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Posts posted by heinieman

  1. basically, I want it so when {player.1} dies, it cancels the event and teleports them to (231, 152, -195, world). right now (no error message), it cancels the event but doesn't teleport {player.1}  . please help


    #The duel command
    command /bridgeduel <player>:
    # putting players into variables
    		clear {ingame}
    		clear {player.1}
    		clear {player.2}
    		make player execute command "/p1"
    		make arg-1 execute command "/p2"
    		set {player.1} to player
    		set {ingame} to player
    		teleport player to location(231, 152, -195, world) 
    		make player execute command "/gamemode survival"
    		set {player.2} to arg-1
    		set {ingame} to arg-1
    		set {%player%.points} to 0
    		teleport arg-1 to location(231, 152, -251, world) 
    # setting up the kits
    		clear player's inventory
    		give player wooden sword 
    		give player 64 blue wool 
    		give player 3 golden apple
    		give player bow
    		give player 4 arrows
    		make arg-1 execute command "/gamemode survival"
    		clear arg-1's inventory
    		give arg-1 wooden sword
    		give arg-1 64 red wool 
    		give arg-1 3 golden apple
    		give arg-1 bow
    		give arg-1 4 arrows
    on step on black carpet:
    	if player is {player.2}:
    		heal {player.1}
    		heal {player.2}
    		add 1 to {%player%.points}
    		broadcast "%player% Has &3%{%player%.points}% Points"
    		teleport {player.1} to location(231, 152, -195, world) 
    		teleport {player.2} to location(231, 152, -251, world) 
    		if {%player%.points} >= 5:
    			set {%player%.points} to 0
    			broadcast "&a%player% &3Now has &45 &3Points and has Won the Game!" 
    			send title "&2%player%" with subtitle "Has Scored 5 Points and Won the Game " for 3 seconds
    		if {%player%.points} < 5:
    			send title "&2%player%" with subtitle "Has Scored!" for 1 seconds
    	if player is {player.1}:
    		send "&4You can't score in your own goal!"
    		teleport player to location(231, 152, -195, world) 
    on death:
    	if player is {ingame}:
    		cancel event
    		if player is {player.1}:
    			teleport player to location(231, 152, -195, world) 
    command /tpoop:
    		teleport {player.1} to location(231, 152, -195, world) 
    on step on red mushroom block:
    	heal {player.1}
    	heal {player.2}
    	if player is {player.1}:	
    		add 1 to {%player%.points}
    		broadcast "%player% Has &3%{%player%.points}% Points"
    #	send "points set to 0"
    	if {%player%.points} >= 5:
    		broadcast "&a%player% &3Now has &45 &3Points and has Won the Game!" 
    		set {%player%.points} to 0
    		broadcast "&a%player% &3Now has &45 &3Points and has Won the Game!" 
    		send title "&2%player%" with subtitle "Has Scored 5 Points and Won the Game " for 3 seconds
    		teleport {player.1} to location(231, 152, -195, world) 
    		teleport {player.2} to location(231, 152, -251, world) 
    		clear {player.1}
    		clear {player.2}
    	if {%player%.points} < 5:
    		send title "&2%player%" with subtitle "Has Scored!" for 3 seconds
    		teleport {player.1} to location(231, 152, -195, world) 
    		teleport {player.2} to location(231, 152, -251, world) 
    #	send "points set to 0"
    command /p2:	
    		set {player.2} to player
    command /p1:	
    		set {player.1} to player
    command /test:
    		if player is {ingame}:
    			send "you are {ingame}"
    command /test1:
    		if {player.1} is player:
    			send "hi" to {player.1}
    command /resetplayer:
    		clear {ingame}
    		clear {player.1}
    		clear {player.2}
    command /ingame:
    		set {ingame} to player
    command /playersingame:
    		if player is {player.1}:
    			send "you are {player.1}" to {player.1}
    		if player is {player.2}:
    			send "you are {player.2}" to {player.2}
    		if player is {player.3}:
    			send "you are {player.3}" to {player.3}


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