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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. Im not getting the same error, but it's still an error. "numeric ids are not supported anymore"
  2. Pryzmm

    Rainbow Chat

    and this is for plain skript? no addons or anything (like Skrayfall or Skquery) EDIT: nevermind i got it
  3. i made this skript (plain skript) for summoning a specific amount of mobs with one command, and i'm getting an error saying it can't understand the condition or effect in line 14. command /create <text> [<number>]: permission: skript.create permission message: "&c&lHey! &r&4Sorry, but you can't use this command." trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&c&l[&4&lError&c&l] &r&4Mob is not set." if arg-1 is "Mobs": send "&cMobs: Cow, Pig" if arg-1 is "Cow": if arg-2 is not set: send "&c&l[&4&lError&c&l] &r&4Set the amount of mobs you wish to summon" else: set {number} to arg-2 summon %{number}% cows at location 122, 65, -282 in world "world" can anyone help?
  4. i know this is necroposting but i redid some of the script so set the color of the name too! options: c: {chatcolor.%player%} n: {name.%player%} on join: if {chatcolor.%player%} is not set: set {chatcolor.%player%} to "&8" if {name.%player%} is not set: set {name.%player%} to "&7" on chat: cancel event broadcast "%{name.%player%}%%player's display name%: %{chatcolor.%player%}%%message%" command /color [<text>]: aliases: /c trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&8&l[&6&lColor&8&l] &6/color &0Black, &1Blue, &2DarkGreen, &3DarkAqua, &4DarkRed, &5DarkPurple, &6Gold, &7Gray, &8DarkGray, &9Blue, &aGreen, &bAqua, &cRed, &dLightPurple, &eYellow, &fWhite, &lBold&r, &oItalic&r, &nUnderline&r, &mStrike&r, &kMagic &r(Magic)" to player stop set {_check} to "%{@c}%" set {@c} to "" if arg-1 is "Clear", "Reset" or "Default" set {@c} to "&0" if arg-1 is "Black" or "&0" set {@c} to "&1" if arg-1 is "DarkBlue" or "&1" set {@c} to "&2" if arg-1 is "DarkGreen" or "&2" set {@c} to "&3" if arg-1 is "DarkAqua" or "&3" set {@c} to "&4" if arg-1 is "DarkRed" or "&4" set {@c} to "&5" if arg-1 is "DarkPurple" or "&5" set {@c} to "&6" if arg-1 is "Gold" or "&6" set {@c} to "&7" if arg-1 is "Gray" or "&7" set {@c} to "&8" if arg-1 is "DarkGray" or "&8" set {@c} to "&9" if arg-1 is "Blue" or "&9" set {@c} to "&a" if arg-1 is "Green" or "&a" set {@c} to "&b" if arg-1 is "Aqua" or "&b" set {@c} to "&c" if arg-1 is "Red" or "&c" set {@c} to "&d" if arg-1 is "LightPurple" or "&d" set {@c} to "&e" if arg-1 is "Yellow" or "&e" set {@c} to "&f" if arg-1 is "White" or "&f" set {@c} to "%{@c}%&l" if arg-1 is "Bold" or "&b" set {@c} to "%{@c}%&o" if arg-1 is "Italics" or "&o" set {@c} to "%{@c}%&n" if arg-1 is "Underline" or "&n" set {@c} to "%{@c}%&m" if arg-1 is "Strike" or "&m" set {@c} to "%{@c}%&k" if arg-1 is "Magic" or "&k" replace all "&l" in {@c} with "" if {@c} contains "&l&l" replace all "&o" in {@c} with "" if {@c} contains "&o&o" replace all "&n" in {@c} with "" if {@c} contains "&n&n" replace all "&m" in {@c} with "" if {@c} contains "&m&m" replace all "&k" in {@c} with "" if {@c} contains "&k&k" send "&8&l[&6&lColor&8&l] &cError. Invalid color!" to player if {_check} is "%{@c}%" command /name [<text>]: aliases: /n trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&8&l[&6&lColor&8&l] &6/color &0Black, &1Blue, &2DarkGreen, &3DarkAqua, &4DarkRed, &5DarkPurple, &6Gold, &7Gray, &8DarkGray, &9Blue, &aGreen, &bAqua, &cRed, &dLightPurple, &eYellow, &fWhite, &lBold&r, &oItalic&r, &nUnderline&r, &mStrike&r, &kMagic &r(Magic)" to player stop set {_check} to "%{@n}%" set {@n} to "" if arg-1 is "Clear", "Reset" or "Default" set {@n} to "&0" if arg-1 is "Black" or "&0" set {@n} to "&1" if arg-1 is "DarkBlue" or "&1" set {@n} to "&2" if arg-1 is "DarkGreen" or "&2" set {@n} to "&3" if arg-1 is "DarkAqua" or "&3" set {@n} to "&4" if arg-1 is "DarkRed" or "&4" set {@n} to "&5" if arg-1 is "DarkPurple" or "&5" set {@n} to "&6" if arg-1 is "Gold" or "&6" set {@n} to "&7" if arg-1 is "Gray" or "&7" set {@n} to "&8" if arg-1 is "DarkGray" or "&8" set {@n} to "&9" if arg-1 is "Blue" or "&9" set {@n} to "&a" if arg-1 is "Green" or "&a" set {@n} to "&b" if arg-1 is "Aqua" or "&b" set {@n} to "&c" if arg-1 is "Red" or "&c" set {@n} to "&d" if arg-1 is "LightPurple" or "&d" set {@n} to "&e" if arg-1 is "Yellow" or "&e" set {@n} to "&f" if arg-1 is "White" or "&f" set {@n} to "%{@n}%&l" if arg-1 is "Bold" or "&b" set {@n} to "%{@n}%&o" if arg-1 is "Italics" or "&o" set {@n} to "%{@n}%&n" if arg-1 is "Underline" or "&n" set {@n} to "%{@n}%&m" if arg-1 is "Strike" or "&m" set {@n} to "%{@n}%&k" if arg-1 is "Magic" or "&k" replace all "&l" in {@n} with "" if {@n} contains "&l&l" replace all "&o" in {@n} with "" if {@n} contains "&o&o" replace all "&n" in {@n} with "" if {@n} contains "&n&n" replace all "&m" in {@n} with "" if {@n} contains "&m&m" replace all "&k" in {@n} with "" if {@n} contains "&k&k" send "&8&l[&6&lColor&8&l] &cError. Invalid color!" to player if {_check} is "%{@n}%"
  5. Pryzmm

