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Status Replies posted by Thedukc

  1. Hey can you help me with my 3rd life thing? Because i wanna make a server but a friend sent me something that i can do but it doesnt have the colored names and i have the plugin i just dont know how to put it into the game can you help me? And if you have discord pls add me @Caimen_joy#0511

  2. Hey can you help me with my 3rd life thing? Because i wanna make a server but a friend sent me something that i can do but it doesnt have the colored names and i have the plugin i just dont know how to put it into the game can you help me? And if you have discord pls add me @Caimen_joy#0511

    1. Thedukc


      #Have fun with it 🙂
      #Addons needed skrayfall and skript
      on first join:
          set {color::%player's uuid%} to "&a"

      on death of player:
          add 1 to {deaths::%victim's uuid%}

      on respawn:
          if {deaths::%player's uuid%} = 1:
              set {color::%player's uuid%} to "&e"
          if {deaths::%player's uuid%} = 2:
              set {color::%player's uuid%} to "&c"
          if {deaths::%player's uuid%} >= 3:
              set player's gamemode to spectator

      command /resetdeaths <player>:
          permission: deaths.reset
          permission message: &cSorry but you don't have the required permissions to preform this action.
              set {deaths::%arg-1's uuid%} to 0
              set arg-1's gamemode to survival
              set {color::%arg-1's uuid%} to "&a"

      on chat:
          set chat format to "%{color::%player's uuid%}%%player%&r:%coloured message%"

      every 3 seconds:
          loop all players:
              wipe loop-player's tablist
              set loop-player's tablist header to "&eThird life &c❤"
              set loop-player's tablist footer to "&7Don't die!"
              set loop-player's tablist name to "%{color::%loop-player's uuid%}%%loop-player%"
              set loop-player's display name to "%{color::%loop-player's uuid%}%%loop-player%"
              if {deaths::%loop-player's uuid%} = 0:
                  set {color::%loop-player's uuid%} to "&a"    
              if {deaths::%loop-player's uuid%} = 1:
                  set {color::%loop-player's uuid%} to "&e"    
              if {deaths::%loop-player's uuid%} = 2:
                  set {color::%loop-player's uuid%} to "&c"    


      #Fixed version

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hey can you help me with my 3rd life thing? Because i wanna make a server but a friend sent me something that i can do but it doesnt have the colored names and i have the plugin i just dont know how to put it into the game can you help me? And if you have discord pls add me @Caimen_joy#0511

    1. Thedukc


      Ok give me 10 minutes to figure out why that is doing that and ill get back to you 🙂


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hey can you help me with my 3rd life thing? Because i wanna make a server but a friend sent me something that i can do but it doesnt have the colored names and i have the plugin i just dont know how to put it into the game can you help me? And if you have discord pls add me @Caimen_joy#0511

    1. Thedukc


      #Have fun with it 🙂
      #Addons needed skrayfall and skript
      on first join:
          set {color::%player's uuid%} to "&a"

      on death of player:
          add 1 to {deaths::%victim's uuid%}

      on respawn:
          if {deaths::%player's uuid%} = 1:
              set {color::%player's uuid%} to "&e"
          if {deaths::%player's uuid%} = 2:
              set {color::%player's uuid%} to "&c"
          if {deaths::%player's uuid%} >= 3:
              set player's gamemode to spectator

      command /resetdeaths <player>:
          permission: deaths.reset
          permission message: &cSorry but you don't have the required permissions to preform this action.
              set {deaths::%arg-1's uuid%} to 0
              set arg-1's gamemode to survival
              set {color::%arg-1's uuid%} to "&a"

      on chat:
          set chat format to "%{color::%player's uuid%}%%player%&r:"

      every 3 seconds:
          loop all players:
              wipe loop-player's tablist
              set loop-player's tablist header to "&eThird life &c❤"
              set loop-player's tablist footer to "&7Don't die!"
              set loop-player's tablist name to "%{color::%loop-player's uuid%}%%loop-player%"
              set loop-player's display name to "%{color::%loop-player's uuid%}%%loop-player%"
              if {deaths::%loop-player's uuid%} = 0:
                  set {color::%loop-player's uuid%} to "&a"    
              if {deaths::%loop-player's uuid%} = 1:
                  set {color::%loop-player's uuid%} to "&e"    
              if {deaths::%loop-player's uuid%} = 2:
                  set {color::%loop-player's uuid%} to "&c"    

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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