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Posts posted by Realuid

  1. Thanks! also AgentGamerPro, what i ended up using was [<player>] or something like that. works well!

    Coolprogrammer ♥ appreciate it man.


    One more problem: the skript that Coolprogrammer sent does not work. it says that loop-value is used in too many different places or something.

  2. Hello, i would like to make a baltop for my server using my own balance variable, does anyone know how i might do this?

    the variable: {balance::%player's uuid%}


    Im also having a problem where when a player does /stats instead of displaying {balance::%arg-1's uuid%} it displays something like {balance::6112341aa-asfsfm112-a12241sa-mjknkjfh}

    This is the skript: 

    command /stats <player>:
    	usage: /stats <player>
    		send "&0&l---------------------"
    		send "&6%arg-1% &chas &a$ {balance::%arg-1's uuid%} "
    		send "&6%arg-1% &chas &a{prestige::%arg-1's uuid%} &dPrestiges"
    		send "&0&l---------------------"


  3. I am trying to make a skript where when someone holds a certain tipped arrow (say swiftness) they get money.

    This is the skript i have for gaining money from iron blocks for reference:

    while player's tool is an iron block:
      add 10 to {balance::%player's uuid%}
      wait 2 seconds

    I dont have a clue how to get that specific tipped arrow. Please help!

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