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Everything posted by MultiDa

  1. on rightclick: player is holding glowing diamond axe named "&3&lTechno blade" with lore "&3Only a true master of Spinjitsu can wield this blade." if target living entity is set: push the target upwards apply levitation of tier 10 to target for 2 seconds drawSphere style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 0, 148, 255, center target, id "technotarget", rainbowMode false, radius 5, density 300, visibleRange 100, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 1 drawSphere style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 0, 255, 44, center target, id "technotarget2", rainbowMode false, radius 2.5, density 150, visibleRange 100, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 1 wait 5 seconds stopEffect id "technotarget" stopEffect id "technotarget2" (I know the code is janky, I'm just recycling it from when I made it like a year ago. Back then, this worked) For some reason, the particle effects don't display anymore. The console provided a bunch of errors but concluded with: "Your current bukkit version seems to be incompatible with this library" Is there a way to update the bukkit version? Or will Minehut see to it eventually?
  2. Here is my script thus far: on damage: attacker is holding diamond sword strike lightning effect at the victim if player in radius of 5 of player is true: strike lightning effect at the player The error message shown in the title pops up when I do /sk reload tests (tests is the name of the file). I don't know any alternatives to numeric IDs, so could someone help? Thanks in advance.
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