    				if {_game} is 2:
    					execute console command "/game start spleef"
    				if {_game} is 3:
    					execute console command "/game start arrowdodge"
    				if {_game} is 4:
    					execute console command "/game start warfare"
    				if {_game} is 5:
    					execute console command "/game start smash"
    				if {_game} is 6:
    					execute console command "/game start chickshoot"
    				if {_game} is 7:
    					execute console command "/game start sumo"
    				if {_game} is 8:
    					execute console command "/game start tntrun"
    				if {_game} is 9:
    					execute console command "/game start bridge"
    				if {_game} is 10:
    					execute console command "/game start bellclimb"
    			if size of {queue::*} is less than 2:
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&cGame> &7Not enough players to start the game."
    				broadcast " "
    				delete {votetimer}		
    		loop {votecount::*}:
    			loop-value is {_top}
    			set {_p} to loop-index
    		if size of {queue::*} is greater than or equal to 2:	
    			execute console command "/game start %{_p}%"
    		if size of {queue::*} is less than 2:
    			broadcast " "
    			broadcast "&cGame> &7Not enough players to start the game."
    			broadcast " "
    			delete {votetimer}
    every 20 seconds:
    	if {gamestarted} is not set:
    		if {votetimer} is not set:
    			if size of {queue::*} is greater than or equal to 2:
    				execute console command "/votestart"
    			if size of {queue::*} is less than 2:
    				broadcast " "
    				broadcast "&cGame> &7Not enough players to start a vote, trying again in 20 seconds."
    				broadcast " "
    command /vote [<text>]:
    		if {votetimer} is not set:
    			message "&cGame> &7You cannot vote at the moment."
    		if {votetimer} is set:
    			if {voted::%player%} is not set:	
    				open virtual chest with size 2 named "Games" to player
    				format gui slot 0 of player with shiny stone sword named "&e&lFFA" with lore "&8Free For All" and " " and "&7Kill everybody, last person alive wins." to run:
    					close player's inventory
    					play sound "entity_experience_orb_pickup" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for player
    					add 1 to {votecount::ffa}
    					message " "
    					message "&cGame> &7You have voted for &eFFA&7."
    					message " "
    					set {voted::%player%} to true
    				format gui slot 1 of player with shiny sheep spawn egg named "&b&lSheep Racing" with lore "&8Sheep Racing" and " " and "&7Race around a track," and "&7first person into the lava wins." to run:
    					close player's inventory
    					play sound "entity_experience_orb_pickup" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for player
    					add 1 to {votecount::boatrace}
    					message " "
    					message "&cGame> &7You have voted for &bSheep Racing&7."
    					message " "
    					set {voted::%player%} to true
    				format gui slot 2 of player with shiny netherite pickaxe named "&f&lSpleef" with lore "&8Spleef" and " " and "&7Break blocks below your opponents," and "&7last person alive wins." to run:
    					close player's inventory
    					play sound "entity_experience_orb_pickup" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for player
    					add 1 to {votecount::spleef}
    					message " "
    					message "&cGame> &7You have voted for &fSpleef&7."
    					message " "
    					set {voted::%player%} to true
    				format gui slot 3 of player with shiny arrow named "&7&lArrow Dodge" with lore "&8Arrow Dodge" and " " and "&7Dodge the arrows from the skeletons." and "&7If you get hit twice, you lose." to run:
    					close player's inventory
    					play sound "entity_experience_orb_pickup" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for player
    					add 1 to {votecount::arrowdodge}
    					message " "
    					message "&cGame> &7You have voted for &7Arrow Dodge&7."
    					message " "
    					set {voted::%player%} to true
    				format gui slot 4 of player with shiny netherite hoe named "&4&lWarfare" with lore "&8Warfare" and " " and "&7Kill your opponents with an &eM14&7." and "&7Last team alive wins." to run:
    					close player's inventory
    					play sound "entity_experience_orb_pickup" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for player
    					add 1 to {votecount::warfare}
    					message " "
    					message "&cGame> &7You have voted for &4Warfare&7."
    					message " "
    					set {voted::%player%} to true
    				format gui slot 5 of player with dragon head named "&c&lSmash" with lore "&8Smash" and " " and "&7Choose a mob to play and kill" and "&7your opponents with its abilities." to run:
    					close player's inventory
    					play sound "entity_experience_orb_pickup" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for player
    					add 1 to {votecount::smash}
    					message " "
    					message "&cGame> &7You have voted for &cSmash&7."
    					message " "
    					set {voted::%player%} to true
    				format gui slot 6 of player with shiny bow named "&f&lChicken Shoot" with lore "&8Chicken Shoot" and " " and "&7Shoot the most chickens the quickest." and "&7First person to 20 points wins." to run:
    					close player's inventory
    					play sound "entity_experience_orb_pickup" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for player
    					add 1 to {votecount::chickshoot}
    					message " "
    					message "&cGame> &7You have voted for &fChicken Shoot&7."
    					message " "
    					set {voted::%player%} to true
    				format gui slot 7 of player with shiny stick named "&9&lSumo" with lore "&8Sumo" and " " and "&7Knock your opponents off of the platform." and "&7Last person alive wins." to run:
    					close player's inventory
    					play sound "entity_experience_orb_pickup" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for player
    					add 1 to {votecount::sumo}
    					message " "
    					message "&cGame> &7You have voted for &9Sumo&7."
    					message " "
    					set {voted::%player%} to true
    				format gui slot 8 of player with shiny tnt named "&c&lT&f&lN&c&lT &f&lR&c&lu&f&ln" with lore "&8TNTRun" and " " and "&7Keep running on top of the tnt." and "&7Last person alive wins." to run:
    					close player's inventory
    					play sound "entity_experience_orb_pickup" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for player
    					add 1 to {votecount::tntrun}
    					message " "
    					message "&cGame> &7You have voted for &c&lT&f&lN&c&lT &f&lR&c&lu&f&ln&7."
    					message " "
    					set {voted::%player%} to true
    				format gui slot 9 of player with shiny red wool named "&9&lBri&c&ldge" with lore "&8Bridge" and " " and "&7Bridge to the other team's side" and "&7and score 3 points before they do." to run:
    					close player's inventory
    					play sound "entity_experience_orb_pickup" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for player
    					add 1 to {votecount::bridge}
    					message " "
    					message "&cGame> &7You have voted for &9&lBri&c&ldge&7."
    					message " "
    					set {voted::%player%} to true
    				format gui slot 10 of player with shiny bell named "&e&lBell Climb" with lore "&8Bell Climb" and " " and "&7Be the first person to ring the" and "&7bell at the top of the tower." to run:
    					close player's inventory
    					play sound "entity_experience_orb_pickup" at volume 1 with pitch 1 for player
    					add 1 to {votecount::bellclimb}
    					message " "
    					message "&cGame> &7You have voted for &e&lBell Climb&7."
    					message " "
    					set {voted::%player%} to true
    			if {voted::%player%} is set:
    				message "&7You have already voted!"
    command /fixqueue [<text>]:
    	permission: admin
    		delete {queue::*}
    		message "&cQueue> &7The queue has been fixed."


