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  1. hello this script works fine but i don't know how to put voucher list in that command is at the very bottomoptions: prefix: &3&lVouchers &8&l» &7 command /voucher [<string>] [<string>] [<string>]: permission: voucher.admin trigger: if arg 1 is set: if arg 1 = "create": if arg 2 is set: if {vouchers::list::*} contains arg-2: message "{@prefix} This does already exist!" stop add arg-2 to {vouchers::list::*} message "{@prefix} Created the voucher &b%arg-2%" stop else: message "{@prefix} Specify a name for the voucher!" stop if arg 1 = "delete": if arg 2 is set: if {vouchers::list::*} doesn't contain arg-2: message "{@prefix} This voucher does not exist!" stop remove arg-2 from {vouchers::list::*} message "{@prefix} Deleted voucher &b%arg-2%" delete {voucher::%arg-2%::*} stop else: message "{@prefix} Specify the name of the voucher you want to delete!" stop if arg 1 = "setcommand": if arg 2 is set: if arg 3 is set: if {vouchers::list::*} doesn't contain arg-2: message "{@prefix} This voucher does not exist!" stop set {voucher::%arg-2%::command} to arg-3 message "{@prefix} Set the command of voucher &b%arg-2% &7to &b%arg-3%" stop else: message "{@prefix} Please specify a command!" stop else: message "{@prefix} Please specify the name of the voucher." stop if arg 1 = "setmessage": if arg 2 is set: if arg 3 is set: if {vouchers::list::*} doesn't contain arg-2: message "{@prefix} This voucher does not exist!" stop set {voucher::%arg-2%::message} to arg-3 message "{@prefix} Set the message of voucher &b%arg-2% &7to &b%arg-3%" stop else: message "{@prefix} Please specify a message!" stop else: message "{@prefix} Please specify the name of the voucher." stop if arg 1 = "give": if arg 2 is set: if {vouchers::list::*} doesn't contain arg-2: message "{@prefix} This voucher does not exist!" stop give 1 of paper named "&7%arg-2%" with lore "&7Click to claim" to the player message "{@prefix} Gave you the voucher!" stop else: message "{@prefix} Please specify the name of the voucher." stop else: message "{@prefix} Usage: /voucher ( create / delete / give / setcommand / setmessage ) ( arguments ) " on rightclick: if type of player's tool = compass: set {&6Main Menu} to name of player's tool replace all "&7" with "" in {&6Main Menu} if {vouchers::list::*} contains "%{&6Main Menu}%": if lore of player's tool = "&7Click to Open": set {_name} to {&6Main Menu} remove 1 of player's tool from player's inventory # Changing {player} with %player% set {_replace} to ReplacePlaceholder({voucher::%{_name}%::command}, "{player}", "%player%") execute console command "%{_replace}%" message "{@prefix} %{voucher::%{_name}%::message}%" on load: if {vouchers::list::*} is not set: add "" to {vouchers::list::*} options: prefix: &3&lVouchers &8&l» &7 command /voucher [<string>] [<string>] [<string>]: permission: voucher.admin trigger: if arg 1 is set: if arg 1 = "create": if arg 2 is set: if {vouchers::list::*} contains arg-2: message "{@prefix} This does already exist!" stop add arg-2 to {vouchers::list::*} message "{@prefix} Created the voucher &b%arg-2%" stop else: message "{@prefix} Specify a name for the voucher!" stop if arg 1 = "delete": if arg 2 is set: if {vouchers::list::*} doesn't contain arg-2: message "{@prefix} This voucher does not exist!" stop remove arg-2 from {vouchers::list::*} message "{@prefix} Deleted voucher &b%arg-2%" delete {voucher::%arg-2%::*} stop else: message "{@prefix} Specify the name of the voucher you want to delete!" stop if arg 1 = "setcommand": if arg 2 is set: if arg 3 is set: if {vouchers::list::*} doesn't contain arg-2: message "{@prefix} This voucher does not exist!" stop set {voucher::%arg-2%::command} to arg-3 message "{@prefix} Set the command of voucher &b%arg-2% &7to &b%arg-3%" stop else: message "{@prefix} Please specify a command!" stop else: message "{@prefix} Please specify the name of the voucher." stop if arg 1 = "setmessage": if arg 2 is set: if arg 3 is set: if {vouchers::list::*} doesn't contain arg-2: message "{@prefix} This voucher does not exist!" stop set {voucher::%arg-2%::message} to arg-3 message "{@prefix} Set the message of voucher &b%arg-2% &7to &b%arg-3%" stop else: message "{@prefix} Please specify a message!" stop else: message "{@prefix} Please specify the name of the voucher." stop if arg 1 = "give": if arg 2 is set: if {vouchers::list::*} doesn't contain arg-2: message "{@prefix} This voucher does not exist!" stop give 1 of paper named "&7%arg-2%" with lore "&7Click to claim" to the player message "{@prefix} Gave you the voucher!" stop else: message "{@prefix} Please specify the name of the voucher." stop else: message "{@prefix} Usage: /voucher ( create / delete / give / setcommand / setmessage ) ( arguments ) " on rightclick: if type of player's tool = compass: set {&6Main Menu} to name of player's tool replace all "&7" with "" in {&6Main Menu} if {vouchers::list::*} contains "%{&6Main Menu}%": if lore of player's tool = "&7Click to Open": set {_name} to {&6Main Menu} remove 1 of player's tool from player's inventory # Changing {player} with %player% set {_replace} to ReplacePlaceholder({voucher::%{_name}%::command}, "{player}", "%player%") execute console command "%{_replace}%" message "{@prefix} %{voucher::%{_name}%::message}%" on load: if {vouchers::list::*} is not set: add "" to {vouchers::list::*}
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