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Everything posted by Spicykonrad

  1. i need to make it so that when a player kills a cow it drops a raw beef named "&fBeef" but i need it to be so that when they have looting 1 it will drop 1, looting 2 drops 2, looting 3 drops 3, 4 4 and so on if possible
  2. command /cowset: permission: mobspawn.use permission message: &cNo. trigger: set {cowlocation} to player's location every 10 seconds: spawn 1 cow named "&fCow" at {cowlocation} <--- this line does not work
  3. on right click on stone with wooden pickaxe named "&eStarter Pickaxe &7(Right click stone with this)": set event-block to air give 1 clay ball named "&7Pebble" to player i need you to make it a 10% chance to give the player a clayball when you right click stone with a wooden pickaxe
  4. Spicykonrad

    Help me

    How do i make it so that if i place a white wool named "&fWool &6| &fTier 1" it will destroy itself after 5 seconds? Ive been stuck with this for hours
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