    Rainbow Chat

    I found this script in script releases, and i wanted to use it. One thing i had in mind that i don't know how do to is making chat rainbow, like in cherryPR. options: c: {chatcolor.%player%} on join: if {chatcolor.%player%} is not set: set {chatcolor.%player%} to "&f" on chat: cancel event broadcast "%player's display name% &e»&r %{chatcolor.%player%}%%message%" command /color [<text>]: aliases: /c trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&8&l[&6&lColor&8&l] &6/color &0Black, &1Blue, &2DarkGreen, &3DarkAqua, &4DarkRed, &5DarkPurple, &6Gold, &7Gray, &8DarkGray, &9Blue, &aGreen, &bAqua, &cRed, &dLightPurple, &eYellow, &fWhite, &lBold&r, &oItalic&r, &nUnderline&r, &mStrike&r, &kMagic &r(Magic)" to player stop set {_check} to "%{@c}%" set {@c} to "" if arg-1 is "Clear", "Reset" or "Default" set {@c} to "&0" if arg-1 is "Black" or "&0" set {@c} to "&1" if arg-1 is "DarkBlue" or "&1" set {@c} to "&2" if arg-1 is "DarkGreen" or "&2" set {@c} to "&3" if arg-1 is "DarkAqua" or "&3" set {@c} to "&4" if arg-1 is "DarkRed" or "&4" set {@c} to "&5" if arg-1 is "DarkPurple" or "&5" set {@c} to "&6" if arg-1 is "Gold" or "&6" set {@c} to "&7" if arg-1 is "Gray" or "&7" set {@c} to "&8" if arg-1 is "DarkGray" or "&8" set {@c} to "&9" if arg-1 is "Blue" or "&9" set {@c} to "&a" if arg-1 is "Green" or "&a" set {@c} to "&b" if arg-1 is "Aqua" or "&b" set {@c} to "&c" if arg-1 is "Red" or "&c" set {@c} to "&d" if arg-1 is "LightPurple" or "&d" set {@c} to "&e" if arg-1 is "Yellow" or "&e" set {@c} to "&f" if arg-1 is "White" or "&f" set {@c} to "%{@c}%&l" if arg-1 is "Bold" or "&b" set {@c} to "%{@c}%&o" if arg-1 is "Italics" or "&o" set {@c} to "%{@c}%&n" if arg-1 is "Underline" or "&n" set {@c} to "%{@c}%&m" if arg-1 is "Strike" or "&m" set {@c} to "%{@c}%&k" if arg-1 is "Magic" or "&k" replace all "&l" in {@c} with "" if {@c} contains "&l&l" replace all "&o" in {@c} with "" if {@c} contains "&o&o" replace all "&n" in {@c} with "" if {@c} contains "&n&n" replace all "&m" in {@c} with "" if {@c} contains "&m&m" replace all "&k" in {@c} with "" if {@c} contains "&k&k" send "&8&l[&6&lColor&8&l] &cError. Invalid color!" to player if {_check} is "%{@c}%" send "&8&l[&6&lColor&8&l] &6Color succesfully changed!" to player if {_check} is not "%{@c}%" Any assistance will be helpful
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