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Everything posted by Dolly_Paints

  1. sorry I haven't checked this in a while, thank you both so much this helps a lot!
  2. This is most likely the wrong forum so please forgive me... I created this skript and no matter what I do it gives me errors can someone please help? okay so explanation: this script is supposed to give new players my starter kit I have tried the same thing with essentials but it didn't do anything, so I tried it with skripts. To do this I essentially just copied the way it was formatted in essentials, combined that formatting with like 3 videos I watched and ended up getting this janky code: I should preference, 'give' could also be replaced with ' - ' and it could possibly work the same way, the errors I got didn't increase nor decrease when using either one.... On join: if {Joined} does not contain %uuid of player%: give shulker box to the player give 64 oak logs to the player give 64 torches to the player give book 1 mending:1 add %uuid of player% to {Joined} set join message to "&e%player% &ris now a hobo!" if {Joined} contains %uuid of player% set join message to "welcome &a%player% &rback to the hut!" command /resetjoins: permission: joins.resetjoins permission message: "Nice try" trigger: delete {Joined} send "&cDeleted Joins" to player on leave: set leave message to "&a %player% &r left the hut" I know the error is the conditions and 'on leave' but idk what to replace them with to make this janky code work.... any advice is much appreciated.
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