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Posts posted by JustMe003

  1. Hello there,

    I want to create a skript, which will allow you to make a mob friendly. I tried a lot of things, including the vanilla /team command(s), but I can't make it work.

    Is there a easy way to make a entity stop pathfinding towards the player? I know you check if the friendly mob is attacking the player (and cancel the event), but I don't want them to pathfind to the player, otherwise they will still group up around the player.

    plugins installed:

    • skript
    • skrayfall
    • skquery
    • skellet
    • skbee
    • misk? (thinking of removing this plugin, I'm on my plugin limit :))
  2. I tried, but my teammates will still attack me. Their pathfinding makes them to attack me, even if were on the same team. In singleplayer it works fine. I had 2 zombies, 1 on my team, and 1 on another team. De zombie on my team, didn't pathfind towards me.

  3. I'm working on a skript, where you can tame mobs and let them fight for you. When you tame a mob, the mob is added to your team, using the /team join command in vanilla minecraft. But after this, the mob will still attack you, even when you're on the same team. anyone who knows more about this?


    disclaimer: I thought that entities on the same teams wouldn't attack eachother, but I can be wrong about this...

  4. I want to compare 2 locations, but I don't know if the location function uses integers or floats as coordinates. Both locations are stored by typing an command, which will save the location of the player. But because it's almost impossible to line yourself up to get integers as coordinates, the locations wouldn't match, unless the location function stores the location with integers.

    Note, I did not try any of this out. It is a question/error I hope to encounter before running my whole skript and finding out it isn't working at all.

  5. I installed deluxemenus on my server, and it's working. The only problem is that I can't create custom menu's. When I ask for every menu on the server, it comes with a list without my custom menu. The command (you can create this command for yourself) to open this menu isn't working either. The problem might be a mistake in the file itself, but I don't get an error. I don't even know if I would get an error when there is a mistake in the file...

    I'm pretty sure I did add the file to the right folder.

    Someone who knows the answer?

  6. I installed Advanced Drop Manager for my server. After installing, it didn't work. I checked the spigot page of the plugin and saw it needed PhoenixAPI. But even with PhoenixAPI installed it doesn't work. Only a .jar file showed up in the plugin folder. I tried removing and installing it again, but so far nothing works. Anyone who can help me with this problem?

  7. I have an idea, but I don't know if it will work. Maybe its worth trying it. 

    1. download your world from minehut.

    2. place this world in your minecraft singeplayer map (I don't know exactly where)

    3. Make sure you put the datapack in the right place.

    4. Download the world back to your minehut server.

    This may work, but I don't know if minehut prevent downloading datapacks that are already in the placed in the world itself. I never tried it, but I will try when my server is ready for a datapack.

    • Like 2
  8. I'm trying to use the plugin PathLoot, and it's not going great so far. When I linked a chest to pathloot, I try to open the chest GUI. But it keep saying that a error occured...

    does someone know how to solve this problem?

  9. I really struggled with placing a loot table in my server, but now I placed it (I think) in the right folder, I can't load it. It's a prefilled chest, but no items appear when I spawn a chest with (I think) the right pathway to the file. 
    I stored the file in world/datapacks/mctools/chests/loot_table.json, but when I try to load it in my server (command I use:/setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:chest{BlockEntityTag:{LootTable:"mctools/chests/loot_table"}} ), a chest spawn above the commandblock, without anything inside. Someone please help me

    The problem might be in this file, can someone check it? 

    Some of you will notice I copy/paste my previous topic, because no one answered me


    • Sad 1
  10. I really struggled with placing a loot table in my server, but now I placed it (I thing) in the right folder, I can't load it. It's a prefilled chest, but no items appear when I spawn a chest with (I think) the right pathway to the file. 
    I stored the file in world/datapacks/mctools/chests/loot_table.json, but when I try to load it in my server (command I use:/setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:chest{BlockEntityTag:{LootTable:"mctools/chests/loot_table"}} ), a chest spawn above the commandblock, without anything inside. Someone please help me

  11. I saw some video's of a mod called quark. Does anyone know if this mod can get onto the pluginlist? (I don't know much about that kind of stuff)

  12. I'm running a server at minehut together with some friends, but we would appreciate it if minehut would add a autofarm plugin (please let me know if there already is, I didn't try all of the plugins)

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