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Posts posted by Shona_S

  1. 8 hours ago, _Tarna_ said:

    The replacenear command would have to loop through all blocks in a radius of 100 to find the block you want to replace. And a 100 radius is huge so may be some lag. It should have gone away after a while or after a restart. Do you still experience lag even after restarting the server?

    Yes, Ive restarrted the server multiple times, normally when i doo 100 it only lags for about 3-5 seconds, and whhen I doo it it changed about 100 blocks at moswt if what im doing is just normal sutff like finding cerrtain  non-natrual blocks. But whhen I did it , it said it changed 19,000 blocks(i think it was 190k now thaht I think about it) Ive treid almost everything, is there a way I can doownalod the server world and load it up to see if its the world or the server?

  2. So a few weeks ago a started a server for me and my freinds. THings were just fine, after a few weeks, however, suddenly as i was building a volcano for some plot thing, i ran a W.E command that would remove all command blocks in a certain raduis, //replacenear 100 repeating_command_block air, this should have simply removed all command blocks in that area by turnign them into air, but it changed 19k blocks. I intially thought it filled the air with command blocks, but no, at one point it loaded 2 chunks that I could see, and it was completly untouched for some reason, but now when i join no chunks load, I can still run basic commands like /kill and stuff, and type in chat, but its still very laggy. I dont know what to do, any ideas?

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