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  1. on damage: if attacker's tool is stone axe named "&c&l&nBAN HAMMER": command "ban %victim%" command "broadcast &c&l%victim% was just banned by %attacker%" command /banhammer: permission: op trigger: give player 1 stone axe named "&c&l&nBAN HAMMER" send "&aCongrats! you now have a ban hammer!" to player
  2. It doesn't work but I got it to work so here the code on damage: if attacker's tool is stone axe named "&c&l&nBAN HAMMER": command "ban %victim%" command "broadcast &c&l%victim% was just banned by %attacker%" command /banhammer: permission: op trigger: give player 1 stone axe named "&c&l&nBAN HAMMER" send "&aCongrats! you now have a ban hammer!" to player
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