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Posts posted by spankingorphans

  1. I've installed SkQuery from the addons tab in minehut and I have also tried to download skquery and add the plugin manually to minehut but either way, skquery still doesnt work. When I do /plugins, it shows SkQuery and it looks like it works, but in the file manager there is no skquery folder, however the skquery jar is there.

  2. on rightclick on entity:
        if name of entity is "Peter":
            send "&8[&fPeter&8]: &7Hello there, I am Peter, but you can just call me Pete. I hope you have already talked to Gary, if you haven't go talk to him now, he wants you and then come back to me once you're done." to player
            play sound "entity.villager.yes" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to player
            wait 6 seconds
            send "&8[&fPeter&8]: &7Now, for your first quest I want you to farm some wheat." to player
            play sound "entity.villager.yes" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to player
            wait 4 seconds
            send "&8[&fPeter&8]: &7To be specific I want you to farm about a stack of wheat." to player
            play sound "entity.villager.yes" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to player
            wait 3 seconds
            send "&8[&fPeter&8]: &7Here take this Hoe, its not the best but atleast it gets the job done. You can also upgrade tools at the Blacksmith." to player
            play sound "entity.villager.yes" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to player
            wait 1 tick
            give player Wooden Hoe named "&8[&7Lvl 1&8] &fHoe"
            play sound "entity.villager.yes" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to player
            wait 4 seconds
            send "&8[&fPeter&8]: &7Once you have gotten all the wheat i've asked for go to the Merchant, he will buy that off you for a copy of pennies." to player
            play sound "entity.villager.yes" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to player
            wait 3 seconds
            send "&8[&fPeter&8]: &7If you ever want to do anymore quests be sure to go to the Quest Master." to player
            play sound "entity.villager.yes" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to player
            wait 3 seconds
            send "&8[&fPeter&8]: &7Ok its time for you to go, good luck out there." to player
            play sound "entity.villager.yes" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to player


  3. every tick in world "world":
    	loop all players:
    		wipe loop-player's sidebar
    		set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&6&lSuper&4&lDBZ"
    		set score "&6&lPlayer" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
    		set score "  &7Name: &f%loop-player's displayname%" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
    		set score "  &7Ping: &f%loop-player's ping%ms" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
    		set score "  &7Balance: &c&l %{zeni.%player%}% &7z" in sidebar of loop-player to 4

    Here you go

  4. Im tring make a scoreboard with skript but the this doesn't work.,%{zeni.%player%}% it says "There is no player in periodic event"

    please help me : ) thank you

    set score "  &7Balance: &c&l %{zeni.%player%}% &7z" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  5. so i want to add a custom amount of damage, like i want the fireball to do 100 damage but i dont know how to add it


    command /firewand:
        permission: fb.st
        aliases: /fb
            give player 1 fire charge named "&4&lFireball"
    on right click:
        if player's tool is fire charge named "&4&lFireball":
            spawn fireball above player
            push last spawned entity in direction of player with force 2


  6. so i was making a box mine sever with my friends when they finally got the netherite pickaxe but realised that you cant break blocks but it still gives them the item, idk if its to do with the plugin im using on the mines (the plugin is called mines) because the only blocks we cant mine are the ones in the mine, we can mine grass dirt because thats not in the mine but we cant mine stone, coal, iron etc, it might be even i worldgaurd problem idk though 

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