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  1. on death: victim is a player attacker is player add 1 to {%attacker's uuid%::kills} if {%attacker's uuid%::kills} = 10: give attacker 1 oak log named "10 kills!" set death message to "%attacker% killed %victim%" command killcount [<offlineplayer>]: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "Your killcount is %{%player's uuid%::kills} ? 0%!" else: send "%arg-1%'s killcount is %{%arg-1's uuid%::kills} ? 0%!" why it no work the script ? some one can help me
  2. Make Fortune work on oak logs if you break Oak logs with fortune 3 it gives you 2-4 Oak logs or more Ok? and if you break with fortune 2 it gives you 1-3 Oak logs and And the same on all levels
  3. I need script to do fortune work on oak Log
  4. can you make a script if you break oak log with fortune axe it works like fortune?
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