    • Like 1
  8. 12 hours ago, Sowcoa said:

    Basically, I can't use Skript to equip mobs with armor. I have a script that sets the last spawned entities helmet to ... and that works until today. I tried effect commands and setting helmets of all mobs, just nothing. No errors in console, skript didn't update so im guessing its caused by another plugin or the server.

    This is most likely a paper issue as there was an error about outdated java and paper stuff on startup that wasn't there when the mobs were fine. Here is the error part.

    [Wed, 23. Dec 2020 04:09:36 GMT WARN] * JAVA WHEN MINECRAFT 1.17 IS RELEASED.
    [Wed, 23. Dec 2020 04:09:36 GMT WARN] *
    [Wed, 23. Dec 2020 04:09:36 GMT WARN] * Please update the version of Java you use to run Paper
    [Wed, 23. Dec 2020 04:09:36 GMT WARN] * to at least Java 11. When Paper for Minecraft 1.17 is
    [Wed, 23. Dec 2020 04:09:36 GMT WARN] * released support for versions of Java before 11 will
    [Wed, 23. Dec 2020 04:09:36 GMT WARN] * be dropped.
    [Wed, 23. Dec 2020 04:09:36 GMT WARN] *
    [Wed, 23. Dec 2020 04:09:36 GMT WARN] * Current Java version: 1.8.0_212
    [Wed, 23. Dec 2020 04:09:36 GMT WARN] *
    [Wed, 23. Dec 2020 04:09:36 GMT WARN] * Check this forum post for more information:
    [Wed, 23. Dec 2020 04:09:36 GMT WARN] *   https://papermc.io/java11
    [Wed, 23. Dec 2020 04:09:36 GMT WARN] ************************************************************


    Can you send your code?

  9. Hello there and thank you for taking interest in becoming a staff member for HD Minigames. In order to apply, you must follow the format provided below. Failure to do this will result in an instant denial.

    How old are you?


    What country are you from and what time zone are you in?


    What is your Discord username and id (Ex: hapily#1045)?


    Do you have any previous staffing experience? If so, where and what did you do?


    Why do you want to join the staff team?


    Are you currently a staff member on another server?


    How many hours per week would you be willing to contribute to the server?

  10. 6 hours ago, Mesyl2 said:

    yaw and pitch is in vanilla skript

    player's yaw
    player's pitch

    however from what a friend told me setting yaw doesn't currently work idk about pitch however if you have enough time
    look into the location() function that skript has by default that has the abiltity to edit yaw and pitch on teleport

    That's for detecting the yaw and pitch, you would need to teleport to update the entities, as I stated here:


    22 hours ago, hapily said:

    I've done some digging, and apparently Skellett includes a lot of the features that RandomSK has, but one of the missing ones is this. Supposedly you can do this by teleporting the entity, but that would cause a lot of hitches. I cannot find the original download link, so I believe that is the only working one.


  11. 4 hours ago, pop4959 said:

    It's not clear that this plugin still works on Minecraft 1.16, and it seems to no longer be supported. If there is any other Skript addon that can do this?


    Have you also tried asking on the Minehut Discord in the #skript channel? Might be worth a try in case someone else has an idea of how you can achieve this currently.

    I've asked on the Minehut Discord and people said that it wasn't possible with the resources we currently have. I searched through the Skript docs and didn't find anything else that could do this unfortunately.

  12. I've done some digging, and apparently Skellett includes a lot of the features that RandomSK has, but one of the missing ones is this. Supposedly you can do this by teleporting the entity, but that would cause a lot of hitches. I cannot find the original download link, so I believe that is the only working one.

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