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Everything posted by REZLI

  1. There is the skrpit And you can change it every time you want! options: server: &3[Server]&7 no-perm: &cYou lack of permission. usage: &3&lUSAGE &8| command /sc [<text>]: aliases:staffchat permission: staff permission message: "{@no-perm}" trigger: if arg-1 is set: send "&3&L(STAFF-CHAT) &f%player's display name% &8| &f%arg-1%" to all players where [input has permission "staff"] else: if {staff.chat::%player's uuid%} is not set: set {staff.chat::%player's uuid%} to true send "&3&L(STAFF-CHAT) &7Staff chat &aenabled&7." else: delete {staff.chat::%player's uuid%} send "&3&L(STAFF-CHAT) &7Staff chat &cdisabled&7." on chat: if {staff.chat::%player's uuid%} is set: cancel event send "&3&L(STAFF-CHAT) &f%player's display name% &8| &f%message%" to all players where [input has permission "staff"] on chat: set {_m} to uncolored message set {_mes::*} to {_m} split at "" if {_mes::1} is "@": cancel event replace all "@" with "" in message execute player command "/sc %message%" Example:
  2. Hello, you have to go to the minecraft server and wirte /sk reload {scriptname}
  3. Please Help me i need anticraft script, like if player want to craft anything, hes cant craft it like "cancel event" Please anyone help me!
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