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Everything posted by chickenblitz

  1. So I already tried that. After doing some research, for some dumb reason the paper devs refuse to let people toggle it back on. Is there a way to delete paper?
  2. I really want to sand dupe on my SMP, but paper prevents that. Is these a way to reenable sand duping/get rid of paper?
  3. i said that they already patched it, and i think that this might be a result of a potential new bug
  4. So the rollback bug was finally fixed so i log on and i am greeted by this: (this is a villager area, this world is messy.) So I have logged in two times where it rolled back like an hour of progress. Each time I would be back in the same spot with reversed progress, and all the villagers would be alive. I know this because I made the same maxed shovel twice. Now that it's patched, they are all gone. Is there some kind of correlation, or new bug? is there an actual bug going on? has this happened to anyone else?
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