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Posts posted by KajusLion

  1. 30 minutes ago, pizzaschut said:

    Just saying goodluck getting one because not everyone is feeling like making u a gen skript for free

    Thanks, I would need it, but I don't want fully finished skript, I can do a bit of skripting, I did started but I failed with player own gens.  



      servername: &6&lFox&e&lGens

    on craft coal block:
        cancel event
        send "{@servername} &8&l》&cSorry, you can't do that!" to player

    on place coal block:
      if player's tool is coal block named "&bCoal Generator" with lore "" and "&e&l》&7Place to generate coal." and "":
        if {Gens::%player's uuid%} is more than 9:
          cancel event
          message "{@servername} &8&l》&cMaximum generator limit reached!"
        if {Gens::%player's uuid%} is less than 10:
          set {_drop} to block above event-block
          add {_drop} to {drops1::*}
          add 1 to {Gens::%player's uuid%}
          message "{@servername} &8&l》&7Placed generator &e%{Gens::%player's uuid%}%&e/10&7!"

    on left click on coal block:
        cancel event
        set event-block to air
        remove block above event-block from {drops1::*}
        give player 1 coal block named "&bCoal Generator" with lore "" and "&e&l》&7Place to generate coal." and ""
        remove 1 from {Gens::%player's uuid%}
        message "{@servername} &8&l》&7Removed generator &e%{Gens::%player's uuid%}%&e/10&7!"

    every 5 real seconds:
      drop 1 coal named "&bCoal" with lore "" and "&e&l》&7Execute &e/sell &7to sell the item." and "&e&l》&7Sells for &e10$&7." and "" at {drops1::*}

    command /genget <text> [<player>]:
      permission: gen.give
      permission message: &cNo permission!
        if arg-2 is set:
          set {_p} to arg-2
          set {_p} to player
          if arg-1 is "coal":
            give {_p} 1 coal block named "&bCoal Generator" with lore "" and "&e&l》&7Place to generate coal." and ""

    command /resetgens:
            set {Gens::%player's uuid%} to 0

    command /gencap:
            send "{@servername}&8&l》&7Your gen cap is &e%{Gens::%player's uuid%}%&e/10&7." to player


  2. Category: Generator

    Suggested name: gen.sk

    Spigot/Skript Version: Latest skript.

    What I want: Generator skript like there is in WoolGens but with concrete and items I can change, upgrades, PERSONAL GENERATORS so no one else can break it, sell.

    Ideas for commands: /gencap; /gens; /shop; /sell; /getgen <gen name>; /resetgens <nick>

    Ideas for permissions: Gens.GIVE; Gens.RESET

    When I'd like it by: As Soon As Possible

  3. I need shop skript with Categories. Category list needs to be with 3 rows. It needs to be Block in 10 slot, redstone in 11 slot, tools in 12 slot, misc in 14 slot (13 slot needs to be blank), system in 15 slot there sould be Water, soul sand, ice, packed ice, hopper. And Decoration in slot 16.  category list needs to be like this down here. its just a category list i skripted it, but i need it working 🙂



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